News - 2023
W3C News
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W3C Advisory Committee Elects Technical Architecture Group
The W3C Advisory Committee has elected five individuals to the W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG).
W3C Web of Things 1.1 specifications are W3C Recommendations
WoT Architecture 1.1, WoT Thing Description 1.1 and WoT Discovery are now W3C Recommendations
W3C Invites Implementations of VC Data Integrity, Data Integrity EdDSA and ECDSA Cryptosuites, and VC JSON Schema
VC Data Integrity, Data Integrity EdDSA and ECDSA Cryptosuites, and VC JSON Schema are W3C Candidate Recommendations.
W3C updates its 2023 Process Document
The updated document expands the W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG) from 6 elected and 3 appointed participants to 8 elected and 3 appointed participants.
Group Note: RDF Dataset Canonicalization and Hash Working Group — Explainer and Use Cases
This is a supporting document for the RDF Dataset Canonicalization specification, providing some extra explanation of the problem space and associated use cases.
Hiring: Web Security Lead
W3C is seeking a Web Security Lead, for full-time remote work, to lead our Web security standardization efforts.