EOWG Meetings 2021
EOWG Meetings main page
Draft minutes are available at the end of the teleconference at the URI: http://www.w3.org/YYYY/MM/DD-eo-minutes where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, and DD the date. <-- you have to change that in the linked URI :)
17 December 2021 Teleconference
Minutes - 17 December 2021 EOWG Meeting
- How People With Disabilities Use the Web - (30-60 minutes)
- Discussion of hinting at non-binary language for Blair: Current page for Blair compared to Page with non-binary called out
- Current Monkey Review survey results
- Discussion around open issues
- WAI Curricula - Designer Modules - (5-10 minutes)
- Status Update
- Additions, if time permits
- List of Accessibility Courses
- Looking forward in 2022 - 2020 EOWG Charter
- Work for this Week - (5 minutes)
- "List of Accessibility Courses" open issue to comment on - GitHub issue # 29
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Name, date
10 December 2021 Teleconference
Minutes - 10 December 2021 EOWG Meeting
- How People with Disabilities Use the Web - (30-45 minutes)
- Discuss the new User Story "Blair"
- Open floor for questions and/or comments to help you complete the thorough review survey - important to do a careful review
- Editors may have additional topics based on comments participants put in the survey or GitHub this week
- Work for this Week - (5 minutes)
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Name, date
03 December 2021 Teleconference
03 December 2021
- List of Courses - Discuss open issues - (30 minutes)
- How People with Disabilities Use the Web: Stories of Web Users - (10 minutes)
- Monkey Review Survey [link coming] - Closes 14 December
- Question/Comments about stories or survey?
- Work for this Week - (5 minutes)
03 December EOWG Meeting Minutes
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Name, date
19 November 2021 Teleconference
19 November 2021
- WAI Curricula - Designer Modules - (10 minutes)
- Monkey Review (thorough review) of all Designer Modules - Open EOWG Survey of Designer Modules
- Survey Dates: November 18-30
- WCAG support materials redesign - (20+- minutes)
- Review current prototype functionality and discuss
- Design Comp Review survey results
- List of courses - Dragonfly Review results and changes (20 minutes)
- Before: Previous Version
- After: Current version with changes
- Work for this Week - (5 minutes)
19 November EOWG Meeting Minutes
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Name, date
05 November 2021 Teleconference
- Special Announcement - EOWG is happy to welcome Kris Anne Kinney as a third Co-Chair for the Working Group!
- WAI Curricula Designer Modules
- Teaching Designers and Developers together -- Designer Modules overview page, Introduction, last paragraph was added to explain rationale for previous structure.Do we need to keep this with the new structure?
- Clarifying scope for Visual Design Orientation Cues -- learning outcomes for topic, last bullet.
"use text cues to supplement information provided through vision only, for example available dates in a calendar marked with a background color" changed to
"define methods to help users perceive and understand orientation cues, for example using text, color, and icons to convey the status of tasks in a project" - Is target size flexible? -- Where else could we discuss them if we think this topic is not the appropriate place?
- Relationship between keyboard input and other input methods
Interaction Design, Keyboard Interactions added learning outcomes first bullet: "explain how keyboard support favors other ways of interaction, including touch and voice".
- Work for this Week
The group warmly welcomed Kris Anne Kinney as new co-chair. She joins Brent and Sharron to help meet the new project management requirements for EO chairs that have arisen with Shadi's departure. Next Daniel walked the group through his proposed changes to the Designer curriculum modules with the following results:
- The suggested phrase "These modules have been organized to facilitate teaching designers and developers together. If you are teaching in other environments, feel free to change the structure so that it fits your audience needs." was considered awkward and redundant. It will not be included. Rather, the emphasis on how to use the modules will be made in the general introduction and revisited when we have more actual user feedback from instructors.
- The phrase "..."use text cues to supplement information provided through vision only, for example available dates in a calendar marked with a background color" was accepted with a suggestion to reflect this guidance in the teaching Ideas section.
- The phrase "explain how keyboard support favors other ways of interaction, including touch and voice." was accepted with the stipulation to change "favors" to "benefits." Daniel will make that change and reflect it as well in supporting sections.
