Links Feast about Technical Plenary 2007
Part of Corporate
It was an amazing long week for the W3C community. Meetings, talks, corridors discussions, shared meals over brackets and parsers, many new projects started and some communities started to have a better understanding of each other. Some people posted their images on the Web. I hope there will be more for each W3C meetings.
About TPAC and topics discussed during the event
- Blogs at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- Learning About W3C Test Suites
- W3C HTML Working Group Jam Session
- Poll: URI vs URL... Do you know the difference? Is there a difference?
- W3C TPAC: Notes from "View from the Outside: Real World Perspectives on the W3C"
- At the W3C Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee Meetings Week
- Implicit Namespaces
- A story about namespaces, MIME types, and URIs
- Is Tim Berners-Lee a filker?
- TPAC 2007????????
- Boston?
- Fw: Pathways to Success
- Matryoshka Dolls
- Partial Understanding
- W3CTP: The Technical Plenary Day
- W3C Technical Plenary 2007
- Neues vom W3C
- W3C TPAC Panel
- HTML WG spouští tracker
- Significant change of direction for POWDER
- XForms 1.1 ready to go to Candidate Recommendation?
- SF remote participation in W3C Tech Plenary
- W3C TPAC 2007 Meeting, Monday, 11/5, Cambridge
- W3C TPAC 2007 Meeting, Tuesday, 11/6, Cambridge
- In Cambridge, Boston
- What the World (Wide Web) Needs Now...
- Planning the Future of the Web
- Putting the OpenDocument Foundation to Bed (without its supper)
- mathematical integral equation for web versioning
- W3C TPAC Upcoming
- La comunidad del W3C se reúne para debatir el futuro de la Web
- TPAC 2007 Audio Streamcast
- Live from the Technical Plenary
- The WHATWG at the W3C technical plenary
- Agenda clash (W3C Technical Plenary and ISWC2007)
- Web Standards' Three Buckets of Pain
W3C Team
Big meetings are often a good opportunity for the W3C staff to meet, some for the first time and some for the last time. Like Janet Daly and Susan Lesch.
Thanks for all of you who have blogged, talked, shared your impressions about the Technical Plenary and its technical topics. See you next year?
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