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Collaborating across W3C and Ecma for web-interoperable server runtimes through WinterTC
By: Luca Casonato (Deno, WinterCG co-chair, Ecma TC55 co-chair), Mike Smith (W3C staff, liaison to Ecma) and Daniel Ehrenberg (Bloomberg, Ecma President)
The W3C Web Interoperable Runtimes Community Group ("WinterCG") and Ecma International (the organization which standardizes ECMAScript, also known as JavaScript) have collaborated to create a new Ecma Technical Committee,TC55 – Web-interoperable server runtimes, dubbed "WinterTC", for the development of a common web-aligned API surface for server-side JavaScript runtimes like Node.js, Deno and Cloudflare Workers.
- Community Group
Happy holidays from the World Wide Web Consortium
Discover the World Wide Web Consortium’s 30th anniversary year animated holiday card and read about some of the highlights of the year 2024 in W3C’s CEO Seth Dobbs’ blog post.
- ceo
W3C seeking community input for TAG appointment
By: Yves Lafon, W3C Team contact for the TAG and Coralie Mercier, Head of W3C Communications
W3C is seeking community input between December 17 and January 5 for appointment to the W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG), to complement the TAG election by actively seeking candidate appointees in order to support a diverse and well-balanced TAG, including diversity of technical background, knowledge, and skill sets.
- inclusion
- tag
Ethical Web Principles: Building a better web
The Ethical Web Principles are a manifesto of W3C’s core values and principles. In this post, W3C Technical Architecture co-chair Dan Appelquist outlines how to go from words to action.
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- W3C Statement
W3C Statement on Ethical Web Principles guides the community to build a better web
By: Daniel Appelquist, TAG co-chair and Yves Lafon, W3C Team contact for the TAG
The Ethical Web Principles, which build on W3C’s core values and principles in the web and its architecture, are a call to action for the web industry and for W3C itself, aiming to deliver positive social outcomes. As we expand the web platform, we must consider the consequences of our work. As members of the web community, we each play a part in shaping its future.
- tag
- W3C Statement
AIOTI Workshop on Semantic Interoperability for Digital Twins at ERCIM
the workshop will discuss Semantic interoperability - key to open ecosystems on the Web
Sustainable Web Interest Group is formed
Announcement of the formation of the W3C Sustainable Web Interest Group.
W3C 30th anniversary & impressions on my first TPAC
In this blog post, W3C CEO Seth Dobbs describes W3C’s 30th anniversary event, and shares his impressions after attending for the first time a W3C TPAC which attracts in a week several hundreds from the W3C community in order to coordinate solutions to web problems.
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- anniversary
- tpac
Reflections on TPAC 2024 Breakouts
By: Ian Jacobs and François Daoust
In this post, the staff who organize TPAC breakout sessions share thoughts on the topics covered this year and some feedback received so far.
On the 55th World Standards Day, my history of the Web and relationship with W3C
By: Coralie Mercier
In this blog post, W3C's Head of Marketing and Communications Coralie Mercier shares a recent filmed interview for W3C Member Igalia on the history of the Web, and reflects on the importance of standards and how they are done in the very long run.