Web Applications Working Group - Publications
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This specification defines the authoring rules (author conformance requirements) for the use of Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.1 and Digital Publishing WAI-ARIA Module 1.0 attributes on [HTML] elements. This specification's primary objective is to define requirements for use with conformance checking tools used by authors (i.e., web developers). These requirements will aid authors in their development of web content, including custom interfaces/widgets, that makes use of ARIA to complement or extend the features of the host language [HTML].
The Geolocation API provides access to geographical location information associated with the hosting device.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
- Translation for Web Share API
- português
This specification defines an API for sharing text, links and other content to an arbitrary destination of the user's choice.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This document is a registry of supplementary members for the Web App Manifest specification that provide additional metadata to an application manifest. This metadata can be used in a digital storefront or other surfaces where this web application may be marketed or distributed, or to enhance an installation dialog when installing a web application.
Proposed Recommendations
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This specification defines the values for the KeyboardEvent.code attribute, which is defined as part of the UI Events Specification. The code value contains information about the key event that can be used to identify the physical key being pressed by the user.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This specification defines the key attribute values that must be used for KeyboardEvent's key attribute, which is defined as part of the UI Events Specification.
Candidate Recommendation Snapshots
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This specification defines an API for sharing text, links and other content to an arbitrary destination of the user's choice.
Candidate Recommendation Drafts
This specification defines several new DOM event types that provide information about the physical orientation and motion of a hosting device.
Working Drafts
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
Defines a low-level interface that represents gamepad devices.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This specification defines a manifest, which provides developers with a centralized place to put metadata about a web application.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This document defines APIs for a database of records holding simple values and hierarchical objects. Each record consists of a key and some value. Moreover, the database maintains indexes over records it stores. An application developer directly uses an API to locate records either by their key or by using an index. A query language can be layered on this API. An indexed database can be implemented using a persistent B-tree data structure.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This specification provides an API for representing file objects in web applications, as well as programmatically selecting them and accessing their data.
This document specifies an API that allows web applications to request a screen wake lock. Under the right conditions, and if allowed, the screen wake lock prevents the system from turning off a device's screen.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This specification defines the Document Object Model Events Level 3, a generic platform- and language-neutral event system which allows registration of event handlers, describes event flow through a tree structure, and provides basic contextual information for each event. The Document Object Model Events Level 3 builds on the Document Object Model Events Level 2 [DOM2 Events].
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
An API that provides Web applications with scripted access to server-sent application data.
An API to give one-off access to a user’s contact information with full control over the shared data.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This specification defines an API that provides scripted access to raw mouse movement data while locking the target of mouse events to a single element and removing the cursor from view. This is an essential input mode for certain classes of applications, especially first person perspective 3D applications and 3D modeling software.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This specification describes an API that can be used to understand the visibility and position of DOM elements ("targets") relative to a containing element or to the top-level viewport ("root"). The position is delivered asynchronously and is useful for understanding the visibility of elements and implementing pre-loading and deferred loading of DOM content.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
Defines APIs to read screen orientation state and to lock the screen orientation to a specific state.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This specification defines an API that allows installed web applications to set an application badge, which is usually shown alongside the application's icon on the device's home screen or application dock.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
Defines APIs to read screen orientation state and to lock the screen orientation to a specific state.
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This document defines the concept of an "image resource" and a corresponding WebIDL ImageResource dictionary. Web APIs can use the ImageResource dictionary to represent an image resource in contexts where an HTMLImageElement is not suitable or available (e.g., in a Worker).
First Public Working Drafts
- Deliverers
- Web Applications Working Group
This document defines a web platform API that allows script to asynchronously acquire a lock over a resource, hold it while work is performed, then release it. While held, no other script in the origin can acquire a lock over the same resource. This allows contexts (windows, workers) within a web application to coordinate the usage of resources.