TAG Teleconference of 28 Feb 2013

28 Feb 2013



Henry Thompson, Peter Linss, Anne van Kesteren, Yehuda Katz, Noah Mendelsohn, Jeni Tennison, Marcos Caceres
Regrets: Tim Berners-Lee, Yves Lafon, Alex Russell
Chair: Noah Mendelsohn
Noah Mendelsohn


<scribe> scribenick: noah

<scribe> scribe: Noah Mendelsohn

date: 28 Feb 2013

approval of minutes


<wycats_> no objection

RESOLUTION: Minutes of 14 Feb http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2013/02/14-minutes are approved


The TAG teleconference of 7 March is cancelled (note, we later changed our minds...call is not cancelled for now)

<annevk> FWIW, WebApps does async-decision making via call for consensus on the mailing list.

<wycats_> there are tools to handle this

<wycats_> sounds good

Never mind, there will (tentatively) be a call next week...at least we'll hold the time in case we need it.


F2F Planning


<Zakim> ht, you wanted to say yes

<JeniT> yes

<JeniT> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2013Feb/0066.html

<wycats_> I don't see any email like that

<JeniT> wycats_: I just gave the link to it

<ht> I would like to do one shot on persistence



<trackbot> ACTION-776 -- Ashok Malhotra to with help from Larry to redraft Publishing and Linking, responding to comments, for review at F2F -- due 2013-01-10 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/776


<trackbot> ACTION-779 -- Noah Mendelsohn to schedule F2F discussion of whether and how to pursue Publishing and Linking -- due 2013-03-01 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/779


<trackbot> ACTION-784 -- Alex Russell to with help from Yehuda to frame F2F discussion of layering -- due 2013-03-04 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/784


>> <noah> NM: Notes that Yehuda and Alex favor discussing the DOM at the F2F

NM: Remind me what this is please?

<annevk> Also: When Alex says DOM he means all APIs not defined by TC39, which is a slightly wider definition of DOM than in use by W3C.

YK: I think this is how groups should use DOM...will follow up with Alex.


<trackbot> ACTION-774 -- Peter Linss to frame F2F discussion of Privacy by design note, and possible followup up with privacy group. Due: 2013-01-08 -- due 2012-12-20 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/774

I think this was overtaken by events?

Ashok sent a note to the privacy group.

close ACTION-774

<trackbot> Closed ACTION-774 Frame F2F discussion of Privacy by design note, and possible followup up with privacy group. Due: 2013-01-08.


<trackbot> ACTION-785 -- Noah Mendelsohn to schedule discussion of developer involvement/outreach at F2F -- due 2013-03-04 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/785

NM: Marcos, would you like to frame this one?

MC: Hard to do now, we'd need consensus on who audience is for TAG materials. Traditionally it's been W3C.

NM: Hmm. I don't think that's how we've seen it.

<wycats_> I think he means people who are extremely familiar with the standards process

MC: Seems to me that TAG mailing list has been "usual suspects" for many years. It's effectively a W3C community.
... We need to branch out more to developer relations community.

<wycats_> I am interested in discussing whether we think this is a good role for TAG or whether there are other groups in the W3C that can help with this

<annevk> Does the average developer even know about the TAG?

<JeniT> I am interested in having F2F time to discuss how we do better developer outreach

<annevk> With the elections most of my friends were like wut?!

<wycats_> noah: I think it's possible that there may be controversy over how much of a direct role TAG should take in the developer outreach

<wycats_> as opposed to the TAG thinking about ways to make the W3C as a whole more effective at it

<_noah> Yehuda, if you're trying to paraphrase me, that's not my position at all. I'm totally in favor of more outreach. I'm giving a heads up that we've sometimes struggled with logistics. E.g. several proposals to co-locate w/developer conferences failed because nobody would buy us a meeting room

NM: What can we actually do at the meeting?

MC: A lot depends on working on things that matter.

<wycats_> it sounds like an open discussion item

<JeniT> unstructured discussion is better than nothing

NM: How to prep F2F?

MC: I think working on the right items is critical. No particular ideas on F2F prep.

<wycats_> this sounds like the discussion we should be having f2f

NM: OK, we'll just pick it up at F2F


<trackbot> ACTION-782 -- Noah Mendelsohn to schedule F2F discussion of polyglot, the TAG's request to HTML WG on polygot, and HTML/XML Unification -- due 2013-03-01 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/782

<wycats_> noah: one item I don't see on here is coordination with ECMA

<wycats_> and TC39

<wycats_> sounds good to me

NM: Does anyone want to frame a balanced intro to this one?

AVK: Hasn't everything been said on the mailing list?

<wycats_> I would like to discuss that

<wycats_> JeniT: indeed

<wycats_> I believe that we need f2f time to discuss changing the official stance of TAG

<wycats_> that is the agenda item

NM: I assumed people wanted to discuss having the TAG change it's position.

Minutes of discussion leading to ACTION: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2013/01/24-minutes.html#item10

NM: The F2F discussion was requested on 24 January
... by Yehuda

YK: Yes, I think we need to get "old" and "new" TAG members in sync

<ht> I have not had the time to assemble a satisfactory email on Polyglot, but would like to participate in a f2f discussion

<ht> yes please

HT: Try to schedule polyglot when I can call

<JeniT> I agree that there's probably a core disagreement here, and we should try to get down to it

<plinss> zakim. this is tag

<JeniT> slightlylate has been researching it

<JeniT> so perhaps he would be in a good position to do some prep

NM: OK, I'll take this offline, will check with Alex, Yehuda and Henry among others


<trackbot> ACTION-781 -- Jeni Tennison to prepare reading and discussion on Defining URIS (ISSUE-57) for March F2F -- due 2013-03-05 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/781

JT: Will have something for the F2F.


<trackbot> ACTION-786 -- Marcos Caceres to frame, with help from Alex, discussion of Javascript API Design Issues for F2F -- due 2013-03-04 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/786

NM: I know your attendance is at risk, but even if you don't come, can you help me frame this.

MC: Haven't reached Alex yet. Will chase him down and put something together.

NM: Can you find someone to tell the story at the meeting please, since you and Alex may not be there?


<trackbot> ACTION-787 -- Alex Russell to solicit informal discussion on HTML WG list of clarifying: polyglot doesn't restrict html5 futures -- due 2013-02-25 -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/actions/787

Brian Kardell sent this: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2013Jan/0121.html

YK: Brian is active in the community
... Should have an agenda item for communication with ECMA TC39
... I put together a presentation

<scribe> ACTION: Yehuda to frame F2F discussion of liaison with ECMA TC39

<trackbot> Created ACTION-788 - Frame F2F discussion of liaison with ECMA TC39 [on Yehuda Katz - due 2013-03-07].

NM: Larry has similar issues relating to IETF

<JeniT> thx

<wycats_> great :)

Tentatively call is on next week, at least until we see whether there's a need. If yes, then we'll need someone to chair in my place, else we will cancel. F2F is in 2+ weeks.


Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Yehuda to frame F2F discussion of liaison with ECMA TC39
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.137 (CVS log)
$Date: 2013/03/27 12:42:23 $