
  • The Rule Interchange Format Working Group was closed on 6 February 2013.

Rule Interchange Format Working Group - Publications


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A RIF dialect building on RIF Core by adding function terms (Horn logic) and equality in the rule conclusions.

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The minimum RIF dialect (datalog with builtins), to which other RIF dialects add extensions.

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The list of datatypes, built-in functions, and built-in predicates supported by all RIF dialects, based on XML Schema, XML Query, and XPath.

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Specifies a coherent way to build more-expressive RIF dialects, using a single semantic framework.

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A RIF dialect for expressing the kind of rules used by production rule engines, such as commonly found in Business Rule systems

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A formal specification for how RIF can be used with RDF and OWL, including the semantics of different ways of importing RDF data and OWL ontologies into RIF rule systems.

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Translation for rdf:PlainLiteral: A Datatype for RDF Plain Literals (Second Edition)

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A detailed explanation of how to implement OWL 2 RL reasoning using RIF Core.

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Specification for how RIF rules can operate on XML data.

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Specifies a way to encode RIF documents in RDF, allowing rules to be stored and processed as RDF triples; can also be used for writing RIF rules which transform RIF rules.

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An overview of the Rule Interchange Format (RIF), including a high-level explanation of RIF concepts and architecture and a survey of other RIF documents.

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This document is a primer on the Rule Interchange Format (RIF). The primer provides a practical introduction to specifying declarative rules and production rules in RIF, in particular for the RIF BLD and PRD dialects. Examples of RIF specifications are developed in a stepwise manner.

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Documentation for the RIF test suite and suggested RIF testing process.

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An enumeration of the main use cases considered by the RIF Working Group, and design requirements than emerged from those use cases and guided the overall design of RIF.