EOWG Meetings 2018
EOWG Meetings main page
Minutes from the WAI site TF are on a separate page.
Draft minutes are available at the end of the teleconference at the URI: http://www.w3.org/YYYY/MM/DD-eo-minutes where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, and DD the date. <-- you have to change that in the linked URI :)
14 December 2018 Teleconference
- Accessibility Roles and Responsibilities Mapping (ARRM)
- Additional questions for review & discussion
- WAI Translations UI final
- Static mock-ups & description, minor changes since last week
- Comment deadline Monday 17 December
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- Business Case – minor updates
- Accessibility Statements - minor updates
Denis, Sean, Bill, and Stephané presented the latest on their work developing the Accessibility Roles and Responsibility Mapping (ARRM). After a walk through and a series of questions about the framework and logic of the decision tree, they asked for serious consideration from EOWG contributors. Since this 5-Step process will be the basis for building out the mapping for over 200 statements and assigning responsibility to specific roles, the team wants to be sure they have not overlooked anything and that the process makes sense. They will post specific questions in a survey the week of 17 Dec. Next was Shawn's presentation of the latest progress in developing a clear and consistent layout of a language menu on pages for which there are translations available. The group also discussed how to recruit translators and provide quality assurance of the resulting translations. Wrapping up, chairs reminded EO to look for survey announcements and watch for meeting schedules. There were some minor edits made to the Accessibility Statements and the Business Case. You can review those and if you have comments, add them to GitHub or send email to the editor's list. Thanks all!
EOWG Meeting Minutes 14 December
- Present: Brent, Bill, Shawn, Laura, Sharron, Robert, Rachel, Denis, EricE, SeanKelly, Howard, Shadi, Stephane
- Regrets: Andrew, Amanda, Vivienne, Vicki
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Day Month 2018
07 December 2018 Teleconference
- Accessibility Roles and Responsibilities Mapping (ARRM)
- Overview of recent progress on ARRM: Project Plan page
- Presentation of the decision tree framework and the Decision tree implementation example page.
- Call to action for review and comments
- Outreach and W4TW
- WAI Translations UI 4 Dec proposal - location of the list & link ready for final review.
Denis reported that he and a small team of AARM collaborators - Bill, Sean, and Stephane - made a conceptual shift and decided that the best way to accurately assign the granular tasks associated with accessibility in the development lifecycle was to start with the decision tree and analyze the task. Using RACI logic and a a 3-tier structure, they have developed the Role-Based Decision Tree and examples based on the use of the Decision Tree. EOWG is invited to 'kick the tires' and develop questions and comments for discussion at next week's meeting. Next we walked through outreach activities by group contributors. People spoke of efforts they had done or seen and chairs asked that those efforts be documented as possible on the Outreach page of the EO wiki. Finally, Shawn explained and shared the current proposal for the display of translated resources. There was brief discussion and a request for more input via GitHub. Thanks to all for your valuable input on these important resources.
EOWG Meeting Minutes 07 December
- Present: Denis, Brent, Shawn, Lewis, Robert, Sharron, Shadi, EricE, Chris, Laura, KrisAnne, SeanKelly, Norah, Howard
- Regrets: Andrew, Amanda, Vivienne, Vicki
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Day Month 2018
08 November 2018 Teleconference
- Understanding Documents Status (5 minutes)
- Pacific Meeting Schedule (15 minutes)
- Status of Business Case (10 minutes)
- Translations (20 minutes)
- Any questions on the links or instructions in the 9 Nov survey question?
- Outreach (30 minutes)
- Business Case Outreach
- Accessibility Statements
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
- If interested, review WAI translations user interface per guidance in 09 Weekly survey - feedback deadline is Monday 19 November
Chairs pointed to the updates to current work, specifically the Understanding Docs being edited in collaboration with AG. Brent spoke about the meeting with AG at TPAC and the process developed to ensure that AG is confident that edits do not change key wording that might have impact on meaning. Now that process is finalized, the editorial group will work through the remaining 13 SCs and hope to reach completion by March/April. The Pacific meeting schedule was discussed next and the group concluded to find times in the new year that work for Europe/North America and for Europe/Australia given that most new work will be led by people in Europe. Next the editor announced that her work on the Business Case had consluded and that it was ready to publish. There was concern about the occasional references to "blind people." Concerns were addressed by amending the WAI style guide - agreed to add a note to explain that the preference for people-first language is flexible and not absolute. Shawn presented her work on Translations and asked that everyone verify their understanding of current progress and the level of review requested. Standard outreach plans were discussed for the Business Case and the group learned that Shadi had developed a more extensive outreach plan for the Accessibility Statement Generator for next week or later. Chairs thanks everyone and reminded them to watch Work for this Week and to keep up with surveys and reviews.
EOWG Meeting Minutes 08 November
- Present: Sharron, Lewis, Brent, Shawn, Laura, Amanda, Andrew, Howard
- Regrets: @@
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sylvie, 08 February 2019
- [done] Name, Day Month 2018
02 November 2018 Teleconference
- F2F TPAC - any questions or clarifications - Agenda, Monday minutes, Tuesday minutes (10-20 minutes)
- Outreach (15 minutes)
- Where we landed on this topic during TPAC
- Input on moving forward
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
- Business Case Publication Survey - everyone must complete by 06 November (or ask for more time)
- Accessibility Statements Publication Survey (link coming) - everyone must complete by 12 November (or ask for more time)
- Upcoming: Translations UI proposal coming next week - deadline for comments: Monday 19 November
- Translations (remaining time)
- Proposal for user interface described in Summary and shown in mock-up English page, French page.
- Any input on other issues?