Brent wrapped the meeting, calling attention to the open survey and a number of upcoming conferences were referenced. Details in the full minutes.
05 November EOWG Meeting Minutes
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29 October 2021 Teleconference
Minutes - 29 October 2021 EOWG Meeting
- WAI Curricula Designer Modules (~30+ minutes)
- Proposal: Topic Form Elements
- Accessibility versus usability -- How well does this cover specific accessibility issues without crossing the line between accessibility and overall usability?
- Standard versus non-standard -- How well does this communicate the accessibility implications between standard and non-standard form elements?
- Proposal: Topic Form Elements
- Replacing 'colorblind' -- summary e-mail
- The WCAG 2 Documents -- draft revision (old version) (~15+ minutes)
- List of Courses resource - Submission Form draft for review (10 minutes)
- Work for this Week (5 minutes)
- Survey on Course List Submission Form
- Update Availability survey so we can plan meetings in November and December
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Sharron, 05 November
- Name, date
22 October 2021 Teleconference
Minutes - 22 October 2021 EOWG Meeting
- Curricula Designer Modules - (45 minutes)
- Module 7: Forms Design
- Anything missing? Anything that should not be there?
- Further suggestions on topic name for "Error Prevention".
Proposals: "Error Handling", "Error Managing", "Errors" ... Others?.
- Notifications Coverage -- Notifications apply to forms but also to other widgets and applications. Proposal is to:
- cover them in Topic Notifications
- cross-reference in Interaction Design, Keyboard Interactions "... specific keyboard shortcuts to reveal, review, and dismiss notifications"
- Clarifying confusing example
- Visual Design, Orientation Cues -- Learning outcomes last bullet said: "use text cues to supplement information provided through vision only, for example available dates in a calendar marked with a background color". Little to do with orientation but with use of color.
- Proposal: change to "use text cues to supplement information provided through vision only, for example using text and icons to convey when a form field is required"
- Module 7: Forms Design
- Update on the term Color Blind - (10 minutes)
- Work for this Week - (5 minutes)
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Sharron, 05 November 2021
- Andrew, 10 December 2021
- Name, date
8 October 2021 Teleconference
Minutes - 8 October 2021 EOWG Meeting
- Curricula - Designer Modules - discuss the following issues - (45 minutes)
- Use of the term "landmark" was confusing. It means different things for different people. Proposal:
- visual aspects included in Module 1: Visual Design, Topic: Cues -- No use of "landmark", instead "cues" and "headings" to define page regions
- programmatic aspects included in Module 2: Information Design, Topic: Text and Structure -- use of "landmarks" related to page regions and sections.
- Coverage of Media Players Design -- Proposed messaging:
- be aware of the issues associated to accessibility support
- choose existing players where possible
- if you cannot choose existing, then follow guidance to design your own
- "Description" terminology -- according to EOWG decision: GitHub issue 182, 1 Oct minutes
- "description of visual information (also known as audio description, video description, or described video)" in first appearance and topic intro
- "description" throughout
- teaching ideas guiding instructors to explore different terms used in different regions and standards
- Keep "Information Design" as a module. Rationale:
- Visual versus information design separation helps clarify scope of each of the modules.
- Use of the term "landmark" was confusing. It means different things for different people. Proposal:
- Accessibility of Remote Meetings - (20 minutes)
- Introduce this early Editors Draft document
- Discuss relationship to our WAI site resources:
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey - (5 minutes)
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Name, date
1 October 2021 Teleconference
Minutes - 1 October 2021 EOWG Meeting
- New Editor Introduction - Steve Lee - (5 minutes)
- Authoring Tools List - (15 minutes)
- List of Courses - (30 minutes)
- Eagle Survey Results - Current version preview
- Discussion on GitHub open issue - Consider removing "Important information" box #11
- Audio & Video Media - Description Page - (20 minutes)
- Discussion on GitHub open issue - "Description" terminology #182
- Work for this Week - (5 minutes)
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Name, date
24 September 2021 Teleconference
Minutes - 24 September 2021 EOWG Meeting
- New template for WCAG - Techniques, Understanding, ACT-Rules, Supplemental Guidance (30+ minutes)
- Reminder of goals and scope in redesign requirements analysis
- Schedule to get EOWG review and publish in less than 1 month
- Discuss latest prototypes: [not updated before the meeting ; see minutes for links] — any comments now? (better than later!)
