Silver Prototype Archive

From Silver

This page has links to all the various prototype projects for reference purposes. Most of these prototypes were superseded by more refined versions. There are many more related documents in the Google Drive folder for Silver Prototypes

Information Architecture

Plain Language

Conformance & Scoring


Q2 2020 Proposals

Q1 2020 work for reference

References from the May Virtual Face to Face

This is so we don't lose them.

WCAG3 Architecture (Jake's) Proposal

Inaccessible Pages for Testing Purposes

2020 Conformance Proposals



Meaningful Involvement

Silver Requirements

Editor's Draft Prototype

Contributing to Prototypes

Note: While prototypes were originally created in Github, accessibility issues with Github made it more useful to allow participants to create prototypes using the tools most accessible to them. You can submit prototypes using whatever tool is most suitable. Please make sure that whatever you send does not require purchase of third-party software.