HTML5 and

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HTML5 is the cornerstone of the Open Web Platform that the web community is building. This week saw two significant events in W3C that bolster our efforts. I wanted to share these with the broader web community, and in the process give an update on HTML.

As background, in April the HTML Working Group Chairs —Paul Cotton (Microsoft), Sam Ruby (IBM), and Maciej Stachowiak (Apple)— and the HTML5 Editor —Ian Hickson (Google)— identified that we needed to make changes in editorial coverage for the specifications. We recognized simultaneous needs: bring HTML5 to “Recommendation” and begin the work on “.next” – what will come after HTML5. Since Ian was already working on the latter, he requested that the Chairs find new editors to bring HTML5 to REC.

So in late April, the Chairs announced to the HTML Working Group that we would search for replacement editors and also we would continue our partnership with the WHAT WG on follow-on work. Additionally, Ian created the W3C WHAT Community Group, part of cementing this partnership.

Here are the two events that occurred this week. First, we announced that Adobe, Google, and Microsoft have provided significant funds to sponsor more complete W3C staff coverage to achieve Recommendation Status for HTML5 for 2014. This covers work both in specification development and interoperability testing. Due to the size and number of the group's specifications, the expanding set of devices implementing Web technology (PCs, laptops, smartphones, e-books, set-top boxes, etc.), and the demands of testing, we expect an unprecedented effort to complete testing for the Open Web Platform.

Second, the chairs announced people from the community chosen to participate in the editorial team to complete HTML5: Travis Leithead, Erika Doyle Navara, Ted O'Connor, and Silvia Pfeiffer; more names will follow. With these contributions of time and money from our Membership, we are confident that HTML5 is resourced to move forward. And we are pleased that the Working Group, in collaboration with others in the community, is also focused on what will come next – as web technology continues to be a living technology.

Update 2012-08-02: The HTML Working Group Chairs have announced the Editorial team for Canvas 2D Context.

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