- Updated WCAG Overview pages (30+ minutes)
- Work for this Week (5 minutes)
- Current open survey: Authoring Tools List: Dragonfly Review survey — complete by 27 September
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Name, date
? September
27 August 2021 Teleconference
- WCAG-EM Report Tool
- Comments have been addressed
- Updates since EO approval
- Chairs provided permission to fix bugs and back-end stuff with no further review needed by EO, with one exception, below:
- PDF to be included as "technologies relied upon"
- Curricula: Designer Modules -
- Intro and discussion of current structure and language.
- Structure -- Review recent comments
- Language -- Review last comment
- Intro and discussion of current structure and language.
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
Hidde introduced two outstanding issues for resolution before publication of the newly redesigned tool. After discussion, these are the outcomes:
- PDF will be included as a default "relied upon" technology option
- The introductory banner with a link to the old version of the tool will remain but be revised to remove the yellow warning box and rewritten with clearer language.
Daniel then reviewed the structural and content changes made, which were significant. Rather than talk through all of them, Daniel will post a survey to be completed by 05 September. Michelle has several useful observations and Daniel invited her to join the next TF meeting. Estella pointed people to her current work on the Universal Design Project and encouraged using it in our own work. With a reminder to stay in touch with Work for This Week and thanks to all for their contributions, the meeting adjourned.
Minutes - 27 August 2021 EOWG Meeting
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Shawn, 30 August
- Kevin, 31 August
- Sylvie, 02 September
20 August 2021 Teleconference
No meeting this week
13 August 2021 Teleconference
No meeting this week
30 July 2021 Teleconference
- WCAG-EM Report Tool - Approval to Publish update
- Curricula - Designer Modules
- Discuss structure and language - Issue #384
- List of Accessibility Courses draft ready for Eagle Review Survey
- Reminder of Requirements Analysis
- EOWG Process - commenting and responding to surveys
- Editor shoes
- Review Stages and Levels (bottom line: big stuff early)
- Comments
- Surveys — need more time (inform editor and eo-plan ASAP), abstaining (future comments), completing (indicates engagement)
- Work for this Week
- User Stories survey
- Weekly survey for reading above and these minutes
The group worked through agenda items listed above. Approval to Publish the WCAG-EM report tool is affirmed. In service to efficiency and time management in the development of the Designer Module Curriculum, Daniel will incorporate the structural and language issues raised in the survey into the changes he is implementing based on other feedback. Next, recognizing that EO work has been recently quite dependent on reliable timely survey responses, we reviewed the stages of resource development. We walked a bit in the resource editor shoes and considered what kind of feedback is most useful at which stage. We agreed to make substantive comments early in the resource development process and to be clear and timely in suggested changes in content, approach, and structure. We wrapped up with a look at the Work for the week and set off with wishes for a happy Friday and enjoyable weekend - thanks all!
Minutes - 30 July 2021 EOWG Meeting
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Andrew, 6 Aug
- Vicki, 9 Aug
- Kevin, 24 Aug
23 July 2021 Teleconference
- Template design for WCAG Techniques, Understanding WCAG, ACT Rules for WCAG, Supplemental Guidance to WCAG, ARIA APG
- Background: WCAG Supporting Documents Requirements Analysis
- Prototypes: ACT Rule, Technique, Understanding, (open issues), supplemental guidance
Note: Several details are not yet finalized or implemented consistently, such as summary info, page titles, and banner and nav wording - Focus on ACT Rules for publication soon!
- Outreach - examples of tweet replies and other mentions
- Work for today and next week
Topics included:
- ACT Rules - survey is posted and group is asked to respond with two things in mind:
- resource is not intended for general public but for auto tool makers and those who develop manual review methodologies.
- survey will focus on the framework, navigation, and ease of understanding where you are and how to find what you are specifically seeking
- Outreach - part of the name of our group and the expectations of us from W3C. Please continue to make note of:
- your own outreach and promotional efforts (blog posts, social media activity, etc)
- accessibility related topics that others post, especially if you respond with a pointer to WAI resources (much appreciated)
- any references to WAI materials in newsletters, blog posts, webinars done by others.
