Join the industry and community conversation to improve advertising on the web
Web advertising is about making online advertising more effective and privacy-preserving, by identifying areas where standards and changes in the web itself can improve the ecosystem and experience for users, advertisers, publishers, distributors, ad networks, agencies, and others.
Active groups
These groups are designed to improve advertising on the web.
PrivacyWorking group
Private Advertising TechnologyWorking group
Improving Web AdvertisingBusiness group
PrivacyCommunity group
Private Advertising TechnologyCommunity group
Why join?
Since 1994, we have been leading the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth of the web.
By joining these groups, you have the ability to discuss and drive the standards produced by W3C. The conversations occurring in the groups concern both current and future standards, constantly aiming to make the web a better place. You have the ability to take part in guiding the future of the web.
Our values revolve around building the web for all
The social value of the web is that it enables human communication, commerce, and opportunities to share knowledge. One of W3C's primary goals is to make these benefits available to all people, whatever their hardware, software, network infrastructure, native language, culture, geographical location, or physical or mental ability.
Recent activities in the Web Advertising community
Find out more via recent stories, news, workshops, talks or events.
W3C Members
66 member organizations are involved in the web advertising ecosystem, including:
Need more information tailored to your organization?
Our Evangelists understand that every organization is different! Evangelists represent W3C in various locations and are an extension of W3C's Business Development Team. They are responsible for identifying and recruiting new W3C Members, running local events, promoting W3C Training and fostering Sponsorship.