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Jigsaw - W3C's Server

W3C's Java Server

Jigsaw is W3C's leading-edge Web server platform, providing a sample HTTP 1.1 implementation and a variety of other features on top of an advanced architecture implemented in Java. The W3C Jigsaw Activity statement explains the motivation and future plans in more detail. Jigsaw is an W3C Open Source Project, started May 1996. See the license for details.

News and Highlights:

Mailing list

The www-jigsaw@w3.org is a public mailing list for open discussions on Jigsaw. For more information on W3C mailing lists, check out the Mail Information page. Check out the FAQ and archive before posting. Bug reports, questions on the current design, etc. should be directed to jigsaw@w3.org. To subscribe to www-jigsaw@w3.org, send a mail to www-jigsaw-request@w3.org with "subscribe" in the subject.

Download and Installation

The Jigsaw distribution contains the Java source code, the documentation and the pre-compiled classes. After you download the distribution, see the Installation section of the User Documentation.

There is also an experimental printable documentation, available in pdf or postscript. The Jigsaw distribution is available in two formats both through the FTP and HTTP protocols (you may want to check the Jigsaw mirror sites for public versions only):

Jigsaw 2.2.6

The zip file is suitable for Windows [9132 Ko].
The tar, gziped file is suitable for UNIXes [6212 Ko].
The tar, bziped file is suitable for UNIXes [4580 Ko].
Content-Md5: fBhlh9ttr14YAqe45Yi+xg==
md5sum: 7c186587db6daf5e1802a7b8e588bec6
Content-Md5Content-Md5: yEjgbXhRyg0kP9i970x3ZQ==
md5sum: c848e06d7851ca0d243fd8bdef4c7765
Content-Md5: H+sD6KJaaLiZQOE3+829OQ==
md5sum: 1feb03e8a25a68b89940e137fbcdbd39

Jigsaw 2.0.5

The zip file is suitable for Windows [6584 Ko].
The tar, gziped file is suitable for UNIXes [4440 Ko].
The tar, bziped file is suitable for UNIXes [3216 Ko].

HTTP Mirror
The zip file is suitable for Windows [6584 Ko].
The tar, gziped file is suitable for UNIXes [4440 Ko].
The tar, bziped file is suitable for UNIXes [3216 Ko].

Jigsaw WebDAV Package (based on 2.1.2)

The zip file is suitable for Windows [7903 Ko].
The tar, gziped file is suitable for UNIXes [5633 Ko].
The tar, bziped file is suitable for UNIXes [3967 Ko].

Jigsaw Proxy Package (based on 2.0.2 - 5th May 1999 devel release)

The zip file is suitable for Windows [1072 Ko].
The tar, gziped file is suitable for UNIXes [1022 Ko].
The tar, bziped file is suitable for UNIXes [833 Ko].

Jigsaw 1.0beta2

The zip file is suitable for Windows.
The tar, gziped file is suitable for UNIXes.
The zip file is suitable for Windows.
The tar, gziped file is suitable for UNIXes.


The server will run on any platform supporting Java. At this time, it has been tested on Win95, WinNT and Solaris 2.x. Other people have reported successful use of Jigsaw on OS/2, MacOS, BeOS, Linux, AS-400 and AIX.
Recommended JDK version: 1.2 and up (it runs also with jdk1.1.6 and up).

Some details on platform specific environments that run Jigsaw:

Known Bugs

The current list of known bugs, along with their status.