- Work for this Week - has been updated. Surveys are listed in priority order. Remember that you can save answers in surveys and return to complete at a later time. Also even if you are unable to complete the review, please register that fact using the option in the review level question in each survey - Thanks!
Minutes - 23 July 2021 EOWG Meeting
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Name, date
9 July 2021 Teleconference
- WAI Curricula — Curricula designer modules Starfish Review survey
- Videos — proposed shift from WCAG SCs to How People with Disabilities Use the Web sub-pages
- Work for this Week
- Curricula survey ready now
- WCAG-EM Report Tool butterfly/approval-to-publish survey coming end of next week
- Outreach - record your activities and other things you see
Daniel explained how the comments from the last survey and meeting conversations had been addressed. He asked that the group take plenty of time and carefully review the Designer modules and comment in the survey linked in the agenda. This is the final review before we will be asked for permission to publish. There are two weeks allocated to completing the survey - remember that you can save your answers and return to the survey over that time. Shadi reviewed with the group the current plans for video production. Rather than include the short videos that were proposed to illustrate the SC of the Accessibility Guidelines, the focus has shifted specifically to videos that illustrate the AT use and concepts related to How People with Disabilities Use the Web. The group considered this shift and determined that it was a good decision and likely to be very effective in its purpose. Hidde reported that a approval to publish survey would post near the end of this week for the WCAG-EM Report Tool, please watch for it. A review of the Work for This Week and discussion of our outreach efforts wrapped up the meeting - thanks all!
Minutes - 9 July 2021 EOWG Meeting
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Name, date
25 June 2021 Teleconference
- WCAG-EM Report Tool - Discuss issues raised in survey and GitHub issues tagged EOWG agenda+
- updated overview page
- 'all results' on Report Findings page?
- other comments
- User Stories - Discuss open issues around draft User Stories, Personas prototype
- Meeting Scribe - Scribe Rotation and Scribing Instructions/Tips
- Work for this Week
Meeting began with brief introductions from all participants and welcome to our new colleague, Michele Williams who has an extensive background in usability at Pearson and elsewhere. The group then considered comments that had been submitted for the updates to the page design for the WCAG-EM Report Tool. Among the comments were preferences about Save, expand/collapse, and findability. Hidde is taking comments and will use them to guide next steps. Next was discussion of open issues around the User Stories draft that the group will consider. Reminder to the group that we will begin Scribe Rotation and provisions of instructions for how to manage that. The meeting wrapped up with pointers to current work and the sad but exciting news that Shadi is leaving W3C in September to take a position with a major tech company. Good luck Shadi, we will miss you!
View full 25 June meeting minutes .
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- Billie Johnston, 25 June 2021
11 June, 2021 Teleconference
- Introductions
- Curricula - Understanding and Involving Users module draft
Discussion- Module fit -- How does this module fit in the curricula? does it fit in the designer modules?
- Explaining different types of feedback -- Feedback from testing with users vs from involving users in the analysis, design, and development phases
Is that difference clear throughout the module? How could we make that difference more explicit? - Including real people versus desk research (research without real people)
Does current wording acknowledge that some organizations are not able to involve real people and will do mainly desk research?
- Scribe rotation for Friday Meetings
- Work for this Week
Discussion of the agenda items previously listed resulted in the following:
- The curriculum TF will reconsider the placement of the current content, including the idea of moving much of the information about involving users to the Foundations modules.
- Based on the outcome of that reconsideration, discussion of the additional curriculum questions were tabled.
- Scribe rotation method will be introduced at the next EOWG meeting.
07 May, 2021 Teleconference
Videos Subgroup Meeting (in place of EOWG meeting)
- WCAG Video Project
- Script for SC 2.3.3 "Animation from Interactions" (see survey results for SC 2.3.3)
- "Manti has a condition called vestibular disorder" vs "Manti has vestibular disorder"
- Would someone with vestibular disorder be using a mobile phone while walking around?
