WAI Curricula Task Force Teleconference

10 Nov 2020


sloandr, shadi, GN, Carlos, Sarah
Donal_J., Howard


Proposed use cases for which we may need to expand coverage

<shadi> Use cases: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-curricula/2020Nov/0005.html

<shadi> [[* A "simple" single page application, such as the WCAG-EM Report Tool.

<shadi> https://www.w3.org/WAI/eval/report-tool/

<shadi> * A web-based email client, that tries to give the user the experience of a desktop email client

<shadi> * A web-based spreadsheet or word processor, that tries to give the user the experience of a desktop application.

<shadi> * A user interface built with several custom widgets together. Maybe a carousel, an expandable-collapsible menu, an auto-updating news feed, a chatbot.]]

dmontalvo: this is list of example development use cases that may need to be covered in the curricula, ranging in complexity of components being built
... looking for feedback from group on use cases

shadi: to clarify on nature of discussion, is there a claim that these examples do not come out sufficiently clearly as development examples covered by the developers' curriculum? And are there other missing examples? And if so, what should we do about it?

<dmontalvo> https://deploy-preview-273--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/developer-modules/rich-applications/

dmontalvo: rephrasing, based on the current list of topics covered in the first 6 modules, could the use case of creating a single page application be covered?

GN: SPA development requires more than what's covered in module 6
... would be clearer to include module 7. Although it may have some repetition, it builds on concept for SPA development

Carlos: Agree with GN on current coverage and need for additional module for SPA development

slewth: agree with Carlos. Concern about how students might perceive list of learning outcomes defined for module 6, how would they relate this list to SPA development?
... concern about association students might make between the different components listed in the last learning outcome of module 6, and an SPA (which might include one or more of these components)

shadi: comparing a static page with some interactive components and a single page application—how do we define the difference?
... What was missing in the curriculum was looking at issues around combining multiple components into an application, a user experience. Need to consider their relationship, the user flow

Carlos: then this becomes an issue of defining an SPA. Don't define an SPA based on what components are present. An SPA is where page content is dynamically updated without URL changing, maybe based on a user interaction

shadi: potential problems with defining SPA, finding an agreed technical definition of SPA may be of limited value.
... still wondering about the issue of having multiple components together on one page, and how to guide developers to deal with the page as a whole, how widgets interact/potentially conflict with each other
... need to see this in two different axes: 1. the definition of SPA, and 2. the assembly and interaction of multiple components on one page

dmontalvo: considering difference between web applications that try to resemble desktop apps vs obviously interactive web pages

Carlos: notes that module 7's name is *Rich* Applications, and this could be broad enough to cover the listed use cases and build on previous modules

shadi: my line of separation for the list of use cases is that the SPA is distinct from the other three use cases.

Carlos: first layer of complexity in SPA development is conveying apparent "page" changes in an accessible way

GN: sees Module 7 as about putting things together learned in previous modules, in the context of an application—an advanced module

estella: agree with other comments

[Early concept draft] Learning Outcomes for Module 7, Rich Applications

<dmontalvo> https://deploy-preview-273--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/developer-modules/rich-applications/

dmontalvo: requests feedback on overview definition of module 7 curriculum

Carlos: wonders about using vanilla JavaScript vs using JavaScript framework, current description focuses on the latter
... queries the phrase "proper coding". Is this used throughout modules? And what do we mean by "proper coding?"

dmontalvo: we do use it in other places, but agree it could be ambiguous, and need to clarify what is meant

shadi: usually tie "proper coding" to accessibility best practice, by not using the phase in isolation. May be worth using "accessible coding" over "proper coding"

GN: putting the word "accessibility" in the first bullet would help remove ambiguity

shadi: what are views on the learning outcomes? Do they cover all use cases we discussed earlier?

sloandr: learning outcomes need to reference potential UX issues of coding multiple components on one page, and handling potential conflicts. But this module isn't a UX design module, so may also need cross referencing to a future UX design module

dmontalvo: could add a learning outcome to cover prioritizing components, and enabling customization/turning off certain components that may adversely affect some users

shadi: could strengthen learning outcomes to focus on "how things work together"

Carlos: agree with points made previously on interplay between components, and also on the importance managing notifications in the context of an application

slewth: first two learning outcomes explicitly focus on accessibility and people with disabilities, do the others also need to make this focus clear?

dmontalvo: this construct is used for learning outcomes for other modules, where some focus more on "proper coding" (implying accessible coding).

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]