- (Note: Before commenting, please read the WAI Translations sections marked "STATUS: This section is ready for review and comment." and relevant GitHub issues.)
EOWG Meeting Minutes 02 November
- Present: Sharron, Lewis, Brent, Robert, Shawn, Laura, EricE, Chris, KrisAnne
- Regrets: Howard, Denis, Stéphane, Andrew, Amanda, Vivienne, Sylvie
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 12 November 2018
- [done] Sylvie, 08 February 2019
- [done] Name, Day Month 2018
30 October Translations User Experiences (Optional Meeting)
23 October Face to Face Meeting at TPAC
- Debrief from Monday
- UI Components (Eric)
- Silver TF co-meeting
- Understanding Docs (with AG)
- Review of Easy Checks, propose plan to facilitate revision
- Translations
- EOWG Outreach - general planning
- Thanks and Wrap Up
Beginning with a debrief from Monday, Vicki asked Shadi for more detail about deliverables under WAI-Guide. He will confer with her offline. Eric next set up expectations for the UI Components list, what the issues are, and how more work on that might occur as part of WAI-Guide. Discussion led to:
RESOLUTION: EOWG is committed to pursuing the UI Components list. The project plan for the completion and maintenance of the database will be revisited in January.
EO next welcomed Jeanne Spellman, Shawn Lauriat and others from the Silver TF to learn more about their progress. EO was encouraged and excited and pledged to provide support when appropriate especially for user testing and plain language. The Understanding Docs sub-group met with AG and agreed on process to move forward with the goal of completion by the end of March. next was a discussion of Easy Checks, a high priority for revision by several EO contributors, Including co-chair Sharron Rush. A proposal was made to convene a small group to do the work since staff has no current bandwidth. It will be taken up by the planning team. Translations was the next topic with support from the Internationalization WG. There was detailed consideration of how to proceed, how to identify when resources are ready for translation, and how to stay in sync and close collaboration with Internationalization. The EOWG outreach discussion considered social media campaigns, how to focus efforts, the outreach potential of stickers, pins, and buttons and more general planning ending with
RESOLUTION: EOWG will have outreach on the survey and as a topic at every meeting for at least 5 minutes.
Thanks to all who traveled to Lyon, all who participated from afar, and all who are following along to contribute in the weeks to come - great to be together!
EOWG Meeting Minutes 23 October
Present: Sharron, Brent Chris, Stephan, Vicki, Sylvie, KrisAnne, Amanda, Vivienne, SteveLee, Lauriat, JeanneSpellman, AshHarris, ShawnLauriat, ShawnH, Nayef Alawahdi (guest), Muhammad Saleem (guest)[From Internationalization: david_clarke, Richard, addison, Bert}
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 12 November 2018
- [done] Name, Day Month 2018
22 October Face to Face Meeting at TPAC
- Tutorial update and next steps
- WAI-Guide
- Project Introduction
- Scope
- Web Accessibility Curricula
- co-meeting with ARIA
- Industry-specific guidance - proposal for 1. "portal page" and/or 2. additions to existing EOWG docs
- Online Learning
- Digital Publishing
- Authoring Tools (some integrated with online learning & digital publishing, and some separate)
- Other brainstorms? Priorities?
- WAI Guide (continued)
- Video material brainstorms
- Outreach
- Wrap-up , review Tuesday agenda
A round of introductions and then Eric spoke about the current status of the Tutorials and the need to address currently open issues and the community wish list for new resources. Shadi introduced the newly funded EC grant. It is Authoritative Implementation Guidance and International Cooperation to Support Training, Awareness...and many more words in the title. It will be referenced as the WAI Guide Project and focus on three main areas: 1. Implementation and training guidance 2. Accelerate Support for Accessible Authoring 3. Identify Gaps in Accessibility Standardization. Extensive discussion was held around details of each of the three. There will be coordination among EO, AG, APA, and other groups as needed and appropriate. Next was a one-hour meeting with representatives from the ARIA working group to sync up with the outreach materials of ARIA and EO. Concluded with the action that Eric will meet with Matt King in January to create the work plan. Next was discussion that, as we consider outreach for the authoring tools within WAI Guide we also consider other industry specific guidance. Examples might be an overview landing page or portal for the AccessLearn Community Group and the Digital Publishing work. The idea would be to point to WAI resources that have relevance to specific areas of practice. Ideas included stickers, videos, and more.
EOWG Meeting Minutes 22 October
- Present: Brent, Stephane, Sharron, Chris, Shadi, KrisAnne, EricE, Nayef Alawahdi (guest), Muhammad Saleem (guest), Amanda, Vivienne, MaryJo, Vicki, Sylvie, Shawn (phone in, afternoon)
- Guests from ARIA-WG: Matt King, James Nurthen, Michiel Bijl, Alice, Matthew
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 12 November 2018
- [done] Name, Day Month 2018
19 October 2018 Teleconference
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- F2F Prep <-- read before Monday
- Translations Approach & Translations mock-up — especially if you want to provide input and will not be at the face-to-face, add comments to GitHub per notes under F2F Prep.
- Can do informal usability testing before F2F and at TPAC!
- F2F Prep <-- read before Monday
- Accessibility Statements
- Open questions:
- Does the term "Generator" still work for everyone?
- Heading "Additional accessibility" in generated text
- Other (final) comments, thoughts, or suggestions?
- Open questions:
- Business Case: Would like to come out of TPAC f2f with quick approval to publish survey.
- Poll group for open issues today?
- next step: WG approval to publish!
- Translations (if time) — any questions on Translations Overall & Translations mock-up & 17 Oct e-mail or ways to make it clearer?
