Promoting W3Cx Intro Course

From Education & Outreach
We very much welcome your help telling everyone about W3C WAI's Introduction to Web Accessibility course introduced in the new web page:
Digital Accessibility Foundations - Free Online Course
You are welcome to use the sample wording below for your own blog posts, newsletter articles, etc.
If you write a blog, newsletter article, or such, please let us know by sending e-mail to and so we can add it to our list. Thanks!

Wording that you can use

See this main W3C WAI page for wording that you can use:

Things to make clear in messaging:

  • Start here for info about the course: Digital Accessibility Foundations - Free Online Course
  • The course is for technical and non-technical learners.
  • Anyone can take the course for free. Optionally, you can choose to get a Verified Certificate for $99 USD to demonstrate successful course completion.
  • We plan to leave this version of the course available until an updated version is published. (That might be 2021 Q2.)

(fyi: Originally the free “audit” option was limited to 4 weeks. As of 8 April 2019, the audit option gives you access to all of the content for as long as the course is open.)

Hash tags

Please include at least @w3c_wai
Others you might want to include:

  • @w3c_wai
  • @w3c
  • @theW3Cx
  • @unescoiite
  • #a11y
  • #accessibility

Record of outreach and mentions

Note: Below is not a complete listing — just some that we know about.

student public comments

Lots more findable from linkedin w3cx accessibility (google) and linkedin w3cx course (google)

  • LinkedIn: "This course was an eye-opener, ..." -- read more praise in the post
  • LinkedIn: "Interested in web accessibility? A strong recommendation to start with the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) free online intro course (on edX) -
    At Vincit, we are using this course as a basis for our accessibility learning group." — Eyal Eshet on GAAD 2024
  • Mastodon: "I enjoyed this course a lot, it's well made and fun to do 🤗" Steve Frenzel. March 2024
  • LinkedIn: "Lerngruppe Accessibility Griet Ahrens Markus Schmon Christopher Rock Felix Häußer. W3Cx Dankeschön für den sehr guten Kurs zu A11Y. Eignet sich auch super für alle ohne Vorkenntnisse in dem Bereich. Verified Certificate for Introduction to Web Accessibility 🤓
  • LinkedIn: "I highly recommend this course to consultants, developers, designers, product managers, and anyone else interested in making the web more inclusive. Accessibility is crucial for ensuring that everyone can fully engage with digital content, and this certification equips you with the knowledge to do just that.
    It only took me around 10 hours of study, and the entire course content on edX is completely free! Plus for $99USD I was able to obtain a verified certificate." Tim Smyth March 2024
  • LinkedIn: "... If you're looking to enhance your web development expertise and make a positive difference in the online world, I highly recommend checking out the "Introduction to Web Accessibility" course from W3Cx...." Carol Andrade Santos 2023
  • Tweet: "I finished the Introduction to Web Accessibility course from @edXOnline @w3c_wai this afternoon!
    The course was super helpful in getting me thinking about web a11y and how that relates to my own research communication both in person and online. Super fun course!" Luke Child 2 Oct 2023
  • Tweet: "I took this course last year, highly recommend if you’re interested in learning more about assistive technology and strategies to increase accessibility." Africa Kenyah | Coding Therapist. Sept 2023
  • Tweet: "Started the Intro to Web A11y MOOC on @edXOnline by @w3c_wai and I'm thoroughly impressed so far. I would recommend anyone who creates #a11y training to join the course and/or integrate the lessons therein. Very well constructed!"" @DamianSian Accessibility professional. Jan 2020
  • Tweet: "I'm taking @w3c_wai 's Introduction to Web Accessibility. Excellent free resource #a11y" Issy Everett UX designer. Interests include: universal design, tech for good,...
  • Tweet: "This is a great course for getting to grips with digital accessibility. And it’s FREE. Perfect for tech & non-tech learners." — Nathalie, @she_codes , Frontend Software Engineer, Accessibility & web performance beginner.
  • Tweet: "Avui és el dia internacional de persones amb discapacitat. Aquest curs és molt interessant, apunta't! #accessibilitat" (Today is International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This course is very interesting, sign up!) — Irema Diadema
  • Tweet: "This is a great opportunity! #IPDP2020 Great course! I recommend it! Instructors are great! [icons]" — ADA 25 & Beyond!
  • Tweet: "I’ve recommended this course to quite a few people. It’s easy to follow and complete. You can do it over several sessions at your own pace." — Laiya Lee 李荔雅
  • Tweet: "I am still recommending this @edXOnline course to folks interested in learning #a11y. Thanks to @w3c_wai & the instructors on providing such thorough & entry level material for people who need to get started. Even I learned new things!" — Amy Carney
  • Tweet: " #accessibilite Je poursuis mes recherches avec le mooc du #W3C 'Introduction to Web #accessibility'" and "Certifiée! Cours #W3C en anglais, dense, varié et bien illustré mais ce n'est qu'un début il reste beaucoup à découvrir. #WCAG #accessibility @edXOnline @w3c_wai" — Coryse Quibel
  • Tweet: "I highly recommend this course for anybody wanting to learn about digital accessibility. It's got a lot of great info and a relatively small time commitment." — Justin Yarbrough
  • Tweet: "J'ai fini de suivre le cours très complet du @w3c intitulé "Introduction to Web Accessibility" ! Hâte d'en apprendre encore plus et de mettre la main à la pâte." (I finished the course...) + image of certificate— Cécile Rouyer
  • Tweet: "I just finished this course and must say it's excellent! I highly recommend #designtwitter to take it!" — Alicia Jarvis
  • Tweet: "I just finished this course and must say it was truly excellent!" — Grace Snow
  • Tweet: "I just enrol in this accessibility course and I watched some short clips (Module 1), and it made an impact on me.
    I will work from now on accessibility improvements thinking about these real people, not just because "the law", or because you "should"

