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W3C TAG meeting 18-20 March 2013 in Cambridge, MA, USA
Back row: Yves Lafon, Tim Berners-Lee, Jeni Tennison, Noah Mendelsohn;
Front row: Yehuda Katz, Anne van Kesteren, Alex Russell, Marcos Caceres, Peter Linss
Agenda Summary
Monday, 18 March 2013 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
09:00-09:15 |
09:15-10:00 |
10:00-11:30 |
- Tim arrives
- Layering
- 15 min break at some point
11:30-12:15 |
12:15-13:30 |
13:30-14:30 |
14:30-15:45 |
15:45-16:00 |
16:00-17:00 |
Tuesday, 19 March 2013 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
09:00-10:00 |
10:00-10:45 |
10:45-11:00 |
11:00-12:00 |
12:00-13:15 |
Lunch with W3C Staff (5th floor)
13:15-14:30 |
14:30-15:00 |
15:00-16:30 |
Wednesday, 20 March 2013 |
Agenda |
Minutes |
09:00-10:00 |
10:00-11:00 |
11:00-11:30 |
- Jeff Jaffe stops by
- Break
11:30-12:00 |
12:00-13:15 |
13:15-14:45 |
ECMAScript 6 Tutorial
14:45-16:00 |
16:00 |
- Venue
- MIT, Stata Center, 4th Floor Star Room
32 Vassar Street
Cambidge, MA 02139
See logistics
for further details, map for finding the Star Room, etc.
Required Reading
Agenda Details
- Convene, review agenda
- Scribes: TAG members are encouraged to sign up for scribing by using CVS to edit scribing assignments table, or by emailing the chair
- Roll call
- Regrets: Alex Russell, Henry Thompson, (Tim Berners-Lee will attend only the first two days)
- We expect Henry Thompson and former TAG member Jonathan Rees to join us Tuesday afternoon
- Approve minutes of teleconferences:
- F2F Main Goals:
- Begin to establish agreement on TAG goals and success criteria for 2013 & 2014
- Establish shared understanding and working relationships among new & incumbent TAG members
- Identify two or three significant new initiatives. (There's no need for long term commitment yet, but we should try to pick areas that look promising.)
- Revisit established TAG positions that are proving controversial
(e.g. polyglot and authoritative metadata)
- Agree to publish fragment identifiers as Candidate Recommendation
- Decide future directions for existing projects: especially Publishing and Linking and httpRange14
- Layering:
- Goal:
- Consider proposals from Alex Russell and Yehuda Katz for TAG work on
layering in Web architecture (Yehuda will present)
- If work is to be initiated:
- Capture goal and success criteria in initial "product page"
- Determine next steps with due dates
- Assign TAG members to coordinate the effort and edit
draft findings/recommendations, etc.
- Background:
- Fragment identifier semantics:
- Product page: TAG Product: Fragment Identifiers and Mime Types
- TAG members assigned (as listed in product page): Jeni Tennison, Larry Masinter (offered to help on 3 May 2012),
- Goals:
- Decide whether the TAG should continue on course to Rec with the fragids document
- if so, work out what the CR exit criteria should be
- Background:
- Email from Jeni Tennison on context of Fragids work (required reading)
- Email from Jeni Tennison suggesting structure and direction for this F2F session (required reading)
- TAG Recommendation on Fragment IDS:
- RFC 3023bis and Fragment ID Semantics
- ACTION-689: on - Henry Thompson - work with Noah to draft a further request to the 3023bis editor from the TAG to include advice regarding what a particular +xml media type registration should do wrt fragid semantics along the lines in the discussion on media types and fragment identifiers at the f2f on 2012-04-04 - Due: 2012-10-01 - CLOSED
- RFC 3023bis
regarding fragment ID semantics for +xml media types
- ISSUE-24: Authoritative metadata
- Goal:
- Decide whether the TAG wishes to reopen discussion of
the conclusions reached in its 2006 finding Authoritative
- Background:
- TAG Findings
- ISSUE-24 Can a specification include rules for overriding HTTPcontent type parameters? (OPEN)
- ISSUE-38: Relation of HTTP PUT to GET, and whether client headers to server are authoritative (CLOSED)
- ISSUE-21: Do all "shoulds" of RFC 3023 section 7.1apply?
- ISSUE-20: What should specifications say about error handling?
- Long thread starting with e-mail from Robin Berjon in which he writes:
I would support the TAG revisiting the topic of Authoritative Metadata,
but with a view on pointing out that it is an architectural antipattern. (required reading)
- ACTION-668: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Eventually, probably after registries work is done, ask whether TAG wants to reinvest in MIME/Web Due 2013-01-31 - Due: 2013-03-20 - OPEN
- Anne van Kesteren has offered to summarize both sides of the controversy.
