WAI Curricula Task Force Teleconference

15 June 2021


CarlosD, GN, Howard, shadi

Meeting minutes

Setting up meeting, choosing scribe

<Daniel_> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/WAI_Curricula/WAI_Curricula_Task_Force_Meetings#Scribe_Rotation_List

Move module "Understanding and Involving Users" to "Foundation Modules"

<Daniel_> https://deploy-preview-349--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/foundation-modules/understanding-and-involving-users/

<Daniel_> EOWG has proposed to move current designer module "Understanding and Involving Users" to "Foundation Modules". Rationale:

<Daniel_> - Its content touches on several roles: user researcher, designer, developer, content author, and project manager.

<Daniel_> - Some organizations may skip these contents entirely if they are placed in the designer modules, as designer and user researcher may be completely separate roles for them.

<Daniel_> See EOWG minutes at https://www.w3.org/2021/06/11-eo-minutes.html#t01

<Donal-F> +present+

<Daniel_> GerhardÑ Ver y good place. User involvement is not only managed form the designer, it is also handled by developers rand other roles

Gherhard: GerhardÑ Ver y good place. User involvement is not only managed form the designer, it is also handled by developers rand other roles Daniel_ Donal-F Estella_ GN Howard RRSAgent shadi Zakim

Moving User Involvement module to Foundations

Daniel: feedback from EO was that User involvement/design should be moved to foundation modules

Daniel: has put together a proposal for implementing this change.

Donal: agrees with the premise

Daniel: proposal - accept suggestion from EO but not going to get into the details at this point.
… How can we make sure understanding and involving users does not get lost?
… Any ideas on avoiding that?

Estella: Understanding and involving users can be looked out in 2 ways.
… One, as looking at all the discussion that went on previously.
… Second, as an applied approach where you involve users.

Daniel: will go back to EO saying we will make this change but will continue with developing the designer ...
… modules.

Learning outcomes for topic "Alternatives to Multimedia Content"

<Estella_> +1 to move it fundational modules

<Daniel_> https://deploy-preview-347--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/designer-modules/multimedia-and-animations/#topic-alternatives-to-multimedia-content

Estella: likes the new approach but missing the subtitles mention - need this to be understandable outside U.S.

Daniel: will make note in section that "captions (also known as subtitles)".

Estella: should be mention of content in different languages.

Daniel: How do we relate that to accessibility?

Estella: example of a video in Chinese. Need for subtitles in other languages, including audio description.

<Daniel_> HowardÑ Wonders if it fits into accessibility, not clear where this is in WCAG. Definitely good to have, but probably out of scope

Howard: Not sure that translation falls in the scope of accessibility.

Gerhard: agrees that not in scope. Nothing in WCAG covers this.

Estella: WCAG does address the "lang" tag. In Europe, multilingualism is part of accessibility.

Gerhard: Perhaps should be responsibility on content authors.

Daniel: What is our responsibility to encourage multi-language access is provided. Not sure this can be done.
… Will work on it.

Daniel: should we address accessibility of players in multimedia module?

Estella: what about mention of color contrast?

Howard: What about mention of keyboard access to media players?

Daniel: covered in other modules but should make some mention of this.

Estella: Should audio descriptions, transcripts, etc., how far content authors are responsible vs. designers.

Donal: content of audio description is responsibility of the content author. But how they ...
… are displayed and where the audio description would appear is decided by the designer.

Donal: example - on YouTube, audio descriptions are auto-announced. Could also span to role of developer.

Daniel: these distinctions not coming through clear at this point. Will work on this.

Improving teaching ideas for topic "Textual Information"

<Daniel_> https://deploy-preview-347--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/designer-modules/information-design/#topic-textual-information

Daniel: this section is about the way we can split text into smaller pieces.
… Also different ways of complementing textual info with graphics, etc.
… Usually author orientated. Responsibility of designer for this not specified. How do we make this more specific for the designer?
… For example, we can say that the designer needs to specify how user will navigate page - ex. headings, use of sidebars, etc.

Daniel: Are these strategies - splitting of text, etc. - a designers responsibility.

Gerhard: think it's shared with authors.

Daniel: hearing that we need to emphasize the visuals.

Donal: think it's the relationship between the visuals and the structure.

Carlos: Agree with Donal and Gerhard.

Daniel: more emphasis should be put on visuals and structures such as headings, regions and more cross-reference to way
… splitting of text is addressed in previous 'navigation' module, for example, uses of tables of content, etc.

Estella: agree with what has been said. 4 different topics to teach in this module, more than 2 that is found in most...
… other modules. Should we balance this out?

Daniel: will look at this.

Next Steps

Daniel: recap - movement of user research and input into foundation module.
… will cross-reference from Designer modules to this content in the foundation modules.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 136 (Thu May 27 13:50:24 2021 UTC).


Maybe present: Carlos, Daniel, Donal, Estella, Gerhard, Gherhard