The meeting began with a reminder from the chair to check-in on work for this week, review the homework for the face to face meeting, and catch up with any issues you may have missed. Next Shadi and Eric V walked the groups through the updates they made, based on group contributor feedback, to the Accessibility Statement Generator. Among recent changes are these:
- Improved language and wording.
- Replaced placeholders to visible examples
- Added "show all additional information"
- Changed page titles and navigation items
- Revised wording throughout the resource
- Added new section "Assessment approach"
A short discussion of whether to add "Tool" so it becomes "Accessibility Generator Tool" concluded by doing so. This resource is about ready to wrap. Add GitHub issues for any other concerns, the next review will be approval to publish. Next was review of open issues for the Business Case. Agreed to:
- Title change from "web Accessibility" to "Digital Accessibility"
- Add Microsodt commission info back into Forrester study
- make readability edits to quotes from Apple
- return some of the previously language around defining business case as not necessarily having to be strictly ROI. Language should be succinct.
- consider some "people first" language changes (in negotiation)
- leave open the issue of creating peripheral resources, but move this one to publication ASAP
Finally, there was a request to review the language selector prototype in advance of the TPAC face to face meeting, in addition to the other preparation needed. Thanks all, see many of you in Lyon!Improved language and wording.
EOWG Meeting Minutes 19 October
- Present: Brent, Robert, EricE, shawn, Laura, Lewis, Howard, Shadi, EricV, KrisAnne, Roel, Sylvie, Norah, Sharron, Vicki
- Regrets: Stéphane, Andrew
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Day Month 2018
05 October 2018 Teleconference
- Accessibility Statement Generator Tool (60 minutes)
- F2F@TPAC Draft Agenda (20 minutes)
- Change in survey timings - shorter duration and you can ask for more time (for most reviews) (5 minutes)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
- Please, please, please plan time to do careful, thoughtful reviews of the Business Case (by Wed 10 Oct) and the Statement Generator (by Mon 15 Oct) over the next few days. You may ask for more time if needed.
The group met to look at the next iteration of the Accessibility Statement Generator. Chairs applauded the progress of the team and Shadi reiterated that Eric V and Sanne had done outstanding work. Discussion centered on two questions.
- Should the Help icons be provided with an 'expand all' option for those just looking for general information?
Discussion included:- What is the problem we are solving for?
- Is the 'expand all' really the best way to solve it?
- What other options would address the issue to hold people's hand through the process without adding unnecessary levels of complexity? (including an obscure reference to Hootie and the Blowfish)
Decision was to allow the team, now that the concerns were clearly stated, develop the best solution to this issue.
- Should there be placeholder text?
Position statements from both POV were stated and the decision is left to editor's discretion.
Expect to see a survey on Monday for this resource with one week to complete the review. Next item was to discuss the face to face agenda and discussion led to some edits. The current plan is found on the F2F page of the EO wiki - agenda. The meeting wrapped up with a reminder to complete the Business Case Thorough Review and stay up with Work for this Week. Thanks all!
EOWG Meeting Minutes 05 October
- Present: Sharron, Howard, Laura, Robert, Brent, Shawn, Sanne, Roel, EricV, Lewis, Shadi, KrisAnne, EricE
- Regrets: Amanda, Vivienne, Andrew, Vicki, Sylvie, Stephane, Andrew, Sarah
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 15 October 2018
- [done] Name, Day Month 2018
27 September 2018 Teleconference
- Accessibility Statements
- Background: Requirements
- Discuss and provide feedback on in-progress prototype tool
- Please do not yet focus on styling, bugs, and detailed wording
- How does the overall organization work for you?
- How do the individual page sections work for you?
- Do you feel something is missing or unnecessary?
- Business Case update
- This meeting time - availability? time? participant availability?
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- WCAG 2.0 -> WCAG - Discussion and resolution from EOWG telecon
EOWG Meeting Minutes 27 September
- Present: @@
- Regrets: @@
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Day Month 2018
21 September 2018 Teleconference
- Accessibility Statements (60+ minutes)
- Discuss and provide feedback on in-progress prototype tool
- Please do not yet focus on styling, bugs, and detailed wording
- How does the overall organization work for you?
- How do the individual page sections work for you?
- Do you feel something is missing or unnecessary?
- Discuss and provide feedback on in-progress prototype tool
- WCAG 2.0 -> WCAG (10+ minutes)
- Proposal: In most EOWG resources, where we previously had "WCAG 2.0" or "WCAG 2", change it to just "WCAG".
- More info on WCAG 2.0 -> WCAG
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
EOWG Meeting Minutes 21 September
- Present: @@
- Regrets: @@
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Day Month 2018
07 September 2018 Teleconference
- Accessibility Statements — Minimal, Comprehensive, survey results
- What to include in the 'minimal statement'
- Should any of the parts be 'required'
- How to communicate the 'limitations' part
- Business Case
- Remaining Open Issues
- UnDoc Update
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
There were two major items for discussion this week. First was the consideration of comments received about the Accessibility Statements. After discussion Shadi took away the understanding for his team to make the Minimal Statement even more minimal and there were suggestions for how to do that. The most basic elements would be essentially that we care, we use (fill in) standard, and here is how to contact us if you have problems. A couple of EO contributors said to urge even minimal statements to make some mention of testing processes. Shadi also provided a link to the working prototypeand invited EO contributors to dive in, play with it, and provide more feedback. Next EO looked at the Business Case. Sharron thanked everyone for their contributions and careful consideration, she is working on addressing the most recent GitHUb issues raised, waiting on more illustration revisions and will post a survey for comments at the next stage of review - the Complete Draft. Brent reviewed the new layout for Work for this week, talked a bit about how they would address the UnDoc process going forward, wrapped with a reminder to review Work for the Week, complete surveys and thanked everyone for the good contributions to the ongoing work of the group.
