The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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Needs of a member-driven but public-interest global organization
In this blog post, W3C CEO Seth Dobbs considers participation at W3C as he explores which changes to adopt to ensure continued value and impact on humanity.
- ceo
Internationalization (I18N) leadership change and goals for the future
This post is about transitions within the Internationalization Team at W3C, and goals for the future in Internationalization of the Web.
W3C Publishes Report for the Secure the Web Forward Workshop
By: Francois Daoust
This report contains a brief summary, collects highlights from the live sessions, links to the presentation videos, and details next steps.
WebEvolve — Solid: Technologies, Standards and Ecosystem Event Recap
By: Xueyuan Jia
W3C/Beihang held an online discussion on the topic of Solid Technologies, Standards and Ecosystem on 11 January 2024. This is a summary report of the event.
Mapping key themes for the year
In this blog post, W3C CEO Seth Dobbs looks back at the strengths of the Web and forward at its opportunities.
- ceo
Happy holidays from the World Wide Web Consortium!
Our bespoke End of Year card with good wishes for the new year to our community
Seeking W3C community input for TAG appointees
W3C is seeking input for appointment to the W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG) as part of new rules set by the Process Document.
- inclusion
Digital accessibility updates on International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) 2023
Read about free online accessibility resources, translations, the international W3C WAI team, and how to get WAI updates
Public Health Foundation adds to its learning network W3C's online course Introduction to Web Accessibility
W3C believes that enabling greater web accessibility in healthcare is important and is in service to the public good.
- w3cx
- accessibility
Introduction and CEO goals and aspirations
In this introductory blog post by newly appointed W3C President and CEO, Seth Dobbs shares background information and his ambition to ensure the durability and viability of W3C.
- ceo