Press releases - 2002
Press releases about W3C work.
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World Wide Web Consortium Releases XML Conformance Test Suite
W3C/NIST/OASIS Cooperation Leads to Better XML Conformance
World Wide Web Consortium Launches W3C European Interop Tour
Presentations in Paris, Vienna, Dublin and Brussels bring news of Web Technologies, expand W3C Office Regions
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 and Mobile SVG as Candidate Recommendations
Open Graphics Format Extends Multimedia Beyond the Desktop to Cellphones and Pocket Computers
World Wide Web Consortium Launches Korean Office
W3C strengthens presence in the Asia-Pacific region through Korea outreach
World Wide Web Consortium Issues P3P 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation
P3P gives people more control over use of personal information on the Web
World Wide Web Consortium Releases New Draft of Patent Policy
Community and Member Feedback Shapes New Royalty-Free Draft
World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Signature as a W3C Recommendation
Joint work with IETF produces XML-based solution for digital signatures, foundation for Secure Web services