W3C Invites Implementations of Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0

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The Verifiable Credentials Working Group invites implementations of the Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0 Candidate Recommendation Snapshot. Credentials are a part of our daily lives; driver's licenses are used to assert that we are capable of operating a motor vehicle, university degrees can be used to assert our level of education, and government-issued passports enable us to travel between countries. This specification provides a mechanism to express these sorts of credentials on the Web in a way that is cryptographically secure, privacy respecting, and machine-verifiable. The group is actively seeking comments and implementation feedback for this specification as issues raised in the document's Github repository by 01 April 2024.

The group has also published a Working Group Note of VC Specifications Directory, which serves as an unofficial directory for all known Verifiable Credential specifications whether they are released by a global standards setting organization, a community group, an open source project, or an individual. Comments are welcome via GitHub issues.

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