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This document shows how OWL 2 RL can be implemented using RIF. It provides an analysis of how to represent OWL 2 RL inference rules within RIF Core. The OWL 2 RL inference rules can be implemented both via a fixed RIF Core rule set (Appendix 7) and via a mapping algorithm which converts an OWL 2 RL ontology to a customized RIF Core rule set (Appendix 8).
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OWL 2 RL is a syntactic subset (profile) of OWL 2 that is amenable to implementation using rule-based technologies. The [OWL2-Profiles] document provides a partial axiomatization of the OWL 2 RDF-Based Semantics in the form of first-order implications that can be used as the basis for such an implementation.
This note describes how that axiomatization can be expressed as a set of RIF rules within the RIF Core dialect.
There are two approaches to this, both of which exploit the correspondence between RIF and RDF given in [RIF RDF and OWL Compatibility]. The first approach is to directly translate the OWL 2 RL rules to RIF Core, those simply interested in this ruleset can skip directly to [Appendix: OWL 2 RL Rules]. The second approach, which is expected to be more scalable in practice, is to translate the source OWL 2 RL ontology to a specialized RIF Core rule set, see [Appendix: OWL 2 RL to RIF translation].
The rules for the OWL 2 RL semantics can be divided into four (non-disjoint) categories of rules.
Triple pattern rules derive one or more RDF triples from a conjunction of RDF triple patterns. Translation of these to RIF by means of Frame formulae is trivial.
List rules involve processing of RDF lists in the input graph and are expressed in OWL 2 RL using an informal elipsis notation. In implementing OWL 2 RL in RIF there are two ways of handling such rules. They can either be expressed as a set of recursive rules that traverse the RDF list structures at run-time or they can be regarded as templates that, for a given RDF input document, can be translated to a set of triple pattern rules as part of a preprocessing step. We define both options in this note.
Inconsistency rules indicate inconsistencies in the original RDF graph, they are expressed as first order rules which derive a propositional symbol false. We suggest a predicate symbol within the RIF namespace be used for this purpose.
Datatype rules these provide type checking and value equality/inequality checking for typed literals across a set of supported datatypes. The set of datatypes supported by RIF and OWL align and translation of the rules to RIF is largely straightforward.
Putting these together we conclude that implementation of OWL 2 RL rule-based inference via RIF rules is possible. We exhibit both a fixed rule set and a translation algorithm for generating an ontology-specific ruleset.
The OWL 2 RL profile [OWL2-Profiles] is aimed at applications that require scalable reasoning in return for some restriction on expressive power. It defines a syntactic subset of OWL 2 that is amenable to implementation using rule-based technologies together with a partial axiomatization of the OWL 2 RDF-Based Semantics in the form of first-order implications that can be used as the basis for such an implementation.
For ontologies satisfying the syntactic constraints of the OWL 2 RL profile then a suitable rule-based implementation can provide sound and complete entailment checking and conjunctive query answering (so long as the query also meets the OWL 2 RL syntactic restrictions).
The purpose of this note is to provide a translation of the OWL 2 RL rules into RIF notation. The aim is that this translation be faithful to the OWL 2 RL semantics so that the follow theorem should hold:
Theorem 1. Let O1 and O2 be OWL 2 RL ontologies satisying the following properties:
Let R(O1) be either the fixed RIF rule set described in [Appendix: OWL 2 RL ruleset - presentation syntax] or the RIF rule set derived from O1 by the algorithm described in [Appendix: OWL 2 RL to RIF translation].
Furthermore, let RDF(O1) and RDF(O2) be translations of O1 and O2, respectively, into RDF graphs as specified in the OWL 2 Mapping to RDF Graphs [OWL2-RDF-Mapping].
Then, O1 entails O2 under the OWL 2 RDF-Based semantics [OWL2-RDF-Semantics] if and only if the RIF-RDF combination of R(O1) and RDF(O1) entails the generalized RDF graph RDF(O2) according to the notion of simple entailment for RIF-RDF combinations as defined in [RIF RDF and OWL Compatibility].
