WAI Curricula Task Force Teleconference

22 February 2022


brent, BrianE, Carlos, Daniel, GN, Howard

Meeting minutes

Updates from EOWG

dmontalvo: we're bringing this work to EO more often, and trying to speed things up because of the project's timeline
… we've discussed the naming and the scope
… the group was in agreement that we should cover writing but also aspects related to multimedia and more

Ideas for clear writing -- Module "Text"

<dmontalvo> https://github.com/w3c/wai-curricula/wiki/content-author-modules-outline

dmontalvo: when the content is more stable I'll move this to the WAI pages design
… the first module is now named "Text Content" and is focused on aspects related to writing, covering aspects like plain language, terminology and appearance...
… do you think this last part about appearance should be somewhere else because it is not really related to writing?

Howard: I agree that this is maybe out of scope
… this is more about the design than writing

dmontalvo: we've had comments from people in EO that this should also be part
… because a content author might want to have a say about fonts and styling

<Howard> https://www.w3.org/WAI/tips/writing/

Howard: our previous resource on writing leaves that out
… if you have the "collaboration" bit that might cover it, but I feel it's out of scope

+1 for Howard's perspective

<GN> +1 to Howard and Carlos

BrianE: I also agree that as an own topic it might be too much, but there should be a reference to it
… perhaps a larger topic on how writers and designers can work together
… I liked the reference in other topics to tools that can support the writing activity

Jade: Some aspects like spacing between text could be useful to keep
… and font readability

dmontalvo: I'll consider how to reorganize the content and try to come up with a solution

Data tables -- comfortable with scope? -- taken up

dmontalvo: last week we discussed that there were no mentions to tables
… I've added module 4 on "Data Tables"
… learning outcomes for this module include explanations of what table cells and headers are
… how to specify those as content authors
… we also cover how to use table to present alternatives to complex graphics
… we also talk about table captions
… tools to produce accessible markup
… and the design of multi-column tables
… do you think we should say upfront that this is about making accessible markup for data tables and that we don't consider layout tables here?

BrianE: I agree that we don't need to consider Layout tables here, and we should focus on Data tables

GN: maybe we should mention that the Layout tables is not best practice and should be avoided

dmontalvo: we might include that related to authoring tools
… so that content authors are aware they should not use authoring tools that render layout tables

Howard: layout tables are also under the scope of designing

BrianE: the module should be about data tables, so layout tables should not be addressed, unless to say that this is not about that outdated practice

dmontalvo: we have an introductory section in these modules where we can include that

dmontalvo: We seem to agree with leaving layout tables out of scope

Visual appearance, good to have in text module?

Definitions for header and data cells

dmontalvo: we now have learning outcome defining header and data cells
… I was trying to find a standardized definition for these concepts

dmontalvo: do you think these are needed?
… I'm thinking about instructors that might not be familiar with accessibility that might need these pointers

BrianE: I think there is value in having clear definitions and on how row and column headers should be written and defined
… this also applies to table captions
… many writers don't understand what type of information should go in a table caption

Howard: I understand the value that Brian pointed out
… I can go either way, but I see the need for it

dmontalvo: we can have a teaching idea to highlight that tables can be navigated cell be cell
… we can do something similar illustrating different captions

dmontalvo: we see value in this and expand on the importance of the relationships between cells and the information we should include in captions

Multimedia Scope

dmontalvo: this updated content reflects not just the writing part but also how to provide alternatives to multimedia content
… also on how to create accessible audio and video content
… how to create and include descriptions

dmontalvo: and the bit about tools and collaboration with designers and developers

<dmontalvo> https://www.w3.org/WAI/media/av/

dmontalvo: this content is structured in a similar manner

<dmontalvo> Daniel: In terms of scope this is much nicer

<dmontalvo> ... We might have gone overboard

<dmontalvo> ... Different ways to include descriptions

<dmontalvo> ... Not sure if this should be a responsibility of the content author or of the designer/developer

<dmontalvo> ... If it's in the audio it would need to be different

dmontalvo: some of these tasks are so specific that might need to be outsourced

Jade: we might combine audio and video content to streamline the information
… should we put something about automated captions and transcripts and the need for manual checking

dmontalvo: we may leave that for the topic and not at the learning outcome level

BrianE: is the audience for this the writers that are writing for the videos or those that are writing the alternatives
… just transcribing is not a writer's responsibility, but creating an audio description might need a writer

dmontalvo: we might need to make these roles clear

dmontalvo: any other questions?

BrianE: is the current module 6 the last planned or will there be more?

dmontalvo: no more modules planned

BrianE: we should include content about labels in module 6

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 188 (Sat Jan 8 18:27:23 2022 UTC).