W3C Talks for the year 1999
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- 8
- Charles McCathieNevile presented Web Accessibility and Guidelines at the WAP Forum meeting in Sydney, Australia.
- 6 - 8
- Dave Raggett and Daniel Veillard attended XML'99 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. On 6 December, Dave Raggett presented XHTML - moving the Web to XML (audio) and Daniel Veillard presented XLink and XPointer.
- 15
- Ian Jacobs and Charles McCathieNevile presented Making The Web Accessible at Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, Washington, USA.
- 4
- Charles McCathieNevile presented The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative at the SIDAR annual conference held in Dusseldorf, Germany.
- 4
- Charles McCathieNevile presented Improving Web Accessibility at the AAATE conference in Dusseldorf, Germany.
- 20
- Freedom Forum, San Francisco, California, USA
- Weaving the Web book tour, Tim Berners-Lee on C-SPAN (video)
- 13 - 15
- Dave Raggett gave presentations on the Voice Browser Activity and the HTML Activity at the WAP Forum meeting in London, UK.
- 31
- Fifteenth International Unicode Conference in San Jose, California, USA
- 10-11
- Eighth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW8), Toronto, Canada
- W3C Track
- World Wide Web Access
- XML: From Markup to Meaning
- Web Technologies Service Society
- Multimedia Models and Management
- Community Contributions and Participation
- Developers' Day
- 22
- W3C Office Opening, CNR/CNUCE, Pisa, Italy
- 15
- WAP Forum, Montreux
- 14
- LCS 35th Anniversary Celebration
- Tim Berners-Lee presented The Future of the Web at the Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. (RealVideo recording, courtesy of ZDNet.)
- 25
- Tim Berners-Lee gave the keynote address The Web is Changing - What Will Happen to Electronic Commerce? at the Internet Commerce Expo in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- 24
- W3C LA event in Stockholm
- Dan Connolly presented Web Architecture at the WAP Forum in Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
- 23
- Jim Gettys gave a keynote address, The Parable of The Blind Men and the Elephant, at OSDI '99 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- 15
- Johan Hjelm presented The W3C Mobile Activity at the IBC WAP conference in London, UK.