EOWG Meeting Minutes 07 September
- Present: Brent, Chris, Denis, EricE, Lewis, Robert, Sanne, Shadi, Sharron, Sylvie, Vicki, Shawn, Rachel, Laura, KrisAnne
- Regrets: Amanda, Andrew, Nic, Shawn, Stephane, Vivienne
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 17 Sept 2018
- [done] Name, Day Month 2018
24 August 2018 Teleconference
- Accessibility Statements (45 minutes)
- Latest version of interactive mock-up
- Two Example statements - Review complete drafts - Survey next week
- Business Case for Accessibility (20 minutes)
- Latest content updates
- Discuss graphic / iconography options
- Graphics Version 1
- Graphics Version 2 - (top banner graphic not uploaded yet)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
The EOWG met to explore two topics. First was the Accessibility Statements generator. Shadi brought the team that has been working on it - Eric V, Sanne, and Leon. They showed the work they have done to develop the Accessibility Statement generator based on feedback from the last time they met with EO. They specifically made changes in response to observations that the previous mockup had seemed so daunting. Shadi explained that they had analyzed and broken down the information requested, segmented into more manageable chunks, provided boiler plate text to be edited, created the ability to preview, and improved how the generated statement could be saved and managed. Asked about the concept of the revised approach, EO was positive and encouraging that this was a good direction. A few suggestions were made and the new approach with today's feedback will form the basis of a questionnaire to post on Tuesday 28 Aug and remain open for input for two weeks. Shadi told the group to expect them to develop a working prototype from this mock-up and today's comments. Once posted, the team will be asking EO contributors to generate statements. Next topic was the review of progress on the Business Case. There is a new set of icons for consideration as well as the ongoing open issues in Git Hub. EO should plan to provide feedback on this week's survey. Chairs wrapped up and asked those working on the UnDoc review to remain online for a short, separate meeting on that project. EO contributors were reminded to add to the agenda for October's face to face even if you will not attend, stay attuned to work for this week, a coming Silver input effort posted via Google forms, and please complete any open surveys. Thanks all!
EOWG Meeting Minutes 24 August
- Present: Laura, Robert, Chris, Sharron, Howard, EricE, Brent, EricV, Lewis, Sanne, Leon, Shadi, Jesús_Pulido, KrisAnne, Norah
- Regrets: Amanda, Andrew, Nic, Shawn, Stephane, Sylvie, Vicki, Vivienne
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 17 Sept 2018
- [done] Vicki, 29 August 2018
- [done] Sylvie, 28 August 2018
- [done] Shawn, 24 August 2018
16 August 2018 Teleconference
- Business Case
- Online Learning information proposed by AccessLearn W3C Community Group
- Background - portal page, addition examples, more details (Google doc)
- Requirements Analysis coming
- EOWG take on the work?
- This meeting time (Thursday afternoon North America / Friday morning Asia-Pacific)
- Feedback on the meeting time, having separate groups, communication
- Staying connected, increase participation, etc.
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
The group first took a look at the iconography and other updates to the current Business Case and open issues. First was a consideration of how to improve the International Perspective. Editor will work in Eric's suggestions and look at iconography. Next we considered whether to expand/collapse the reference section. Some would prefer it, editor resists adding expand collapse complexity to a relatively straightforward page. Editor will consider and offer other options. A look at the graphics engendered mostly positive response. Editor thanked the group for input and requested continued review and GitHUb comments. Shawn then reported on conversation with David Sloan and Mary Zeigler who attended the EO planning meeting on Wednesday to report on progress with their Accessible Online Learning Community Group - AccessLearn. Shawn reported that they are seeking more EO input and are making a requirements doc for EO consideration and approval. Next was a check-in for the Thursday evening(US)/Friday morning (Australia) meeting time and how it was working out. General attitude seems to be that people will get in the groove of the time if meetings are actually held more often and not cancelled. Shawn reminded the group that projects are starting to mature and to expect regular review requests and fewer cancelled meetings coming up. Brent reviewed the process for UnDoc edits by the small group and encouraged those who participate to stay on track and anyone else interested to sign on and help. Wrapped up with reminders of availability surveys and work for this week. Thanks all!
- Present: Shawn, Sharron, Brent, Lewis, Robert, Howard, Andrew
- Regrets: Denis, Eric, Shadi, Vicki, Stephan, Laura, Chris, KrisAnne
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sylvie, 28 August 2018
- [done] Andrew, 17 Sept 2018
- [done] Name, Date
27 July 2018 Teleconference
- Silver (Accessibility Guidelines)
- Overview and progress to date
- Silver Requirements
- Silver Prototypes
- Providing EOWG Feedback
- Accessibility Statements
- Background: Accessibility Statements Requirements
- Interactive mock-up will be shared
- Reactions on the overall approach
- Feedback on specific concepts (not yet wording, etc.)
- Brainstorm any alternative ideas
- Business Case
- WCAG 2.1 Understanding Documents Revision Update (5 minutes)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- Business Case Approaches
- Accessibility Statements review coming soon
- Silver review next week
- UnDoc work
Jeanne Spellman and Shawn Lauriat, co-chairs of the Silver Task Force, provided an overview of their work to date. An outcome of their face to face meeting in March include a Requirements document and a set of Prototypes.They are asking for EO review and input and will publish a survey within the week to provide guidance for the review. Shadi, Eric V, and Sanne, a designer they have been working with, presented the most recent prototype and took comments from meeting attendees. They will process comments and iterate based on that feedback. The current version of the Business Case for Accessibility was presented along with a suggestion for an alternative version and/or supplemental resources to accompany it. The decision was made to continue current momentum. EO will polish and publish the current narrative work in progress, encourage community feedback, and decide if and what kind of additions to that document might be needed as we hear from the community. The meeting wrapped up with a reminder to stay current with work for this week, watch for surveys on Silver Prototypes, Accessibility Statement, Business case review and comments. Please update availability.
