Thanks for a great 15 years at W3C

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After 15 years working with all of you all around the world on Web technologies and standards, I'm taking a position as a Biomedical Informatics Software Engineer in the department of biostatistics at the University of Kansas Medical center.

The new job starts in just another week or two; I'll update the contact information and such on my home page before I'm done here. While my new position is likely to keep me particularly busy for a few months, I hope to surface in Mad Mode from time to time; it's a blog where I'm consolidating writing on free software, semantic web research, and other things I'm mad-passionate about.

Thanks to all of you who contribute to the work at W3C; I'm proud of a lot of things that we built together. And thanks to all my mentors and collaborators who taught me, helped me, and challenged me.

The Web is an incredibly important part of so many parts of life these days, and W3C plays an important role in ensuring that it will work for everyone over the long haul. Although it's hard to leave an organization with a mission I support, I am excited to get into bioinformatics, and I look forward to what W3C and the Web community come up with next as well.

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