Decisions of the Silver Task Force
This page records decisions made by the Silver Task Force, in accordance with the Silver Task Force Decision Policy. Decisions recorded here reflect a substantial agreement of the participants of the task force, but do not necessarily indicate formal consensus of the Working Group.
Recording Decisions
Decisions should be recorded in the following format:
* <YYYY-MM-DD>: [<URI of decision> <text of decision>]
Decisions made in teleconferences should be recorded in minutes using the "RESOLUTION: " preface. This is case sensitive and must be done by the scribe. Resolutions recorded in this way appear in a summary of resolutions at the end of the minutes. Resolutions only reflect substantial agreement of the participants of the teleconference.
Decisions made outside of teleconferences, such as on the email list, wiki, GitHub issues, and in Google docs, should also be recorded here.
- 2020-09-04: We will stay with "method" rather than moving to "technique" to avoid confusion with the different meaning from 2.x
- 2020-09-04: Adopt the proposed changes for consistency including And/Or distinction between outcome name and method name and proposed formats for various labels.
- 2020-09-04: Change "Functional Outcome" to "Outcome"
- 2020-09-01: Accept the Decision Policy with editorial changes from this meeting - the Decision Policy survey comments addressed.
- 2020-08-18: Including a date stamp, no depreciation, add editor's note - from AGWG Joint meeting. This was a decision on Conformance Claims.
- 2020-08-18: Use edited wording for Testing note and work on "rubrics and scales" - from AGWG Joint meeting
- 2020-08-18: Include note on representative sampling in draft recognizing it will come back to this group for further review. - from AGWG Joint meeting
- 2020-07-31: As a temporary solution to advance work, we are accepting the 2 clause model for Functional Outcomes, for use in FPWD
- 2020-08-31: As a temporary decision to move the work forward, we are not going to directly include a list of functional needs in WCAG3, but will reference the external document from the Functional Needs subgroup. THis better supports the long term direction of W3C work in developing the Functional Needs.
- 2020-07-17: A functional need is A statement that describes a specific gap in one’s ability, or a specific mismatch between ability and the designed environment or context.
- 2020-04-07: We will put a date stamp on requirement on conformance. This was a vote against depreciating accessibility scores in favor of the transparency of a date stamp.
- 2019-06-06 Silver Requirements accepted by the AGWG as recorded in AGWG email archive of 6 June 2019. Note that the date on the Requirements is incorrect due to a bot bug.
Documents with Relevant Decisions and Experiments on Conformance
- Silver Conformance Issues and Exceptions
- User Scenarios or Use Cases for Silver Conformance - [working document]
- Sampling for Large Projects - a proposal summarizing relevant research
- How to evaluate Conformance Proposals - List of tests for conformance model prototype based on the Silver Requirements from (last updated September 2019)
- How to evaluate Conformance Proposals (working doc) - The process to use to evaluate the different Conformance proposals. It includes the goals for Silver Conformance.
- Conformance Example for Images Need Alternative Text - a snippet of prototype showing how a heuristic walkthrough could be used to evaluate alternative text.
- Silver Conformance Design (May 2019) gives an overview of the current status of the Conformance Prototype and a list of issues to be resolved.
- Heuristics for Silver Conformance is a proposal for including usability testing in Silver Conformance.
- Folder of Pros, Cons, Risks, and Holes evaluation documents Conformance Proposals of July 2019 and analysis
- 2018-07-16 Email thread on Conflicts Between Disabilities. While this is not strictly a decision made by the group, it does capture discussion on this topic.
- 2018-05-15 Plain Language Style Guide. Further work was postponed until the prototype for content was approved.
- 2018-04-23 Suggestions of Silver Design Sprint - report published. See also the full Silver Design Sprint Report including links to problem statements and research. Although it says "draft" it is a final report. There were problems with the Community Group publishing mechanism.
- 2018-03-19 Research Summary. This was prepared for the Silver Design Sprint. The reports of the research projects are linked on the wiki.
- 2018-03-06 Problem Statements finalized (meeting minutes)
- 2018-02-12 Stakeholder Job Stories CFC (Call for Consensus) to publish Silver Stakeholder Job Stories
Lessons Learned from Prototypes
- Conformance
- Lessons from the Weighting Testing - why Silver decided in 2018 against weighting the scoring system. There was no weighting metric that treated all stakeholders fairly.
- Information Architecture Archive
- Methods Prototype for Language of the Page. This is a prototype of how a guideline can be designed starting from the user need -> tests -> methods -> guideline. It uses tests developed by the W3C Auto-WCAG Community Group using test rule standards developed by the Accessibility Conformance Testing Task Force.
- Tagging System Demo
- Information Architecture: Tagging Ideas
- Plain Language Archive
- Plain Language Prototype 2 - (Github) a tabbed display of normative guidance in plain language with informative information. The information in the prior Google doc is being used to fill this tabbed HTML document.
- Silver Style Guide draft
- Meaningful Involvement Archive
- 2017-02-03 Research Questions Research Projects finalized (Meeting minutes)
- 2016-12-13 Stakeholder Map Stakeholder Roles and Activities - Minutes of F2F
- 2016-10-1 Design Process Goals. Email to AGWG with goal details and links to survey.