News - 2024
W3C News
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W3C Invites Implementations of Device Orientation and Motion
This specification defines events that represent the physical orientation and motion of a hosting device.
Four Group Notes published by the Decentralized Identifier Working Group
The Decentralized Identifier Working Group has published Decentralized Identifier Extensions, DID Methods, DID Document Property Extensions, and DID Resolution Extensions as Group Notes.
W3C opens Technical Architecture Group (TAG) election
The W3C Advisory Committee, having nominated seven individuals, is invited today to vote until 10 December 2024 to fill four seats in the W3C TAG election.
First Public Working Draft: Audio Session
This API defines an API surface for controlling how audio is rendered and interacts with other audio playing applications.
First Public Working Draft: Web Audio API 1.1
This specification describes a high-level Web API for processing and synthesizing audio in web applications.
Last Call for Review of Proposed Amendments: WebRTC: Real-Time Communication in Browsers
This document defines a set of ECMAScript APIs in WebIDL to allow media and generic application data to be sent to and received from another browser or device implementing the appropriate set of real-time protocols.
WCAG2ICT Published as W3C Group Note
WCAG2ICT describes how Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) principles, guidelines, and success criteria can be applied to non-web information and communications technologies (ICT), specifically to non-web documents and software.
Consortium Members elect Board of Directors
World Wide Web Consortium Members have elected seven individuals to the World Wide Web Consortium, Inc. Board of Directors
First Public Working Draft: CSS Grid Layout Module Level 3
This module introduces masonry layout as an additional layout mode for CSS Grid containers.
First Public Working Draft: CSS Values and Units Module Level 5
This CSS module describes the common values and units that CSS properties accept and the syntax used for describing them in CSS property definitions.