Note: in September 2006 the Activity news have moved from the Activity Homepage
to a separate page. Please, consult
the news archive associated with that page for news
starting that date. The maintenance of this page has been discontinued.
W3C Semantic Web News and Events Archive
The Semantic Web is an
extension of the current web in which information is given
well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to
work in cooperation. The following is an archive of News and
Events that have in part made the development and deployment
of the Semantic Web possible.
this page via
RSS 1.0 , an
RDF vocabulary for
supporting information syndication.
Semantic Web Activity Extended and New Groups Announced
W3C is pleased to announce the
renewal of the Semantic Web Activity.
The W3C Advisory Committee
approved the continuing work in RDF data access, rules interchange, and
health care and life sciences. Three new groups are chartered for work
on Semantic Web deployment, extracting RDF from XML (e.g., to process
microformats), and education and outreach.
Rule Interchange Format Use Cases and Requirements Updated
The Rule Interchange Format
(RIF) Working Group has published an updated Working Draft of
RIF Use Cases and Requirements.
Synthesized from nearly fifty use cases, the document specifies use
cases and requirements for a format that allows rules to be translated
between rule languages and thus transferred between rule systems. The
group invites comments through 8 September.
RDF/OWL Representation of WordNet Working Draft Published
The WordNet Task Force of the
Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group has released
the First Public Working Draft of RDF/OWL Representation of
WordNet. The draft proposes a conversion to RDF
and OWL of WordNet, the
machine-readable lexical system developed at Princeton
University for the English language. The group describes how the
conversion was made and how it may be queried for use in Semantic Web
Image Annotation on the Semantic Web Draft
The Semantic Web Best Practices
and Deployment Working Group has published the First
Public Working Draft of
Image Annotation on the Semantic Web.
Produced by the group's Multimedia Annotation in the
Semantic Web Task Force, the draft describes creation,
storage, manipulation, interchange and processing of
image metadata. Guidelines and an overview of tools and
RDF and OWL vocabularies are provided.
RDF/A Primer Working Draft Published
The HTML Working Group and the
Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group
jointly have published the First Public Working Draft of
the RDF/A Primer 1.0. Produced by the
groups' RDF in XHTML Task Force, the draft is a companion
to the XHTML 2.0
specification. This document introduces syntax for
expressing RDF metadata within XHTML and explains the use
of the XHTML metainformation modules.
SPARQL Protocol for RDF Last Call
The RDF Data Access Working
Group has released a second Last Call Working Draft of
the SPARQL Protocol for RDF. The draft
describes RDF data access and transmission of RDF queries
from clients to processors. The protocol is compatible
with the SPARQL query language (pronounced
"sparkle") and is designed to convey queries from other
RDF query languages as well.
RDF / Topic Maps Interoperability Note
The Semantic Web Best Practices
and Deployment Working Group has published
A Survey of RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability
Proposals as a Working Group Note. The Note records
existing proposals for integrating data represented in
W3C's RDF/OWL family of languages with data represented
in ISO's Topic Maps. It is a starting point for
establishing guidelines for combined usage of these
standards, assuring interoperability.
SPARQL Protocol for RDF - Last Call
The RDF Data Access Working
Group has released a second Last Call Working Draft of
the SPARQL Protocol for RDF. The draft
describes RDF data access and transmission of RDF queries
from clients to processors. The protocol is compatible
with the SPARQL query language (pronounced
"sparkle") and is designed to convey queries from other
RDF query languages as well.
SPARQL Query Results XML Format - Last Call
The RDF Data Access Working
Group has released a second Last Call Working Draft of
the SPARQL Query Results XML Format. The
SPARQL query
language (pronounced "sparkle") offers developers and
end users a way to write and to consume search results
across a wide range of information such as personal data,
social networks and metadata about digital artifacts like
music and images. SPARQL also provides a means of
integration over disparate sources.
SPARQL Query Language for RDF
The RDF Data Access Working
Group has released an updated Working Draft of the
SPARQL Query Language for RDF. SPARQL offers
developers and end users a way to write and to consume
search results across a wide range of information such as
personal data, social networks and metadata about digital
artifacts like music and images. SPARQL also provides a
means of integration over disparate sources.
Simile Release of Piggy-Bank 2.1
2005-10-03 ,
SIMILE project, a
joint project conducted by the
MIT Libraries,
and MIT CSAIL has
announced the availability of a new major release of
Bank. Piggy Bank is an extension to the Firefox web
browser that turns it into Semantic Web application
making it easier to manage, organize and share
RDF data. Built
around its
faceted browser engine, the new Piggy Bank release
features greatly improved stability, usability,
performance and integration of third-party services (e.g.
