Patent disclosure #195
- W3C internal identifier for this patent
- 195
- Specification
- Open Screen Protocol, delivered by Second Screen Working Group
- Type/State
- issued
- Name
- 7,895,378
- Jurisdiction
- US
- Scope (essential or only relevant)
- essential
- Disclosed by
- Apple Inc..
- Disclosed on
- 2021-08-13
- Held by
- Apple Inc.
- Claim
- Claims 1, 2, 7, 15, 16 are excluded, as well as any claims in continuations, divisionals, or other derivatives of the excluded patents that are Necessary Claims. No claims are being licensed.
- Portion of the specification covered
- Sections 6, 6.1, 9, 9.2, 9.3
- Licensing info
- Exclusions
Excluded claims: Claims 1, 2, 7, 15, 16 are excluded, as well as any claims in continuations, divisionals, or other derivatives of the excluded patents that are Necessary Claims. No claims are being licensed.
excluded by Apple Inc., on 2021-08-13
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