As noted above the OWL 2 RL rules fall into four categories which pose different issues for translation to RIF. We discuss each category in turn.
Note that throughout this section all rules given in RIF Core presentation syntax will assume the following prefix definitions:
Document( Prefix(rdf <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>) Prefix(rdfs <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>) Prefix(owl <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>) Prefix(xsd <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>) Prefix(rif <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#>) Prefix(func <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-function#>) Prefix(pred <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-predicate#>) Prefix(dc <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>) ... )
The triple pattern rules take the form:
If | then | |
T(s1, p1, o1) ... T(sn, pn, on) | T(sr1, pr1, or1) ... T(srm, prm, orm) |
where each argument to the T predicate may be a variable, an IRI or literal value.
Such rules can be expressed in the RIF Core presentation syntax as:
Group (
Forall ?v11 ... ?v1o (
sr1[pr1->or1] :- And( s1[p1->o1] ... sn[pn->on] ))
Forall ?vm1 ... ?vmo (
srm[prm->orm] :- And( s1[p1->o1] ... sn[pn->on] ))
where ?vi1 ... ?vio are the variables which occur in the ith rule.
A number of the OWL 2 RL rules detect inconsistencies in the original RDF graph. They express this by deriving a distinguished propositional symbol false.
For example:
If | then | |
T(?p1, owl:propertyDisjointWith, ?p2) T(?x, ?p1, ?y) T(?x, ?p2, ?y) | false |
We translate such rules using a distinguished nullary predicate rif:error(). If this predicate is derived then the original RDF graph is inconsistent under OWL 2 RL semantics.
Note: in practice implementers may wish to replace rif:error() with a unary predicate which can be used to convey diagnostic information on the nature and source of the inconsistency that has been detected.
Thus the above rule would be expressed in RIF Core as:
Forall ?p1 ?p2 ?x ?y ( rif:error() :- And( ?p1[owl:propertyDisjointWith->?p2] ?x[?p1->?y] ?x[?p2->?y] ) )
A number of the OWL 2 RL rules involve processing OWL expressions which include RDF lists. Such rules are expressed in OWL 2 RL as templates which, for each possible list length, would correspond to a set of Triple Pattern rules.
There are two ways we can approach this in RIF. We can rewrite such rules as recursive rules that traverse the RDF list links or we can introduce the notion of a preprocessor which takes an OWL2 RL ontology in RDF syntax and translates it to a corresponding RIF rule set in which the templates rules have been instantiated for the lists that actually occur in the source ontology. This is possible because none of the rules is able to deduce new list entries for such lists within the syntactic constraints of OWL 2 RL.
The approach of using a fixed recursive rule set is appropriate to enable a single RIF OWL 2 RL ruleset to be published. The translation approach yields rules which are likely to perform better in practice.
We discuss the direct forms of the List Rules here and then describe in Appendix: OWL 2 RL to RIF translation the translation algorithm for the pre-processor approach.
There are several different patterns of List Rules in the OWL 2 RL ruleset, we discuss each group of rules in turn organized by the pattern involved.
These rules check whether any pair of entries from a list match a certain criterion and if they do an error is signaled (derivation of the false propositional symbol).
eq-diff2 | T(?x, rdf:type, owl:AllDifferent) T(?x, owl:members, ?y) LIST[?y, ?z1, ..., ?zn] T(?zi, owl:sameAs, ?zj) | false | for each 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n |
prp-adp | T(?x, rdf:type, owl:AllDisjointProperties) T(?x, owl:members, ?y) LIST[?y, ?p1, ..., ?pn] T(?u, ?pi, ?v) T(?u, ?pj, ?v) | false | for each 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n |
cax-adc | T(?x, rdf:type, owl:AllDisjointClasses) T(?x, owl:members, ?y) LIST[?y, ?c1, ..., ?cn] T(?z, rdf:type, ?ci) T(?z, rdf:type, ?cj) | false | for each 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n |
These rules can be directly translated with the assistance of a utility predicate to select any element from an RDF list.