- Script for SC 2.4.7 "Focus Visible" (see survey results for SC 2.4.7)
- Easier readability vs natural speaking? For example:
- "Alex has been a reporter for many years and has developed a repetitive strain injury, which makes it painful to use a mouse and to type for extended periods of time." vs. "Alex has been a reporter for many years and has developed a repetitive strain injury. This makes it painful to use a mouse and to type for extended periods of time."
- Easier readability vs natural speaking? For example:
- Script for SC 1.3.4 "Orientation" (see survey results for SC 1.3.4)
- Do we need the scenes with the desk stand?
- Script for SC 1.3.3 "Sensory Characteristics" (see survey results for SC 1.3.3)
- Provide more or less description of audio sensory? For example:
- You mention color and sound as being an issue, but only address how to fix the "green button" for the color. Should we address the "speak after the beep" - how to make that more accessible?
- Where does it say Kaseem can't hear?
- Provide more or less description of audio sensory? For example:
- Script for SC 2.3.3 "Animation from Interactions" (see survey results for SC 2.3.3)
30 April 2021 Teleconference
- Style for EOWG Resources
- Background: With the WAI site redesign that launched in 2018, EOWG edited many of our resources to be more succinct and concise. This is based on usability testing of the WAI site prototype redesigns. Participants very much wanted simple and direct style for the how-to type resources. For Stories page they liked the narrative style. Some of this is documented in the Style Guide . Note that specific documents are different, yet we have an overall default style.
- Current issue: We would like to revisit style for EOWG resources. There are some suggestions for more narrative style.
- Examples:
- "Media Resource" (Making Audio and Video Media Accessible) is a recent example of current EOWG style
- Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools
- Selecting Tools was edited in 2017 to be very concise
- "Requirements Analysis" idea for significant revision (Google doc)
- draft of possible revisions (Google doc)
- ARRM (Accessibility Role and Responsibilities Mapping)
- Draft of current-EOWG-style first page: ARRM starting page
- Idea for different style: ARRM framework introduction
- WCAG 3 Introduction has some sections with very little text and lots of bullets (that maybe goes too far)
- Style Guide update
- Broadened "For persona names, include different ethnicities and genders." to include pictures, descriptions, ages, disabilities
- diff, resulting bullets
- Work for this Week
16 April, 2021 Teleconference
- WCAG-EM Report Tool:
- Status update
- Latest preview of redesign
- List of changes
- Survey coming early next week
- WCAG Videos Update
- Status update
- WCAG Video Scripts: Batch 1 Thorough Review survey open - Closes 27 April
- What to review for? - Listed in survey
- Using GitHub videos - Any comments on these draft videos on using GitHub for WAI resources ?
- Work for this Week
- Work on reviews, surveys, and other Work for this Week - (remaining time :-)
- (optional) GitHub tips live
The group considered and discussed agenda items listed above. No votes or resolutions were taken.
View full 16 April meeting minutes .
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- [done] name, 00 Month 2021
- [done] Sylvie, 30 April 2021
09 April, 2021 Teleconference
Videos Subgroup Meeting (in place of EOWG meeting)
- WCAG Videos
- Re-visit GitHub Issue #39 "All scripts - remove unnecessary persona details"
- Open issues on Script 1.3.5
- Discuss upcoming Batch 1 Thorough Review survey before opening
26 March, 2021 Teleconference
- WAI Style Guide Update - (15+ minutes)
- See proposed revised wording in Talk:Style.
- The most significant change is the 2 sentences and 2 bullets starting with:
"Note: Be aware that a plural pronoun for an individual..." - Diff in .doc
- The most significant change is the 2 sentences and 2 bullets starting with:
- (optional example in case it's useful) Example of options being considered for Tal in Content Usable document.
- See proposed revised wording in Talk:Style.
- WCAG Video Project (Overview and what to review for) - (~60 minutes)
- Discussion of current draft scripts - Open new issues and visit current issues listed below.