- Present: Sharron, Howard, Shadi, EricE, EricV, Robert, Norah, KrisAnne,Shawn, Brent, Laura, Lewis, Sanne(guest), ShawnLauriat(guest), JeanneSpellman(guest)
- Regrets: Nic, Vivienne, Denis, Rachel, Andrew, Amanda, Stéphane, Vicki
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sylvie, 28 August 2018
- [done] Name, Date
29 June 2018 Teleconference
- Roles and Responsibility Matrix —
FYI only, not for discussion today but be aware that it the Role Definition document is drafted on the wiki and will be on this week's survey for your consideration and comment. - Accessibility Statements —
Background/Requirements: Accessibility Statements Requirements
Rough Concept Draft: Accessibility Statement Guide and Generator- This concept draft currently includes:
- Introduction (placeholder for this info at the beginning)
- Example accessibility statements (short and long)
- Sections for each aspect of an accessibility statement with:
- Short description &/or guidance
- Example
- Form field to generate statement
- Good practice on writing and placing statements (placeholder for this info at the end)
- (Please do not comment on wording, typos, bullets, layout details, etc. yet)
- Big questions for now:
- Do we want all this information in one page as in this concept draft, or do we want separate pages? For example, maybe one page with general information and a separate page for the statement generator?
- Comments on how the information is organized and presented on this page?
- Any other big-picture comments?
- To create a new GitHub issue
- Next steps:
- 18 July – complete draft for review, survey through 24 July <- please schedule review time!
- 27 July – Discuss open issues in EOWG telecon
- This concept draft currently includes:
- Work for this Week
- Understanding docs for WCAG 2.1 SCs
- Put in your calendar/schedule to review Accessibility Statements complete draft 19-24 July
Bill shared a draft definition of the roles to be associated with the Roles and Responsibility Matrix. The weekly survey will ask the group to review for high level input and no discussion is needed at this time. Similarly, Norah reviewed the process she has developed for EO small group review and revision of the Understanding docs associated with the new SC for WCAG 2.1. Please watch work for this week and participate as you are able. If you signed up for the small group work, please check the wiki Overview and list for revision and begin submitting comments. We are trying to get through one or two each week, but if you can work ahead, that is encouraged. Next Shadi and Eric V led a discussion to consider the structural and conceptual approach to the Accessibility Statement Generator. They offered a rough draft of a Generator as a way to focus discussion. Lively discussion, good ideas and are detailed in the minutes. The editors will iterate and will have an actual draft of the Accessibility Statement for full review by July 18. Please mark calendars and be prepared for a thorough review at that time. In the meantime, stay current with the work for this week and availability surveys. Thanks all, have a good weekend.
- Present: Shawn, Bill, EricE, EricV, Laura, Lewis, Nic, Robert,Shadi, Sharron, Norah, Roy, KrisAnne
- Regrets: Amanda, Andrew, Brent, Chris, Denis, Eric, Howard, Stephane, Vicki
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Denis, 02 July 2018
- [done] Andrew, 02 July 2018
- [done] Sylvie, 02 July 2018
- [done] Brent, 03 July 2018
- [done] Stephane, 16 July 2018
15 June 2018 Teleconference
- Introductions for new Participants
- Roles & Responsibilities Project Plan
- Discuss open issues
- Use of the term Matrix Why Matrix?
- Stakeholder roles Silver roles
- Decision Trees Deliverables descriptions
- Confirm updates to call it complete
- Discuss open issues
- WCAG 2.1 Understanding Documents project update
- Understanding Documents wiki page
- Discuss work flow process
- Last call for involvement
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
After a quick round of introductions to welcome two new participants, the meeting focused on two ongoing projects. The first is the Roles and Responsibilities Matrix led by Denis Boudreau. The team has posted a requirements doc to the wiki. EO commented, most issues were resolved in GitHub, and three were brought to the group for further discussion. Those are:
- Ra11y Matrix as a name for the project was questioned on the basis of clarity and ease of translation. Alternative suggestions were made and will be considered.
- Need to coordinate or at least be aware to avoid conflicting with role-based work ongoing at the Silver TF.
- Questions about the structure and function of the deliverable referred to as a"decision tree" were raised. The team explained their vision and approach. Issues remain.
The other project was the launch of the EOWG edit work on the 17 Understanding docs for new SC in WCAG 2.1, led by Norah Sinclair. She set forth the process she plans to use to work through the list and asked for EO participant support and engagement in a small editorial group. Their work will be posted to AGWG for approval but will not require signoff from EOWG. Brent reminded everyone to keep up with Work for This Week and attendance surveys.
- Present: Bill, Brent, EricE, Howard, Laura, Lewis, Norah, Robert, Sharron, Shawn, Vicki, Denis, Jesus, Rachel, Sean
- Regrets: Shadi, Jes, Stephane, Amanda, Kris_Anne, Andrew, Chris
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sylvie, 22 June 2018
- [done] Andrew, 28 June 2018
01 June 2018 Teleconference
- Updates to EOWG resources for 2.1
- QuickRef UI - confirm good to go
- Approach for 2.0 SC links also 2.1 - discuss if change to 2.1 for Easy Checks, Training, Tips, and others
- fyi, Minor tweaks for review
- fyi, More substantial updates to come
- Work coming up:
- Business Case now a priority, schedule coming
- Weekly editing meeting (Next: Monday 4 June, may change day of week for future)
- All EOWG schedule time for focused reviews
- Understanding docs for WCAG 2.1 SCs - dust settling in AG WG, time for us to step in
- Accessibility Roles - updated Project Plan ready for review, will be in this week's survey
- Accessibility Statements - next work coming week of 25 June
- Business Case now a priority, schedule coming
- Work for this Week
Shawn has made superficial updates to EO resources in anticipation of the soon to be released WCAG 2.1. Most were transitions from WCAG 2.0 to a more generic WCAG 2 and there are others that may need consideration. A look at the GitHub version of the proposed QuickRef prompted discussion centered on how to convey the "What's New in 2.1" without losing the fact that all of 2.0 is still required for conformance. Conclusion of the discussion was to ensure that:
- Make crystal clear in as many ways as needed that 2.1 includes all of existing 2.0 SCs - none have been changed or removed.