(* <#eq-diff2> *) Forall ?x ?y ?z1 ?z2 ?iz1 ?iz2 ( rif:error() :- And ( ?x[rdf:type -> owl:AllDifferent] ?x[owl:members -> ?y] External(pred:list-contains(?y ?z1)) ?iz1 = External(func:index-of(?y ?z1)) External(pred:list-contains(?y ?z2)) ?iz2 = External(func:index-of(?y ?z2)) External( pred:numeric-not-equal ( ?iz1 ?iz2 ) ) ?z1[owl:sameAs->?z2] ) ) (* <#eq-diff3> *) Forall?x ?y ?z1 ?z2 ?iz1 ?iz2 ( rif:error() :- And ( ?x[rdf:type -> owl:AllDifferent] ?x[owl:distinctMembers -> ?y] External(pred:list-contains(?y ?z1)) ?iz1 = External(func:index-of(?y ?z1)) External(pred:list-contains(?y ?z2)) ?iz2 = External(func:index-of(?y ?z2)) External( pred:numeric-not-equal ( ?iz1 ?iz2 ) ) ?z1[owl:sameAs->?z2] ) ) (* <#prp-adp> *) Forall ?x ?y ?o ?v ?l ?ix ?iy ?r ( rif:error() :- And ( ?r[rdf:type -> owl:AllDisjointProperties] ?r[owl:members -> ?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?x)) ?ix = External(func:index-of(?l ?x)) External(pred:list-contains(?l ?y)) ?iy = External(func:index-of(?l ?y)) External( pred:numeric-not-equal ( ?ix ?iy ) ) ?o[?x->?v ?y->?v]) ) (* <#cax-adc> *) Forall ?x ?y ?o ?l ?ix ?iy ?r ( rif:error() :- And ( ?r[rdf:type -> owl:AllDisjointClasses] ?r[owl:members -> ?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?x)) ?ix = External(func:index-of(?l ?x)) External(pred:list-contains(?l ?y)) ?iy = External(func:index-of(?l ?y)) External( pred:numeric-not-equal ( ?ix ?iy ) ) ?o[rdf:type->?x rdf:type->?y]) ) )
Note: it might be tempting to refactor the above rules by defining a _pairFromList predicate which can select a disjoint pair of elements from a list. However, such a predicate would be unsafe.
This rule expands the list into a chain of properties that need to be checked in the rule body.
prp-spo2 | T(?p, owl:propertyChainAxiom, ?x) LIST[?x, ?p1, ..., ?pn] T(?u1, ?p1, ?u2) T(?u2, ?p2 ?u3) ... T(?un, ?pn, ?un+1) | T(?u1, ?p, ?un+1) |
Which can be translated by the RIF Core rule set:
(* <#prp-spo2> *) Forall ?p ?last ?pc ?start ( ?start[?p->?last] :- And ( ?p[owl:propertyChainAxiom->?pc] _checkChain(?start ?pc ?last) )) Forall ?start ?pc ?last ?p ?tl ( _checkChain(?start ?pc ?last) :- And ( ?pc[rdf:first->?p rdf:rest->?tl] ?start[?p->?next] _checkChain(?next ?tl ?last) )) Forall ?start ?pc ?last ?p ( _checkChain(?start ?pc ?last) :- And ( ?pc[rdf:first->?p rdf:rest->rdf:nil] ?start[?p->?last] ))
When writing logic rules for predicates such as _checkChain it would be more common to have the first recursive rule and then a final "terminating" fact:
Forall ?start ( _checkChain(?start rdf:nil ?start) )
However, this universal fact is not safe and thus not within RIF Core. We can work around this by the trick of unfolding the final fact into the recursive rule to yield the pair of rules shown above. In this way the rule set is still executable by a forward chaining strategy. Note that such a strategy will generate a large number of irrelevant _checkChain assertions since it will apply to any RDF List in the source ontology irrespective of whether that list is part of a owl:propertyChainAxiom.
