Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2012-01-23 - 2012-01-29

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This Open Web Platform weekly has quite a lot of stuff. Among the important things being discussed for the last week, Mark Notthingham announced that there is a will to recharter the HTTP WG for working on HTTP 2.0. The thread on the HTTP WG mailing list has been huge.

The indexedDB specification doesn't explain how to generate keys. Jonas Sicking (Mozilla) explained how indexedDB keys were generated in Firefox.

Arun Ranganathan (Mozilla) has published a new Editor's draft of the File API for review. (Full Thread) and Cameron McCormack (Mozilla) has published a version of WebIDL for Last Call. Vincent Scheib (Google) announced that the Mouse Lock specification has been moved and renamed Pointer Lock.

Following a blog post by Tobie Langel (Facebook) about the mess of manifests for Web apps (widgets, extensions, etc.), Robin Berjon is asking if the Web Apps WG should work on aligning those to a common format. We have to note that there was a normative format already defined in the widget specification, but which was not followed by all implementers.

will HTTP verbs LINK and UNLINK be resurected, it is what James Snell is proposing with a few use cases.

Another go is being done at the recurring topic about responsive images.

Ilya Sherman (Chromium) is proposing to add an autocomplete attribute to the input element. The proposal is documented on the wiki.

A request for a new comment element triggered a very long answer by Ian Hickson (Google) on the nature of the article element.

This column is written by Karl Dubost, working in the Developer Relations team at Opera Software.

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