- Coordination with ECMA TC39:
- Goal:
- Consider opportunities for improving coordination between
the TAG and ECMA TC39, the standards group responsible for ECMAScript (JavaScript)
- Background:
- ACTION-788: on - Yehuda Katz - Frame F2F discussion of liaison with ECMA TC39 - Due: 2013-03-07 - OPEN
- ACTION-786: on - Marcos Caceres - frame, with help from Alex, discussion of Javascript API Design Issues for F2F - Due: 2013-03-04 - OPEN (Marcos and the chair agreed that ACTION-786 would not be prepared for this F2F, but it's listed here because it's pertinent)
- Outreach to developer community:
- Goal:
- Explore ways in which the TAG might work more closely with,
learn more from, and be of more benefit to the developer community.
- Background:
- ACTION-785: on - Noah Mendelsohn - schedule discussion of developer involvement/outreach at F2F - Due: 2013-03-04 - PENDING REVIEW
- Regarding co-location of TAG meetings with developer events, the
chair notes that we have struggled to do this in the past, typically because:
- Nobody will pay for meeting rooms, etc. at the sites, many of which are expensive or booked in the days before and after meetings
- Many events run full week, and TAG members are reluctant to stay through or work through the weekends
- Some TAG members (often including the chair) can't get funding to
attend the developer event itself
- Publishing and linking on the Web:
- TAG members assigned: Larry Masinter (outgoing), Ashok Malhotra
- Goals:
- Background:
- Last Call Working Draft Publishing and Linking on the Web:
W3C Working Draft — 25 October 2012 (required reading)
- ACTION-776: on - Ashok Malhotra - With help from Larry to redraft Publishing and Linking, responding to comments, for review at F2F - Due: 2013-01-10 - OPEN
- ACTION-779: on - Noah Mendelsohn - schedule F2F discussion of whether and how to pursue Publishing and Linking - Due: 2013-03-01 - PENDING REVIEW
- ACTION-667: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Check, when publishing and linking wraps, whether it's time to reinvest in http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2011/12/evolution/Registries.html - Due: 2012-07-15 - OPEN
- E-mail from Larry Masinter (required reading) discussing future directions for Publishing and Linking, and relating it to issues relating to governance (see blog post on governance from Larry)
- E-mail from Ashok Malhotra (required reading)
- Earlier actions:
- ACTION-732: on - Larry Masinter - prepare FPWD on Publishing and Linking - Due: 2012-09-05 - CLOSED
- ACTION-737: on - Yves Lafon - On Tuesday 4 Sept, if no objections, publish FPWD on Publishing and Linking - Due: 2012-09-06 - CLOSED
- Meeting with W3C CEO Jeff Jaffe:
- Goal:
- Introduce Jeff to new TAG members and discuss new TAG priorities
and deliverables
- W3C Update from Jeff
- Alert Jeff to technical issues of concern
- Background:
- ACTION-568: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Draft note for Jeff Jaffe listing 5 top TAG priorities as trackable items. - Due: 2012-01-03 - CLOSED
- Identification of data in local storage:
- Goal:
- Follow up on Monday morning discussion of
identification of data in local storage
- Background:
- During the discussion Tuesday morning, the chair was asked
to schedule this discussion.
- Polyglot and DOM support of XML
- Goals:
- Clarify path to a decision on what approach, if any, the TAG wishes to advocate (stated differently: decide whether and why we might reconsider the path the TAG has advocated to date).
- Background:
- 14 February 2013 TAG teleconference discussion Polyglot and DOM support of XML (required reading)
- Request from Alex Russell for discussion of polyglot). From his email: I'd like to
understand what our collective options are for making a decision; also come
to at least a timeframe for whatever decision we need to make.
- 24 January 2012 discussion of DOM support for XML (part 1, part 2)
- E-mail from Larry Masinter summarizing reasons he believes that
specifying polyglot is both appropriate and important (late addition to the reading list)
- ACTION-782: on - Noah Mendelsohn - schedule F2F discussion of polyglot, the TAG's request to HTML WG on polygot, and HTML/XML Unification - Due: 2013-03-01 - PENDING REVIEW
- URIs in data primer draft updated & httpRange-14:
- Product page: Discovering Documentation for Individual URIs
- TAG members assigned (as listed in product page): Jeni Tennison, Henry Thompson
- Goals:
- Agree to publish the URIs in data primer as a FPWD (possibly with modification)
- Identify & assign other follow-on action (eg creation of Community Group)
- Background:
- Action item review:
- Administration:
- Future TAG F2F meetings
- Top Priority: establish place/dates for late spring meeting which all members can attend
- Start thinking about location/dates for autumn
- Brief discussion of summer plans
- Scribing and CVS
- Everyone up to speed on actions, issues and tracker?
- Anything else?
- Group photo: we'll likely do this at lunch either Mon. or Tues.
- Open issue review:
- This is an optional agenda item: we'll do it if there's time
- Goal: review our list of open issues — look especially for issues that are open but dormant decide to assign resource/close/leave as background activity.
- Outplan:
- The following are potentially worth discussing, but are not formally
scheduled on the agenda:
- Some items may be listed here eventually
Noah Mendelsohn for the TAG
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