Workshop Position Statements
The following links are for the individual position statements as sent to the program committee. Here is a zipped collection of all of the statements that you can download for offline viewing, e.g. on route to Berlin!
See below for the lightning talks, posters, and demos.
- Adrian Gschwend
- Alastair Green
- Alex Miłowski
- Andy Seaborne
- Axel Polleres
- Barry Zane
- Benjamin Young
- Daniel Alvarez
- David Booth
- Dominik Tomaszuk (1)
- Dominik Tomaszuk (2)
- Eric Prud'hommeaux
- Evren Sirin
- Fabien Gandon
- Franz-AllegroGraph
- George Anadiotis
- Gilles Privat
- Hirokazu Chiba
- Irene Polikoff
- Jan Posiadała
- José Manuel Cantera Fonseca
- Joshua Shinavier
- Juan Sequeda
- Kjetil Kjernsmo
- Leonid Libkin
- Loïc Jeanson
- Manolis Koubarakis
- Marlène Hildebrand
- Mats Rydberg
- Mo McRoberts
- Natasa Varytimou
- Olaf Hartig
- Oskar van Rest
- Pelayo Quirós
- Petra Selmer
- Predrag Gruevski
- Romans Kasperovics
- Ruben Taelman
- Russ Harmer
- Schindler-Klan
- Shuai Ma
- Stefan Plantikow
- Theodoros Michalareas
- Thomas Bergwinkl
- Thomas Frisendal
- Thomas Lörtsch
Lightning Talks
These are the lightning talk presentations people submitted. You can also download the zipped collection for convenience in offline browsing.
- Querying RDF: SPARQL 1.2/2.0 and imperative query languages, Adrian Gschwend, Zazuko
- Mobile Money in Africa, Alex Miłowski, Orange Silicon Valley
- Need for VIEWs in graph systems, Barry Zane, Cambridge Semantics
- Vehicle graph data, Daniel Alvarez, BMW Research, New Technologies, Innovations
- The Sentient Web: IoT + graphs + AI/ML, Dave Raggett, W3C/ERCIM, Create-IoT & Boost 4.0
- Cypher and GremlinInteroperation, Dmitry Novikov, Neueda Technologies (summary)
- Neo4J for Enterprise RDF Data Management, Ghislain Atemezing, MONDECA
- Cyber-Physical Graphs vs RDF graphs, Gilles Privat, Orange Labs, Grenoble, France
- JSON-LD 1.1 Update, Gregg Kellogg – Spec Ops
- An Executable Semantics as a Tool and Artifact of Language Standardization, Filip Murlak, University of Warsaw, Jan Posiadała, Nodes and Edges and Paweł Susicki, Nodes and Edges (summary)
- NGSI-LD: JSON-LD based representation and Open APIs for Property Graphs, José Manuel Cantera, FIWARE Foundation (summary)
- Implications of Solid, Kjetil Kjernsmo, Inrupt Inc.
- Cypher for Apache Spark, Max Kießling, neo4j
- Information Architecture, Natasa Varytimou, Thompson Reuters
- Graph Data on the Web: extend the pivot, don’t reinvent the wheel, Olivier Corby et al., Inria – Wimmics team
- SQL extensions for Property Graphs (PGs), Oskar van Rest, Jan Michels – Oracle (summary)
- Path Queries in Stardog, Pavel Klinov, VP R&D, Stardog Union, and Evren Sirin, Chief Scientist, Stardog Union
- Compiled GraphQL as a Database Query Language, Predrag Gruevski, Kensho
- A Product View on Graph Data: PoolParty Semantic Suite , Robert David CTO, Semantic Web Company
- Bridges between GraphQL and RDF, Ruben Taelman, IDLab, Ghent University — imec
- Schema validation and evolution for PGs, Russ Harmer, CNRS. Eugenia Oshurko, ENSL, and Angela Bonifati, Peter Furniss, Alastair Green and Hannes Voigt, Neo4J,
- Standardized local property graph models across browsers, Theodoros Michalareas,
These are some of the posters that were displayed on Tuesday evening.
- Notation3 (N3) Logic, Dörthe Arndt
- YARS-PG: Serialization for Property Graphs, Dominik Tomaszuk, Renzo Angles, Łukasz Szeremeta, Karol Litman, and Diego Cisterna
- PGDL: A Interoperable Schema Format for Graphs, Dominik Tomaszuk and Łukasz Szeremeta
- Toward Interoperable Use of RDF and Property Graphs, Hirokazu Chiba, Shota Matsumoto and Ryota Yamanaka
These are the descriptions of some of the demos that were provided on Tuesday evening.
- Named property graphs, Dominik Tomaszuk and Łukasz Szeremeta
- Demonstration of GraphQL-LD, Ruben Taelman