First Public Working Draft: HTML Accessibility API Mappings (HTML-AAM)
The Protocols and Formats Working Group and HTML Working Group published a First Public Working Draft of HTML Accessibility API Mappings 1.0 (HTML-AAM). This specification defines how user agents map HTML markup to platform accessibility application programming interfaces (APIs). Documenting these mappings promotes interoperable exposure of roles, states, properties, and events implemented by accessibility APIs, and helps to ensure that this information appears in a manner consistent with author intent. It provides HTML-specific guidance to define how the HTML user agent must respond to keyboard focus, native HTML features, and role, state, and property attributes provided in web content via WAI-ARIA. It is part of a set of technology-specific modules that provide accessibility API mapping support for features in WAI-ARIA 1.1.
The mappings defined in this specification were previously published as HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide. Since the time that document was created, work on WAI-ARIA 1.1 and HTML 5.1 have led to a larger set of related Accessibility API mappings and the need to express the mappings for various technologies in a consistent manner, so that earlier draft specification will be retired. Learn more about the HTML Activity and the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).