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The Silver Task Force is part of the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group of the W3C. The Silver Task Force and the W3C Silver Community Group are performing the preliminary work for the successor to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2. The guidelines will be named W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0 which reflects the anticipated broader scope beyond web content, but preserves the familiar acronym of WCAG.
The W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0 First Public Working Draft (FPWD) has been published and updated. The is an early draft and is the first of many drafts. The document is not expected to become a W3C Recommendation for a few more years. It is not ready to be implemented yet, as we expect many changes from public feedback and continuing work.
Anyone who would like to participate should read the Welcome to Silver quick-start guide.
- Updated Working Draft of WCAG 3.0 published. (24 July 2023)
- Updated Working Draft of WCAG 3.0 published. (7 December 2021)
- Updated Working Draft of WCAG 3.0 published. See the W3C WAI announcement for details.
- First Public Working Draft of WCAG 3.0 published. See the W3C "WCAG 3 FPWD Published" for links and info. The links are also located below in the Public Working Drafts section. (21 January 2021)
- The name of the Silver project will be W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0. This name reflects both the intention to expand beyond Web Content, while maintaining the familiar name of WCAG. (March 2020)
What is Silver?
The objective of the Silver Task Force is to perform preliminary research and development for a successor to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Code-named "Silver", these guidelines will address the process of making content and functionality accessible to people with disabilities, including the roles of content authoring, user agent support, and authoring tool support. These guidelines will provide a base for continued evolution of accessibility standards.
The Silver project now has an official name. The work will be called W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0.
Silver Task Force and Community Group is currently writing the draft for the First Public Working Draft of WCAG 3. The current work is available for reading below.
Participation in the Silver Community Group is open to the public. Interested people can join the the W3C Silver Community Group to be placed on the mailing list and join conference calls. See the Participation Options and the meeting section below for more information on participation. See Welcome to Silver for those who are starting to work on Silver.
- Join the W3C Silver Community Group
- Participation Options
- Meeting Info
- Welcome to Silver
- How Do I? folder - useful documents for meeting participants including, how to use IRC, scribing instructions, using Github, etc.
- Decisions recorded by the task force.
- Silver Github Wiki - the current location of the wiki information of the project plan and the work of all the subgroups.
This wiki is now archival, although we do try to synchronize links so that work can be located using either wiki.
Public Working Drafts
Current Public Working Draft of WCAG 3
- Latest published version of WCAG 3.0 - this link will be permanent for WCAG 3
- WCAG3 Working Draft 07 December 2021 - "This version" link will always reference just this draft and will be outdated by future drafts.
- Editors Draft - current draft the group is working on. This is not stable and can change frequently. It should not be referenced.
Related documents
- WCAG 3.0 Explainer - background material on the WCAG3 and major decisions made.
- - Updates to the Explainer from 8 June AGWG meeting (temporary link)
- Requirements for WCAG 3.0
- WCAG 3.0 Introduction
WCAG3 Publications Archive - includes presentations, comments, and evaluation studies
Sub Groups
These are temporary groups working on specific topics. See the information pages linked below for members, meeting times, and current work. The current subgroup work is linked to the Project Plan and has moved to Github wiki. Subgroups are listed here for redundancy.
- Clear Language COGA subgroup - This run out of the Cognitive Accessibility Task Force in coordination with AG
Inactive, Moved and Completed Subgroups (for archival purposes)
- Equity Subgroup
- Writing Process - Silver Task Force & Community Group
- Scoping Subgroup
- Test Types & Terminology Subgroup
- Writing Outcomes as User Needs - Silver Task Force project
- WCAG3 Design and IA
- Accessibility-supported Subgroup
- Issue Severity Subgroup
- Exploring Conformance Solutions - Janina
- Test Reliability - Francis & Wilco
- Protocols - JohnF and Jaunita
- Scoping - Rachael
- Leadership Team - Rachael, Chuck, Alastair, Michael, Wilco, Jeanne, Shawn,
- Alt Text Subgroup - Makoto
- Visual Contrast of Text Subgroup - Chris
- Clear Language Subgroup - Jan
- Errors - Todd
- XR Subgroup - Mike Cr (Bruce)
- Headings Subgroup - Shri & Jennifer
- ISO & Maturity Modeling - David & Sheri
- Functional Needs Subgroup - Michael Cooper (CharlesH)
- Conformance Architecture Testing - Francis
- Coordination with Mobile Accessibility Task Force
- Coordination with COGA Task Force
- Style Guide - Angela
- Silver Subgroup Overview Overall list of the subgroups and their scope (no longer updated)
Project Plan for 2022
Publication Planning and Editor Draft Archive
Silver Archives
There is extensive work done in prior years that is important reference material explaining why design decisions in Silver were made. These links, including the links to the Silver Research project are here.
- Design Plan
- Stakeholders
- Research Project
- Design Sprint
- Requirements
- Prototypes
- Proposals 2020-2022
Email Lists and Archives
-; Public Silver Email Archive - Silver Task Force and Silver Community Group Archive
-; CFC voting Archive - CFCs for closing issues
-; AGWG archive - main email list for AGWG used for announcements, agendas, surveys, CFCs, and discussion.
No longer used
-; Public Silver Admin Email Archive - Administrative (not content) discussions for Silver Task Force and Silver Community Group
-; Public Silver Editors Archive - Input and coordination list for editors of the Silver deliverables.
Conference Call Information
If there is a problem getting onto the call, comment in IRC channel or email Shawn and Jeanne.
AGWG Call Tuesday
AGWG joint meeting Tuesdays at 11:00AM ET (14:00 UTC) for 120 minute meeting. WCAG3 is usually the first hour.
- Zoom link - group membership required for access
- IRC channel: #ag W3C web IRC
- Scribe List
Silver Call Friday
Silver meeting Fridays at 10:00AM ET (15:00 UTC) for a 60 minute working meeting 12 March to 2 April are various regional daylight savings time changes -- check your local time)
- Zoom - group membership is required for access
- IRC channel: #silver W3C web IRC
- Scribe List
W3C default time zone is US Eastern Time. There are several weeks in the spring and fall when the US changes to daylight saving time before other parts of the world. In that case, the US Eastern Time is used as the base time zone. Check the World Clock Meeting Planner to determine the time in UTC and other timezones.
IRC channel
- IRC channel: #silver W3C web IRC
Decision Policy
All Day Meetings
- Pre-CSUN AGWG meeting - 13 March 2023
- TPAC 2023 11-15 September 2023 in Sevilla, Spain (Hybrid meeting)
- TPAC 2022 Meeting Overview September 2022 - 4 day meeting on Conformance Issues
- Guideline Placeholders March 2022
- TPAC 2021 Meeting Overview
- AGWG - Silver Joint Meetings - 29 April, 2021
- ACT - Silver Joint Meeting May 2021
- Silver at W3C TPAC 2020
- Silver Deep Dive - 11 August 2020
- Virtual F2F May 2020
- 2020 March F2F Meeting at CSUN will be held virtually on 9 & 10 March 2020 (Monday and Tuesday before CSUN Conference)
- 2019 September 16-20 in Fukuoka, Japan - Past meeting page with links to agenda and minutes
Meeting Minutes and Reports
Meeting Minute Archive - older minutes before automation