- In the Understanding docs themselves, indicate what WCAG version is applicable
- In EO resource documents, provide only one link (to 2.1 Understanding, etc) but use link text that clarifies when it is relevant for both versions.
Next EO was made aware of the plan to start looking more carefully at resources that got tabled during the redesign:
- Starting with the Business Case, EO should look for a draft for the meeting on Friday June 15th in development by Sharron and a small group she is working with locally in Austin. Shawn made some recent structural suggestions as well and others are welcome to join, just contact the editor to be included. Model for the work will be how the small group worked on the Perspectives videos.
- Next Brent announced that work is urgently needed on the Understanding docs for the new SCs. Norah has built a framework for the tasks but EO understands that we will most likely not be able to do the needed improvements by the time that WCAG 2.1 is released. Since the Understanding docs are no longer going to be in TR space, it will be relatively easy to update and clarify them on an ongoing basis. All who previously stepped up to help with that work are assumed to still be engaged (Norah, Sylvie, Denis, Robert, Chris, and Brent)and anyone else with an interest is encouraged - there is much to do!
- Denis gave a quick update on progress on the roles and responsibilities matrix since the March F2F. While he is unable to come to next week's meeting, EO can expect to see survey questions about that resource and his collaborators Bill and/or Sean may be able to join. The goal will be for EO to review and verify that current project definition is aligned with what the group wants.
- Finally Shadi confirmed by email to the chairs that he will bring more detail about progress on the Accessibility Statements into the meeting of 29 June.
EOWG should expect to see review and comment on these four projects cycling through in the next few months. Brent wrapped up with a reminder to stay on top of the Work for this Week and to give attention to review and comment as needed. Thanks as always for contributions by active participants, have a good weekend!
Minutes: https://www.w3.org/2018/06/01-eo-minutes.html
- Present: Sharron, Brent, Vicki, Robert, EricE, Laura, Roy, Shawn, Chris, Denis, Norah, Robert, Howard, Sean, Kris, Anne, Sylvie, KrisAnne
- Regrets: Andrew, Vivienne, Stephane
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Stephane Deschamps, 06 June 2018
- [done] Andrew, 28 June 2018
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
26 April 2018 Teleconference
- 17 & 18 May EOWG Face-to-Face Meeting (5 minutes)
- Invitation to propose agenda topics - Ideas for Topics
- Business Case Update (20 minutes)
- Revisions to overview page
- Reordering
- Waiting on case studies from two organizations
- Accessibility related conference list (10 minutes)
- Update on timing for 2.1 Understanding Document editing (5 minutes)
- Process for minor copy edits (5 minutes)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
Brent started the meeting with encouragement to everyone in the group to add items to the agenda for May's face to face meeting in Austin. Held at the Knowbility office on May 17 and 18, we are committed to spending time with Shadi on the Accessibility Statements and the Understanding docs. As well we will finalize the updated Business Case. There is still room for suggestion, so please add any items that you have interest in working on. Next Sharron walked the group through changes to the Business Case including the revision to "Increase Market Share" as a category to replace standards alignment. She strongly requested Case Studies from participants, their networks, and/or their own clients. Brent asked if there was any interest from the group in creating and maintaining a list of accessibility related conferences so that EO participants would know where their paths may cross and make a point to meet up. Brent next reported from Shadi that the work on the Understanding 2.1 Docs was delayed pending a green light from AG chairs. Doubtful if at this point EO will be able to review all 17 new docs but are standing by to tackle as many as possible when the 'Go' sign is given. A new process is in place for minor revisions (copyedits) to WAI docs. Chairs and staff will approve those and post to an EO survey rather than take the group through the entire publishing cycle for each one. Brent wrapped up with a reminder to watch work for this week, answer attendance surveys, and thanks for all your contributions.
Minutes: https://www.w3.org/2018/04/26-eo-minutes.html
- Present: Sharron, Brent, shawn, Laura, Andrew, Howard, Amanda, Sarah, Sean
- Regrets: Robert, Vicki, Sylvie, Eric, KrisAnne, Denis, Chris, Vivienne
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
- [done] Norah Sinclair, 02 May 2018
- [done] Sylvie, 03 May 2018
20 April 2018 Teleconference
- Guidance for providing Accessibility Statements
- Introduction of project
- Plans for next steps
- 17 & 18 May EOWG Face-to-Face Meeting
- Invitation to propose agenda topics - Ideas for Topics
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
Shadi and Eric V introduced "Accessibility Statements" resource. Requirements doc will be coming in the next couple weeks. We plan to do good work on it at the May Face-to-Face, and come out of that with specific initial decisions for what it will be. Brent reminded people of the May Face-to-Face page. He asked people to indicate their participation. He invites people to add potential topics. Shawn brought to the group the idea of including summaries for most EOWG resources. This was a suggestion from usability testing in October, and also in a public comment (27). (We've already done it for several pages that we've updated. We just hadn't formally agreed upon it in EOWG.) EOWG RESOLUTION: Include summaries at the top of most EOWG resources.