Google Maps).
Last Call: SPARQL Protocol for RDF
2005-09-14 ,
The RDF Data Access Working
Group has released a Last Call Working Draft of the
SPARQL Protocol for RDF. The draft
describes RDF data access and transmission of RDF queries
from clients to processors. The protocol is compatible
with the SPARQL query language and is designed to
convey queries from other RDF query languages as well.
Comments are welcome through 14 October.
Last Call: SPARQL Variable Binding Results XML
The RDF Data Access Working
Group has released a Last Call Working Draft of the
Query Results XML Format. The
SPARQL query language
(pronounced "sparkle") offers developers and end users a
way to write and to consume search results across a wide
range of information such as personal data, social
networks and metadata about digital artifacts like music
and images. SPARQL also provides a means of integration
over disparate sources. Comments are welcome through 1
Last Call: SPARQL Query Language for RDF
2005-07-21 ,
The RDF Data Access Working
Group has released a Last Call Working Draft of the
Query Language for RDF. Comments are welcome through
1 September. SPARQL (pronounced "sparkle") offers
developers and end users a way to write and to consume
search results across a wide range of information such as
personal data, social networks and metadata about digital
artifacts like music and images. SPARQL also provides a
means of integration over disparate sources.
W3C Rule Languages Workshop Report released
2005-06-07 ,
report on the W3C Rule Languages
Workshop is now available. Over eighty representatives
from various vendors, user communities, and research
groups attended and reported on their views, experience,
and ideas on options for establishing a standard
web-based language for expressing rules. More information
is available from the Workshop Web site and the
press release.
SIMILE Release of Piggy Bank
2005-05-23 ,
SIMILE project, a
joint project conducted by the
MIT Libraries,
and MIT CSAIL to
promote semantic inteoperability of metadata between
digital libraries, is happy to announce the release of
Piggy-Bank. Piggy Bank is an extension to the Firefox web
browser that turns it into Semantic Web browser.
Additional details, including installation guides, usage
scenarios, and technical documentation, are availiable on
the Piggy
Bank home page.
XML Schema Datatypes in RDF and OWL Working Draft
The Semantic Web Best Practices
and Deployment Working Group released a First Public
Working Draft of
Schema Datatypes in RDF and OWL. Posing questions and
answers about XML Schema datatypes in the Semantic Web,
the document discusses user defined datatypes, comparison
of values, duration, and the use of numeric types. The
group invites public discussion and feedback on
SPARQL Query Language for RDF
The RDF Data Access Working
Group has released the third Working Draft of the
SPARQL Query Language for RDF. SPARQL
(pronounced "sparkle") offers developers and end users a
way to write and to consume search results across a wide
range of information such as personal data, social
networks and metadata about digital artifacts like music
and images. SPARQL also provides a means of integration
over disparate sources.
SPARQL Query Language for RDF second Working Draft
The RDF Data Access Working
Group has released the second Working Draft of the
SPARQL Query Language for RDF. SPARQL
offers developers and end users a way to write and to
consume search results across a wide range of information
such as personal data, social networks and metadata about
digital artifacts like music and images. SPARQL also
provides a means of integration over disparate
OWL-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services Note
OWL-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services defines an
OWL ontology of services that
enables users and software agents helps automate the
process of discovering, invoking, composing, and
monitoring Web resources that offer particular services
and have particular properties. The W3C Member Submission
describes the overall structure of the ontology and its
three main parts: the service profile for advertising and
discovering services; the process model, which gives a
detailed description of a service's operation; and the
grounding, which provides details on how to interoperate
with a service, via messages.
Workshop on Semantic Web for Life Sciences Explores
Scientific Data Networks
2004-10-26 ,
W3C Workshop
on Semantic Web for Life Sciences is being held in
Cambridge, MA, USA on 27-28 October. Data networks allow
biology to progress from the mapping of one-dimensional
DNA to understanding multi-dimensional organisms and
their diseases. Semantic Web technologies such as
RDF and
OWL enable the
rapid creation of rich information networks and can
assist in the generation of hypotheses across massive
data sets. Workshop participants will address the
publication, sharing and management of data networks, and
will develop use cases and prototypes. More information
about this workshop can be found in the
SIMILE Release of Longwell RDF Browser v1.0
2004-10-22 ,
SIMILE project, a
joint project conducted by the
MIT Libraries,
and MIT CSAIL to
promote semantic inteoperability of metadata between
digital libraries, is happy to announce the release of
their web-based general RDF browser, Longwell.
Longwell is
a Java web application written on top of Jena, Apache
Velocity and Apache Lucene, providing the ability to
browse and search any kind of RDF dataset, both thru both
facetted browsing and free-text search.
