ACT - Silver Joint Meeting May 2021
Virtual Face to Face meeting 14 May and 21 May 2021
The ACT Task Force and the Silver Task Force and Community Group will meet to work on testing in WCAG3. The meeting will be split into two 3-hour sessions:
- 14:00-17:00 UTC - 14 May
- 14:00-17:00 UTC - 21 May
Remote Participation
Teleconference information (requires W3C login)
Preparation Materials
- WCAG3 Testing Scoring and Conformance sections
- Outcome - Headings organize content
- Rating scale and Critical Errors sections under Headings organize content
- Methods & Tests - Relevant Headings
- Preparation Survey
- Topics that are currently unscheduled
- Further define what is a critical error.
- Further define views and process
- Automation / Testing Tools
- What should be the names of "atomic tests" and "holistic tests"? Issue 469 recommends "module" and "end-to-end". - Move to the ACT/Silver- joint meeting discussion.
All times are given in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Use the session hyperlinks to ascertain agenda items in your local, dialin time.
Session 1
- Deep Dive into a single Outcome - Headings organize content
- Rating & Critical Errors sections of Headings organize content
- Methods & Tests - Relevant headings
- Generalized suggestions of how to make Outcomes testable - (includes definitions of view, process, and critical error)
Session 2
- Introduce Method and ACT Rules
- Figure out how to combine Methods and ACT rules
- Quantitative and Qualitative tests
- Do Methods need applicability?
- Discuss viability of AND/OR relationship (Outcomes have AND, Methods have OR)
- Passing rules vs. failing rules
- Expectations vs. Test Procedures
- Next Steps