W3C at TU Update
W3C is pleased to again be participating in TU-Automotive this year. The conference takes place in Novi, Michigan on June 6th and 7th. W3C's Automotive Lead, Ted Guild, will be participating on two panels.
The annual event covers a range of topics on the future of technology in the automotive industry including Cybersecurity, Electrification, Autonomous vehicles, Smart Cities and Emerging business models these advances make possible.
Collaborating on Standards & Best Practices
"The industry is learning that no one company can solve cybersecurity; with such an intertwined supply chain & global implications if something goes wrong, collaborate to deliver safe & secure vehicles.
- From the Auto-ISAC & W3C to the SAE/ISO working group to government legislation, get to grips with who is working on what so you can anticipate new measures & requirements
- Identify where the industry can build best practices and processes, such as vulnerability disclosure programs, data sharing, & risk management, to create a unified approach
- Take cue from other industries that have already addressed/are addressing these issues, such as aerospace, automated manufacturing, & shipping, to accelerate industry progress
W3C has a long track record of creating successful standards, guidelines and best practices for the Open Web Platform. We approach standards from both individual technology viewpoints and specific industry focuses. Ted leads the automotive activity at W3C where we are defining a robust, in-vehicle application ecosystem. Modern vehicles are comprised of many small electronic control units, essentially small computers controlling different functionality, on a local network and providing considerable, digital information.
Initially people are surprised to learn W3C is doing standards for automotive. This should be of less surprise when you consider how there are more web developers writing applications than for any other platform and the automotive industry wants to attract content and service providers to their platform, most of whom are already creating applications using web technologies.
While exposing this telematics information in a consistent manner has been the initial, main focus the group has also been working on media services and libraries, CDN, notifications, location based services, privacy and security, leveraging W3C and others standards for solving automotive big data needs and exploring applying W3C Web Payments specification to automotive use cases such as fueling, recharging, tolls, parking and services.
W3C knows well the benefits of taking a standards approach. Common standards enable innovation, interoperability, creates new business paradigms and there is little arguing how the web has already been transformative across all industries.
V2X: Ensuring Secure Communications
"In the future, vehicles will talk to everything. Ensure that communication channels are secure.
- Discuss the security credential management System for DSRC and compare with cellular communications
- Learn the importance of message authentication and transceiver revocation for DSRC and how this would work using cellular
- 100 million lines of code go into cars; threats exist from malicious sources and software collisions & bugs. Assess the safety & security implications coupled with OTA comms (DSRC, Cellular, WiFi & Satellite)
W3C is headquartered at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Labs. There Ted has been working with others on connected vehicle cybersecurity as a compliment to the W3C automotive standards work and looking to form a research group with proposed focuses on applications, network interactions and data integrity.
W3C's vision for "One Web" brings together thousands of dedicated technologists representing more than 400 Member organizations and dozens of industry sectors. W3C is jointly hosted by the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (MIT CSAIL) in the United States, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) headquartered in France, Keio University in Japan and Beihang University in China. For more information see https://www.w3.org/.
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