Minutes: https://www.w3.org/2018/04/20-eo-minutes.html
- Present: Shawn, Brent, EricVelleman, Robert, Shadi, Laura, Chris, KrisAnne, EricE, Roy, Norah, Jesus, Howard, Vivienne(part)
- Regrets: Sharron, Vicki
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
06 April Teleconference
- Face-to-Face Debrief F2F Summaries (15 minutes)
- Current work: (30 minutes)
- Understanding WCAG 2.1 documents — EOWG editorial contributions (Shadi & Norah leading)
- Getting up to speed and on the same page
- Approach for editing work
- Call for participation
- Business Case revision (Sharron leading)
- Minor content updates (Shawn leading)
- Upcoming work
- Understanding WCAG 2.1 documents — EOWG editorial contributions (Shadi & Norah leading)
- Reminder of upcoming Face-to-Face Meetings - please add your participation expectation: (10 minutes)
- EOWG F2F May 2018 - Austin, TX
- EOWG F2F October 2018 - Lyon, France
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
Present: Shadi, Sylvie (IRC), Sharron, Denis, Robert, Laura, Chris, Howard, Nic, Vivienne, Brent
Regrets: Jes, Vicki, Sylvie, Eric, KrisAnne, Shawn, Norah, Andrew (people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Vicki, 17 April 2018
19 & 20 March Face-to-Face
Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Shawn, 28 March 2018
- [done] Denis, 31 March 2018
- [done] Sylvie, 3 April 2018
- [done] Chris, 3 April 2018
- [done] Brent, 4 April 2018
- [done] Sharron, 11 April 2018
- [done] Vicki, 17 April 2018
- [done] Kris Anne, 17 April 2018
01 March Teleconference
- WAI site redesign beta announcement (10 minutes)
- Planning to announce around 15 March - any thoughts on dates that week to announce?
- Business Case (revised 01 March and new content) (+-20 minutes)
- Stable draft of landing page - "The Business Case for Accessibility"
- Draft of sub-page - "Minimize Legal Risk"
- Please consider:
- Overall format, content, approach, tone, flow — including:
- Is the language clear?
- Are the discussion topics relevant and appropriate?
- Does the approach speak to current needs?
- Have we overlooked major decision drivers?
- Are all points covered - is anything missing?
- Is there anything in there that shouldn't be? - Anything else?
- Overall format, content, approach, tone, flow — including:
- Editor openings (10 minutes)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
- Survey coming soon: Publication Approval – Making Presentations Accessible - Minor Revisions and Copy Edits
- Weekly survey
- Present: Sharron, Brent, Howard, Shawn, Andrew, Vivienne, Amanda, Sarah, Robert, Chris
- Regrets: Shadi, Vicki, Sylvie, Eric, Denis, Kris Anne
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Vicki, 17 April 2018
23 February Teleconference
- Business Case - New Content
- Stable draft of landing page - "The Business Case for Accessibility"
- Draft of sub-page - "Minimize Legal Risk"
- Please consider:
- Overall format, content, approach, tone, flow — including:
- Is the language clear?
- Are the discussion topics relevant and appropriate?
- Does the approach speak to current needs?
- Have we overlooked major decision drivers?
Are all points covered - is anything missing?
Is there anything in there that shouldn't be? - Anything else?
- Overall format, content, approach, tone, flow — including:
- Questions to follow on weekly survey with GitHub links to provide further recommendations
- Editor openings
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- Reminder about open survey - EOWG Publication Approval – Minor Revisions and Copy Edits
- Weekly survey will include approval of adding "(Quick Reference)" to Title and H1 of How to Meet WCAG 2.0 (see GitHub 154)
- Present: Sharron, Shadi, Laura, Robert, Shawn, Sylvie, Brent, Chris, Eric, Howard, KrisAnne, Vivienne
- Regrets: Andrew, Vicki. Denis, Amanda, Matt, Nic
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 05 March 2018
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
01 February 2018 Teleconference
- Developing Presentations and Training Updates - Current progress update (10 minutes)
- Introduction to Web Accessibility (15-60 minutes)
- brief discussion of: required by law in some {cases|countries} #26
- brief discussion of: Intro and Context heading #28
- fyi, Changes since 30 January
- Approval to publish with changes
- F2F Meeting before CSUN - 19 & 20 March (10 minutes)
- Not planning on cost of phone, unless clear need for it - let us know soon - e-mail public-eo-plan@w3.org
- Update your participation days
- Feel free to add topics and ideas to Planning
- WCAG 2.1 Understanding Collaborative Team - getting going on editorial help (5 minutes)
- Final call for joining effort (currently: Shadi, Norah, Vivienne, Sylvie, Denis, Robert, Chris, & Brent)
- Check-in about EOWG Process & Tools (+-10 minutes)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
@@ Coming Soon
[@@link Minutes 01 February 2018]
- Present: @@
- Regrets: Brent,
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
26 January 2018 Teleconference
- Reminder: Intro to Accessibility Survey closes Tuesday, 30 January
- A few minor changes since survey opened
- (everyone needs to complete the survey; there is an abstain/didn't-get-to-it option)
- Mobile-Accessibility Overlap documents - discuss proposal to retire, approach options, top of page text
- Assistance with quick updates of smaller non-EO resources
- F2F Meeting before CSUN
- Not planning on cost of phone, unless clear need for it - let us know soon - e-mail public-eo-plan@w3.org
- Update your participation days
- Feel free to add topics and ideas to Planning
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
EOWG began by reminding participants that we are on a rotating meeting schedule, this week Friday at 8:30 am ET, next week Thursday 6 pm ET. When we cancel a meeting, it will not change the schedule. Next was a reminder that the Intro to Accessibility survey is open until Tuesday. Shawn is addressing comments as they come in and documenting changes for all who have already completed the survey. All participants are expected to complete the survey even if you have not had time for review - in that case you may abstain but are still demonstrating your engagement with the group. The Mobile Accessibility Overlap was taken up, and among the options offered, the group chose Option A. The group next heard quick updates on non-EO resources and the need for updates. Norah and Robert offered to help with those. The EOWG face to face meeting is set for the Hotel Solamar on 189 and 20 March. Brent will report soon if there are group rates available for sleeping rooms in the hotel. EO participants are encouraged to add your suggestions for F2F topics to the wiki The meeting wrapped up with a reminder to stay on top of work for this week, complete surveys, and review resources in progress. Thank you!