An approach which would give better effective performance for a forward chaining strategy would be to recurse down the property chain "marking" list cells that will need to be checked. Such as:
Forall ?p ?pc ( _needCheckChain(?pc) :- And ( ?p[owl:propertyChainAxiom->?pc] )) Forall ?x ?y ( _needCheckChain(?y) :- And ( _needCheckChain(?x) ?x[rdf:rest->?y] )) Forall ?start ?pc ?last ?p ?tl ( _checkChain(?start ?pc ?last) :- And ( _needCheckChain(?pc) ?pc[rdf:first->?p rdf:rest->?tl] ?start[?p->?next] _checkChain(?next ?tl ?last) )) Forall ?start ?pc ?last ?p ( _checkChain(?start ?pc ?last) :- And ( _needCheckChain(?pc) ?pc[rdf:first->?p rdf:rest->rdf:nil] ?start[?p->?last] ))
However, since such optimizations further obscure the rules we will omit them from the rule set described here.
An alternative strategy, if performant OWL 2 RL reasoning is required, would be for a forward chaining engine to provide custom builtins for the list scanning needed here. Detailed description of such an approach is beyond the scope of this note.
We anticipate that practical rule-based OWL 2 RL implementations in RIF will either introduce such optimizations or employ an ontology translation approach, such as that described in appendix 8.
This rule checks that two individuals are the same by virtual of having the same value for each of a list of key properties.
prp-key | T(?c, owl:hasKey, ?u) LIST[?u, ?p1, ..., ?pn] T(?x, rdf:type, ?c) T(?x, ?p1, ?z1) ... T(?x, ?pn, ?zn) T(?y, rdf:type, ?c) T(?y, ?p1, ?z1) ... T(?y, ?pn, ?zn) | T(?x, owl:sameAs, ?y) |
This can be translated by the RIF rule set:
(* <#prp-key> *) Forall ?x ?y ?c ?u ( ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] :- And ( ?c[owl:hasKey->?u] ?x[rdf:type->?c] ?y[rdf:type->?c] _sameKey(?u ?x ?y) )) Forall ?u ?x ?y ( _sameKey(?u ?x ?y) :- And ( ?u[rdf:first->?key rdf:rest->?tl] ?x[?key->?v] ?y[?key->?v] _sameKey(?tl ?x ?y) )) Forall ?u ?x ?y ( _sameKey(?u ?x ?y) :- And ( ?u[rdf:first->?key rdf:rest->rdf:nil] ?x[?key->?v] ?y[?key->?v] ))
Similar considerations about safety and performance apply here as in the previous section.
This pattern involves a test for all members of a list.
cls-int1 | T(?c, owl:intersectionOf, ?x) LIST[?x, ?c1, ..., ?cn] T(?y, rdf:type, ?c1) T(?y, rdf:type, ?c2) ... T(?y, rdf:type, ?cn) | T(?y, rdf:type, ?c) |
This can be translated by the RIF rule set:
(* <#cls-int1> *) Forall ?y ?c ?l ( ?y[rdf:type->?c] :- And ( ?c[owl:intersectionOf->?l] _allTypes(?l ?y) )) Forall ?l ?y ?ty ?tl ( _allTypes(?l ?y) :- And ( ?l[rdf:first->?ty rdf:rest->?tl] ?y[rdf:type->?ty] _allTypes(?tl ?y) )) Forall ?l ?y ?ty ( _allTypes(?l ?y) :- And ( ?l[rdf:first->?ty rdf:rest->rdf:nil] ?y[rdf:type->?ty] ))
Similar considerations on safety and performance apply here as in the previous two sections.
