News - 1999
W3C News
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Version 2.2 of the Amaya editor/browser is available
Version 2.2 of the Amaya editor/browser is available.
Interested in responsible content rating and selection? Read the W3C Note "Statement on the Intent and Use of PICS: Using PICS Well".
Interested in responsible content rating and selection? Read the W3C Note "Statement on the Intent and Use of PICS: Using PICS Well".
World Wide Web Consortium Issues SMIL "Boston" First Working Draft
World Wide Web Consortium Issues SMIL "Boston" First Working Draft.
World Wide Web Consortium Supports HTTP/1.1 Reaching IETF Draft Standard
World Wide Web Consortium Supports HTTP/1.1 Reaching IETF Draft Standard.
Mathematical Markup Language (MathML[tm]) 1.01 Specification
Mathematical Markup Language (MathML[tm]) 1.01 Specification.
W3C Issues Recommendation for Associating Style Sheets with XML Documents
W3C Issues Recommendation for Associating Style Sheets with XML Documents.
W3C Releases First Working Draft of XML Schemas
W3C Releases First Working Draft of XML Schemas.