SPARQL Query Language for RDF Working
Draft released
The RDF Data Access Working
Group has released the First Public Working Draft of the
SPARQL Query Language for RDF. SPARQL
(pronounced "sparkle") offers developers and end users a
way to write and to consume search results across a wide
range of information such as personal data, social
networks and metadata about digital artifacts like music
and images. SPARQL also provides a means of integration
over disparate sources.
Ontaria 0.8 Released
Ontaria is a searchable and browsable directory of
semantic web data. Our focus is RDF vocabularies with OWL
ontologies, but all the RDF data we index is visible. The
site is primarily intended for people creating RDF
content who want to better understand which vocabularies
are available and how they are being used. Beyond this,
Ontaria may be useful for finding and exploring arbitrary
RDF content.
W3C Launches Phase 2 of Semantic Web
W3C announced the launch of
Phase 2 of the Semantic Web Activity. Two new Working
Groups have been formed; the Best Practices and
Deployment WG
and the RDF Data Access Working Group
These join the RDF Core and Web Ontology WGs, the
Semantic Web Interest Group, and the Semantic Web
Coordination Group.
are W3C Recommendations
The World Wide Web
Consortium today released the Resource Description
Framework (RDF) and the OWL Web Ontology Language
(OWL) as W3C Recommendations. RDF is used to
represent information and to exchange knowledge in
the Web. OWL is used to publish and share sets of
terms called ontologies, supporting advanced Web
search, software agents and knowledge management.
Read the
release for the full list of twelve documents
to see how organizations are using these
technologies today.
IsaViz 2.0
Semantic Web
Advanced Development initiative announces a new
release of
a visual environment for browsing and authoring RDF
models represented as graphs. Version 2.0 supports
an RDF-based stylesheet language. Other new features
include datatype support, enhanced navigation,
better handling of namespace prefix bindings, and an
import/export plug-in interface. Learn more about
Validation Service Updated
Validation Service has been updated to support
all of the specifications described in the RDF Last
Call Working Drafts
and now supports datatypes. A new interactive
graphical visualization of models built on
is now also provided. The RDF validator is based on
parser version 2 alpha that is distributed as open
source by Hewlett-Packard.
OWL Last
Call Working Drafts Published
The Web Ontology Working
Group has released six Working Drafts, five in Last
Call, for the OWL Web Ontology Language 1.0,
including the OWL
Use Cases and Requirements,
Semantics and Abstract Syntax,
Test Cases. Comments are welcome through 9 May. OWL
is used to publish and share sets of terms called
ontologies, providing advanced Web search, software
agents and knowledge management.
New version of OWL Language Reference Working
2002-11-14 ,
The Web Ontology Working Group
has released an updated Working Draft of the
Reference for the Web Ontology Language (OWL) 1.0.
Automated tools can use common sets of terms called
ontologies to power services such as more accurate Web
search, intelligent software agents, and knowledge
New version of OWL Abstract Syntax and
2002-11-11 ,
The Web Ontology Working Group
has released an updated Working Draft of
OWL Abstract Syntax and Semantics . The draft is a
high-level description of the OWL Web Ontology Language
1.0 and its subset OWL Lite. Automated tools can use
common sets of terms called ontologies to power services
such as more accurate Web search, intelligent software
agents, and knowledge management.
Web Ontology Language (OWL) Guide Working Draft
2002-11-11 ,
The Web Ontology Working Group
has published its first Working Draft of the
Web Ontology Language (OWL) Guide . The OWL Guide
demonstrates the use of OWL to formalize a domain by
defining classes and properties of those classes; define
individuals and assert properties about them, and reason
about these classes and individuals to the degree
permitted by the formal semantics of the OWL
IsaViz 1.1 Release
2002-05-23 ,
IsaViz is a visual environment for browsing and
authoring RDF. Version 1.1 includes improved graphical
performance, modified graphical layout and various bug
fixes. IsaViz is developed by Emmanuel Pietriga of W3C
and Xerox Research Centre Europe.
New RDF Model Theory Note Published
2002-02-14 ,
The RDF Core
Group has released the second public Working Draft of
Model Theory . This document provides an substantive
update to original draft intended to provide a precise
semantic theory for RDF and RDFS, and to sharpen the
notions of consequence and inference in RDF.
RDF Test Cases
2001-09-12 ,
The RDF Core
Group has released the first public Working
Draft of
RDF Test Cases . This document provides a set of
machine processable test cases corresponding to technical
issues addressed by the Working Group.
Ivan Herman
<>, (W3C) Semantic Web Activity Lead
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