This pattern involves a test for each member of a list.
cls-uni | T(?c, owl:unionOf, ?x) LIST[?x, ?c1, ..., ?cn] T(?y, rdf:type, ?ci) | T(?y, rdf:type, ?c) | for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n |
cls-oo | T(?c, owl:oneOf, ?x) LIST[?x, ?y1, ..., ?yn] | T(?yi, rdf:type, ?c) | for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n |
cls-int2 | T(?c, owl:intersectionOf, ?x) LIST[?x, ?c1, ..., ?cn] T(?y, rdf:type, ?c) | T(?y, rdf:type, ?c1) T(?y, rdf:type, ?c2) ... T(?y, rdf:type, ?cn) | |
scm-int | T(?c, owl:intersectionOf, ?x) LIST[?x, ?c1, ..., ?cn] | T(?c, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c1) T(?c, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c2) ... T(?c, rdfs:subClassOf, ?cn) | |
scm-uni | T(?c, owl:unionOf, ?x) LIST[?x, ?c1, ..., ?cn] | T(?c1, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c) T(?c2, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c) ... T(?cn, rdfs:subClassOf, ?c) |
These can be translated by the RIF rule set:
(* <#cls-uni> *) Forall ?y ?c ?l ?ci ( ?y[rdf:type->?c] :- And ( ?c[owl:unionOf->?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?ci)) ?y[rdf:type->?ci] )) (* <#cls-oo> *) Forall ?yi ?c ?l ( ?yi[rdf:type->?c] :- And ( ?c[owl:oneOf->?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?yi)) )) (* <#cls-int2> *) Forall ?y ?c ?ci ?l ( ?y[rdf:type->?ci] :- And ( ?c[owl:intersectionOf->?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?ci)) ?y[rdf:type->?c] )) (* <#scm-int> *) Forall ?c ?ci ?l ( ?c[rdfs:subClassOf->?ci] :- And ( ?c[owl:intersectionOf->?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?ci)) )) (* <#scm-uni> *) Forall ?c ?ci ?l ( ?ci[rdfs:subClassOf->?c] :- And ( ?c[owl:unionOf->?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?ci)) ))
where the _member predicate was defined earlier.
OWL 2 RL specifies five groups of rules to capture the semantics of supported datatypes. These are:
If | then | ||
dt-type1 | true | T(df, rdf:type, rdfs:Datatype) | for each datatype dt supported in OWL 2 RL |
dt-type2 | true | T(lt, rdf:type, dt) | for each literal lt and each datatype dt supported in OWL 2 RL such that the data value of lt is contained in the value space of dt |
dt-eq | true | T(lt1, owl:sameAs, lt2) | for all literals lt1 and lt2 with the same data value |
dt-diff | true | T(lt1, owl:differentFrom, lt2) | for all literals lt1 and lt2 with different data values |
dt-not-type | T(lt, rdf:type, dt) | false | for each literal lt and each datatype dt supported in OWL 2 RL such that the data value of lt is not contained in the value space of dt |
The RIF and OWL 2 RL working groups have now aligned the set of datatypes so that all the datatypes required by OWL 2 RL are supported by RIF.
A naive translation of the datatype rules would require unsafe RIF rules. For example, one might be tempted to translate dt-eq as:
Forall ?l1 ?l2 ( ?l1[owl:sameAs->l2] :- ?l1 = ?l2 )
To ensure safety we must ground the variables in the relevant vocabulary. Referring to Theorem-1 we can see that the entailment checks supported in O2 are limited and do not include direct checks for inequality, type or non-type of literals. Thus we only need to ground the datatype rules in the literal vocabulary of O1. While O2 can include axioms of the form DataPropertyAssertion( DP a v ) since RIF and OWL 2 have the same notion of identity over those datatypes which both support then such direct equality entailments are automatically satisfied.