- Specific guidance for other stakeholder reviews
- [Tentative] - Curricula update on Designer modules - (5-10 minutes)
- Work for this Week - (5 minutes)
- Review updated wording in WAI Style Guide update (coming soon)
- Optional Survey on Curricula Designer Modules
19 March, 2021 Teleconference
Note meeting time is one hour different in Europe and other places
Meeting for those who are commenting on the COGA Content Usable document:
- COGA Content Usable
- Background: EOWG comments and COGA replies (.doc) — COGA replies are in purple boxes starting with "March2021"; the number is a link to the GitHub issue, the next text is their topic (in italics); the next paragraph is their reply.
- Discuss situation and approach to commenting (e.g., please do share perspectives, and think about level)
- Any questions about the Survey on COGA Replies?
(note: survey Introduction was updated Wednesday, and new questions coming Thursday)
- Work for today (Friday 19 March)
- Update your comments in Survey on COGA Replies
05 March, 2021 Teleconference
WCAG Videos Meeting (Optional for other EOWG Participants)
- Background - Deliverables for WCAG 2.1 Guidelines and Success Criteria Videos
- Project Requirements Document - Video-Based Resources/WCAG Requirements
- First set of Sample Scripts
- Note: The videos were designed to not require audio description (all visuals should be sufficiently described in the audio).
- WCAG Videos GitHub Repository (for entering issues)
full 05 March meeting minutes .
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- [done] name, 00 Month 2021
26 February 2021 Teleconference
- List of Accessibility Courses (~30 minutes)
- Correct Speech Recognition (instead of Voice Recognition) (~40 minutes)
- Description in WAI Style Guide
- Proposed edits to Speech Recognition Perspectives Video page: preview, diff
- Any comments on proposed edits?
- With the transcript, is a Note about the change.
What are the Pros and Cons of putting something about it earlier on the page? - Leave URI "voice" OK, or importance to change?
- WAI Project Opportunities - call for volunteers (some EOWG projects and some not) (~20 minutes)
- Any questions?
- Any ideas of who might be qualified and interested?
- Work for this Week (5 minutes)
- Note "Review minor changes" and "Optional — Provide input on open issues" under Work for this Week
EOWG worked through the items listed in the agenda above. There were no resolutions or action items. Calls for volunteers have been posted. View full 26 March meeting minutes .
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- [done] name, 00 Month 2021
19 February 2021 - no teleconference
12 February 2021 - no teleconference
05 February 2021 Teleconference
- Curricula title - consider the title used in different contexts - front-load title? comments in GitHub (~30 minutes)
- Work for this Week (~15 minutes)
- How to review changes in GitHub
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- [done] name, 00 Month 2021
15 January 2021 Teleconference
- Media Resource (~30+ minutes)
- As part of our re-focus, let's consider covering integrated description better -- see top comment in GitHub 157.
Discuss (and potentially approve):- Proposed revisions - Diff of markup for both pages
- Any comments in GitHub 157
- As part of our re-focus, let's consider covering integrated description better -- see top comment in GitHub 157.
- COGA Content Usable document, survey results, UT question (~30+ minutes)
- Update on status of EOWG comments and coordination
- Additional input needed on usability testing content
- Sentences for referencing EOWG resources
- Videos for WCAG requirements (~30+ minutes)
- Background on 2019-2021 Videos Project and previous high-level description of each potential video
- 4 Example Scripts
- Discuss: What do you think of this approach? Length? Persona-like beginning? Including both: 1. barriers/problems/errors and 2. solutions/works well. Are they clear enough? Other input...
- Who is interested in small group (e.g., Task Force) work on these videos?
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
People who missed the meeting and have read or skimmed minutes:
- [done] name, 00 Month 2021
08 January 2021 Teleconference
- Media Resource Revisions (~60 minutes)
- Revisions Requirements Analysis
- first page edited
- new second page "User Experiences and Benefits to Organizations"
- Comments on the title of the second page in GitHub 152
- Other comments at the bottom of GitHub 151
- COGA Content Usable Survey (~30 minutes)
- Discuss initial survey results
- Any questions or clarifications to help understand the issues in order to provide more useful survey comments?
- Work for this Week (5 minutes)
- COGA Survey due Monday 11 January
- (optional) Curricula
- Curricula first page - some input in survey #11
- Developer Overview page - Prerequisites for Students a bit annoying in GitHub 302