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This: 02 August 2012
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Agenda of 2 August 2012 TAG Teleconference
Nearby: TAG work plan - Teleconference
details - issues list - open actions - pending review actions - www-tag archive - tag archive
- Convene
- Chair: Larry Masinter, Scribe: Yves Lafon (unconfirmed)
- Regrets: Noah Mendelsohn, Jeni Tennison, Henry Thompson, Tim Berners-Lee
- Future regrets: see summer regrets list (and corrections in thread that
follows), Tim is unavailable until 23 August
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Next Meeting: 9 August 2012 , Chair: Noah Mendelsohn
- Future scribes: Yves Lafon -> Peter Linss -> Robin Berjon -> Jeni Tennison -> Larry Masinter
- Approve minutes of prior meeting(s)
- Administrative items
- Note proposed summer telcon schedule:
- July 12 Call
- July 19 Call
- July 26 No Call
- Aug 2 MAYBE (depends in part on Larry's availability)
- Aug 9 Call
- Aug 16 No Call (Noah unavailable)
- Aug 23 Call
- Aug 30 Call
- Sept 6 No Call (Noah unavailable)
- ACTION-720: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Make sure we have somewhere to meet in London 7-9th October - Due: 2012-06-20 - OPEN
ISSUE-25 (deepLinking-25): Can publication of hyperlinks constitute copyright infringment?
- Goals:
- Background:
- Product page calling for First public working draft of Rec. 1 September 2012
- ACTION-727: on - Ashok Malhotra - With help from JAR and Larry to work on a plan for taking a slightly stronger version of the Copyright and Linking draft forward - Due: 2012-07-17 - OPEN
- ACTION-722: on - Jonathan Rees - Review 'publishing and linking' due - Due: 2012-08-01 - OPEN
- ACTION-728: on - Noah Mendelsohn - find editor for copyright and linking after group reviews Ashok's proposals on stronger messages - Due: 2012-07-12 - OPEN
- ACTION-721: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Update product index to target date on publishing & linking - Due: 2012-06-20 - OPEN
- Older background:
- Pending Review Items:
- Overdue Action Items:
- Any other business
Noah Mendelsohn for the TAG
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