- Present: Sharron, Brent, Laura, EricE, Shadi, Shawn, Harjit, Sylvie, Chris, KrisAnne, Norah, Robert, Howard, Jesús
- Regrets: Stephane, Vivienne, Vicki, James, Denis, Amanda, Matthew, Andrew
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 31 Jan 2018
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
18 January 2018 Teleconference
- Introductions - Welcome to new timeslot!
- Intro to Accessibility revision
- Definition/simple statement proposal: "Web accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them." GitHub 3
- Links to more info
- Benefits others
- Business Case concepts
- Discuss what points best make the case for accessibility in different contexts, especially where legal requirement is not strong.
- Discuss big picture approach to significantly revised "business case" — essentially starting from a blank slate...
- fyi:
- Current business case resource: Developing an Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization
- Wiki page outlining revision intent: EO Biz Case wiki
- Current work in progress: The Business Case for Accessibility
- Open biz case issues on GitHub
- EOWG Face-to-Face at during CSUN - 19th & 20th March
- Reminder of Thursday and Friday alternating meeting schedule
- Next week's meeting is on Friday, 26 January 8:30 am ET
- Meeting schedule is above
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
A round of introductions started the meeting. This was the first in the new time slot specifically scheduled to allow participation in Australia and the Pacific region. A quick review of some common tools, such as IRC and the wiki was presented. Next Shawn walked the participants through the changes to the Intro to Accessibility which resulted in the following resolutions:
- RESOLUTION: Accept the wording "Web accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them. More specifically,..." in the Intro.
- RESOLUTION: More info in boxes, no expand; left aligned, not indented; "More info on 'specific topic' (may shorten somewhat from heading text); and add more white space above the h2
In addition, Shawn will take the discussion points to her next revision and release a survey for approval to publish. next up were considerations of the Business case updates and Sharron asked the group for guidance on approach. Her research shows that hard data and case studies are hard to find. She asked the group to submit any data and/or case studies that can provide the hard 'proof' that the community asks for. Lively discussion followed, including the fact that people in the field need this information necessary in order to allocate the funding needed to make accessibility progress. An opportunity to provide data is presented on the Business Case wiki and will be pointed to in the week's survey. The meeting wrapped up with reminders of the upcoming face to face at CSUN, to be held at the Hotel Solomar on Monday and Tuesday March 189 and 20. Also, please pay attention to information on the EO Meeting page including the weekly meeting schedule as we will alternate meeting times every other week; the Work for This Week; and the Weekly Survey. Thank you.
- Present: Brent, Shawn, Chris, Howard, Laura, Matt, Robert, Vivienne, Sharron, EricE, Amanda, Norah
- Regrets: Denis, Sylvie, Nic, KrisAnne, Vicki, James, Andrew
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
- [done] Sylvie, 26 January 2018
- [done] Andrew, 31 Jan 2018
12 January 2018 Teleconference
- CSUN Face-to-Face Meeting
- Dates, Times, Topics
- Survey Results
- Intro to Accessibility revision
Prep: Imagine what newbies to web accessibility need to know... what are the key things you want to tell them... think of people in very different roles, organizations, countries, etc...
See context/background and review questions.- Discuss open issues
- Discuss review questions
- WAI Site Redesign Update
- Reminder of Thursday and Friday alternating meeting schedule
- Next week's meeting is on Thursday, 18 January 6:00 pm ET
- Meeting schedule is above
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
The meeting began with a discussion of options for meeting face to face at CSUN. After consideration of travel plans and ability to travel, the group chose to meet as a full group on Monday 19 March and to have smaller, breakout meetings on Tuesday 20 March as needed. The location details and agenda will be announced by 01 Feb. Next Shawn walked the group through the revisions made to the Introduction to Accessibility. Good discussion led to Shawn's next steps of integrating comments and posting for review on the weekly survey. Next was a site redesign update which indicates that the group is on track to launch by CSUN. Be sure to stay on top of resource revisions, surveys, and response to requests for review. A reminder that we have started the alternating schedule for EO meetings - one week at 8:30 am Eastern Time on Friday, the following week at 6 pm ET on Thursday. Please complete the teleconference availability survey carefully and note dates and times for each meeting. Work for this week remains focused on updating resources and getting them ready for the relaunch, small group work on Understanding docs, the website TF, and other asynchronous projects. Please contact Brent or Sharron if you need support. Thanks for all you do!
- Present: Shadi, Jesus, Eric, Sharron, Brent, Laura, KrisAnne, Shawn, Roy, Chris, Norah, Howard, Nic, Harjit (IRC)
- Regrets: Vicki, Vivienne, Amanda, Matthew, Andrew, Denis, Sylvie
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
- [done] Sylvie, 15 January 2018
[template] 00 Month 2018 Teleconference
Minutes: @@
- Present: @@
- Regrets: @@ (No survey response from @@)
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018