SVG Training at W3C (early bird ends Friday 1st October)

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The early bird period for the new W3C online training course Introduction to SVG ends this Friday, 1st October. If you want to learn about SVG directly from W3C experts, this is the course for you so enrol now! But how does the course fit into the bigger W3C picture?

The subject of training is often discussed at W3C. Should we do it? If so, how? What would a W3C training program look like and who would deliver it? Should we do this ourselves or operate some sort of franchise/federated system? How can we ensure the continued integrity of the W3C as the premier source of Web standards and associated information? Answering these questions is not as simple as it may seem but two established activities are doing relevant work in this area.

The OWEA Incubator Group gives us a direct line in supporting the excellent work of the Web Standards Project. This is creating first class training material that is available for anyone to use in their own Web technology training programs.

Separately, W3C benefits from European Union funding of a number of projects including Open Media Web and MobiWeb Apps (more information about this new project will be published shortly). These follow a similar structure to previous successful projects that included the objective of increasing the number of developers able to use relevant Web technologies. It was this project-based work that enabled us to run the highly successful Introduction to W3C Mobile Web Best Practices. It ran earlier this year outwith any EU-funded project and we expect to run an updated version in the new year.

The latest course: Introduction to SVG, is being run on very similar lines. Participants are offered written ‘lectures’ each week, and then asked to complete an assignment that is reviewed by the tutor. In this case that’s a member of the SVG Interest Group and author of the SVG Primer: David Dailey of Slippery Rock University. My role as the Team member is to support David by publicizing and administering the course. That direct feedback, as well as the interaction between all the participants through an active forum, is what makes these courses so successful. It is very gratifying to see several alumni of the Mobile Web Best Practices course enrolled in the new SVG course.

How these activities may develop, whether they converge or remain essentially separate, is something only time will tell. But we’re aware that part of Leading the Web to its Full Potential means making sure what as many people as possible are able to learn directly from the people who create the standards on which the Web operates.

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