    [screen captures]" — dcorbacho
  • Tweet: "Took this course, passed it. Well worth the money to reassess my #a11y knowledge. HINT: I learned a few things I didn’t know." — [Todd]
  • Tweet: "...Highly recommend this course wherever you think you are on the spectrum of digital accessibility awareness...." — @Ghizzi_d
  • Tweet: "よさそう" — mo__ro__
  • Tweet: "I decided to start of with module 3 in the Intro to #accessibility course on edX from the @w3c_wai and finish this part today. #a11y is just as important as coding so the JS can wait a bit." — Todd
    "and knowing the text contrast ratio is 4.5:1 and sitting there looking at it, but choosing 3:1 and getting the question wrong on the graded portion of the Intro to #Accessibility test on edX via the @w3c_wai group I’m just going to not try and take anymore tests until wake up." Todd later
  • Tweet: "@thew3cx @w3c_wai "Introduction to Web Accessibility" it was a great course! Thanx to all who was involved into course creation, you are making a big deal! Thanx to @edXOnline for placing and #a11y to all!" [+ image of his certificate :-] — Artur Basak
  • Tweet: "Woohoo! I successfully completed the @w3c_wai accessibillity course on and earned a certificate!
    Hopefully this well help in my path for becoming a consultant one day." — Sophie 13 Feb
  • Tweet: ""Disability is about design. Bad design is disabeling." The course on web accessibility by the @w3c_wai is filled with eye-opening arguments and concepts. Great job @shawn_slh and team! {br} Join the course!" Carlos 6 Feb
  • Tweet: "Started the Intro to Web A11y MOOC on @edXOnline by @w3c_wai and I'm thoroughly impressed so far. I would recommend anyone who creates #a11y training to join the course and/or integrate the lessons therein. Very well constructed!" — @DamianSian 30 Jan
    Tweet: "Very worthwhile. Jump on it." @DamianSian 3 Feb
  • Tweet: "I'm half way through this course - highly recommended" — @brianteeman 3 Feb
  • Tweet: "Through modules 1 and 2 of the edX @w3c_wai Introduction to Web Accessibility course. It's helping my study for CPACC 😁" — @racheleditullio 3 Feb
  • Tweet: "Great course for anybody wanting to learn about digital accessibility." Justin Yarbrough

Listing course completion

job postings

Job posting that mention the course in requirements, and related info:

course references

Suggesting the course - LinkedIn and others

EOWG and other's promotion on twitter, linkedin, other social media

(student tweets are in section above)

blogs, on-line news, web pages,…

e-mail lists

  • E-mail WAI announce and WAI IG Discussion Lists 14 May 2020 WAI e-mail
  • E-mail WAI announce and WAI IG Discussion Lists 14 April 2020 WAI e-mail
  • E-mail to Accessing Higher Ground mailing list (9100 contacts) - Howard, April 3
  • E-mail WAI announce and WAI IG Discussion Lists 3 Feb 2020 WAI e-mail
  • WebAIM list - 3 Feb
  • E-mail to Mozilla Developers - 19 Dec 2019
  • E-mails to Library of Congress web content and accessibility lists, Laura - January 3
  • E-mails to GSA content managers list, Laura - January 3
  • E-mail to Accessing Higher Ground mailing list (9100 contacts) "Free webinar and web accessibility online course" - Howard, 16 Dec
  • mentioned in e-mail to Follow up to Inclusive Design for Immersive Web Standards Workshop, Dom - 10 Dec
  • E-mails to W3Cx students, Marie-Claire - 3 Dec
  • E-mail WAI announce and WAI IG Discussion Lists 3 Dec 2019 WAI e-mail

press releases, conferences


internal sharings:

  • course link has been added to the Library of Congress web accessibility portal as well as added to the new employee orientation information - 12/16/2020
  • mentioned in EBSCO internal meeting, Shawn & Alan - 19 December
  • Mentioned on Scottish Government user research Slack channel, Accessibility Scotland Slack channel and UK Gov Accessibility Slack channel. Kevin, 7/2/2020
  • Kris Anne shared class on our Yammer site for all ETS employees to participate.
  • Brent - Sharing internally at Pearson on May 21st during Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). We have an annual internal celebration of GAAD at Pearson that includes a variety of activities, internal blogs, training sessions, and celebrating those breaking barriers at Pearson. We are marketing the Intro Course and encouraging colleagues to enroll and complete the course.
  • Mentioned on Scottish Public Sector Design Slack channel and promoted through Scottish Government Digital Academy site 14/12/2020

Nov-Dec 2020 promotion ideas

  • how do we reach students (and uni teachers) who may have time in Dec??? (Access Learn, ...)
  • #disabilityinclusion

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