Thus a sufficient rendering of dt-eq would be:
Forall ?l1 ?l2 ?s1 ?s2 ?p1 ?p2 ( ?l1[owl:sameAs->l2] :- And( ?s1[?p1->?l1] ?s2[?p2->?l2] ?l1 = ?l2 ))
However, we can go further than this. Since the entailment checks are limited to only indirect consequences of these rules then we can fold the datatype rules directly into the rules which include owl:sameAs in their premise. This avoids the generation of a quadratic number of owl:sameAs and owl:differentFrom assertions for all literals.
The RIF representation of the data type rules for supported datatypes is reasonably straightforward.
Type membership
(* <#dt-type2> *) Group ( Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->rdf:PlainLiteral] External(pred:is-literal-not-PlainLiteral( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->rdf:XMLLiteral] External(pred:is-literal-not-XMLLiteral( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:decimal] External(pred:is-literal-not-decimal( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:integer] External(pred:is-literal-not-integer( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:nonNegativeInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-nonNegativeInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:nonPositiveInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-nonPositiveInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:positiveInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-positiveInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:negativeInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-negativeInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:long] External(pred:is-literal-not-long( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:int] External(pred:is-literal-not-int( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:short] External(pred:is-literal-not-short( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:byte] External(pred:is-literal-not-byte( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedLong] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedLong( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedInt] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedInt( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedShort] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedShort( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedByte] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedByte( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:float] External(pred:is-literal-not-float( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:double] External(pred:is-literal-not-double( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:string] External(pred:is-literal-not-string( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:normalizedString] External(pred:is-literal-not-normalizedString( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:token] External(pred:is-literal-not-token( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:language] External(pred:is-literal-not-language( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:Name] External(pred:is-literal-not-Name( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:NCName] External(pred:is-literal-not-NCName( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:NMTOKEN] External(pred:is-literal-not-NMTOKEN( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:boolean] External(pred:is-literal-not-boolean( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:hexBinary] External(pred:is-literal-not-hexBinary( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:base64Binary] External(pred:is-literal-not-base64Binary( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:anyURI] External(pred:is-literal-not-anyURI( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:dateTime] External(pred:is-literal-not-dateTime( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:dateTimeStamp ] External(pred:is-literal-not-dateTimeStamp ( ?lt )) )) )
Note that these rules assert that each literal is of type rdfs:Literal, as well as being of the direct type indicated by the type guard. This is because the value space of rdfs:Literal includes the union of all of the separate literal value spaces. RIF does not provide direct support for rdfs:Literal and so there is no simple pred:is-literal guard available to enable a more transparent ruleset design.
Type checking
(* <#dt-not-type> *) Group ( Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->rdf:PlainLiteral] External(pred:is-literal-not-PlainLiteral( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->rdf:XMLLiteral] External(pred:is-literal-not-XMLLiteral( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:decimal] External(pred:is-literal-not-decimal( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:integer] External(pred:is-literal-not-integer( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:nonNegativeInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-nonNegativeInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:nonPositiveInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-nonPositiveInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:positiveInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-positiveInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:negativeInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-negativeInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:long] External(pred:is-literal-not-long( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:int] External(pred:is-literal-not-int( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:short] External(pred:is-literal-not-short( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:byte] External(pred:is-literal-not-byte( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedLong] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedLong( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedInt] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedInt( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedShort] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedShort( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedByte] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedByte( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:float] External(pred:is-literal-not-float( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:double] External(pred:is-literal-not-double( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:string] External(pred:is-literal-not-string( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:normalizedString] External(pred:is-literal-not-normalizedString( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:token] External(pred:is-literal-not-token( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:language] External(pred:is-literal-not-language( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:Name] External(pred:is-literal-not-Name( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:NCName] External(pred:is-literal-not-NCName( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:NMTOKEN] External(pred:is-literal-not-NMTOKEN( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:boolean] External(pred:is-literal-not-boolean( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:hexBinary] External(pred:is-literal-not-hexBinary( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:base64Binary] External(pred:is-literal-not-base64Binary( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:anyURI] External(pred:is-literal-not-anyURI( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:dateTime] External(pred:is-literal-not-dateTime( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ?dt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:dateTimeStamp ] External(pred:is-literal-not-dateTimeStamp ( ?lt )) )) )
Equality and inequality As noted above we can fold the literal equality and inequality checks into the rules which refer to them, in this case the only affected rule is eq-diff1:
(* <#eq-diff1> *) Forall ?x ?y ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] ?x[owl:differentFrom->?y] ))
So after folding the grounded literal rules for dt-eq and dt-diff in we arrive at:
(* <#eq-diff1-literal1> *) Forall ?x ?y ?s1 ?s2 ?p1 ?p2 ( rif:error() :- And( ?s1[?p1->?x] ?s2[?p2->?y] ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] External(pred:literal-not-identical(?x ?y)) )) (* <#eq-diff1-literal2> *) Forall ?x ?y ?s1 ?s2 ?p1 ?p2 ( rif:error() :- And( ?s1[?p1->?x] ?s2[?p2->?y] ?x = ?y ?x[owl:differentFrom->?y] ))
Fixed vocabulary rules These are trivial asserted facts of the form:
(* <#dt-type1-PlainLiteral> *) rdf:PlainLiteral [rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] etc
This document is the product of the Rules Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group (see below) whose members deserve recognition for their time and commitment. The editor extends special thanks to Jos de Bruijn and Axel Polleres for their thorough reviews and helpful comments; the working group chairs, Chris Welty and Christian de Sainte-Marie, for their invaluable technical help and inspirational leadership; and W3C staff contact Sandro Hawke, a constant source of ideas, help, and feedback.
The regular attendees at meetings of the Rule Interchange Format (RIF) Working Group at the time of the publication were: Adrian Paschke (Freie Universitaet Berlin), Axel Polleres (DERI), Chris Welty (IBM), Christian de Sainte Marie (ILOG), Dave Reynolds (HP), Gary Hallmark (ORACLE), Harold Boley (NRC), Hassan Aït-Kaci (ILOG), Jos de Bruijn (FUB), Leora Morgenstern (IBM), Michael Kifer (Stony Brook), Mike Dean (BBN), Sandro Hawke (W3C/MIT), and Stella Mitchell (IBM).
In this appendix we provide a RIF Core presentation syntax translation of the complete OWL 2 RL ruleset. We divide these rules into three documents - the simple triple rules (mechanically translated from the OWL 2 RL rule format), the List rules and the datatype rules.
Editor's Note: These rules are believed to be correct. However, since the original version was developed various manual edits have been made to conform to changes in RIF and OWL 2 RL. Mechanical verification will be required before final publication.
Simple triple rules
Document ( Prefix(rdf <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>) Prefix(rdfs <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>) Prefix(owl <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>) Prefix(xsd <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>) Prefix(rif <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#>) Prefix(func <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-function#>) Prefix(pred <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-predicate#>) Prefix(dc <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>) Group (
(* <#eq-ref> *) Forall ?p ?o ?s ( ?s[owl:sameAs->?s] :- ?s[?p->?o])
(* <#eq-ref1> *) Forall ?p ?o ?s ( ?p[owl:sameAs->?p] :- ?s[?p->?o])
(* <#eq-ref2> *) Forall ?p ?o ?s ( ?o[owl:sameAs->?o] :- ?s[?p->?o])
(* <#eq-sym> *) Forall ?x ?y ( ?y[owl:sameAs->?x] :- ?x[owl:sameAs->?y])
(* <#eq-trans> *) Forall ?x ?z ?y ( ?x[owl:sameAs->?z] :- And( ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] ?y[owl:sameAs->?z] ))
(* <#eq-rep-s> *) Forall ?p ?o ?s ?s2 ( ?s2[?p->?o] :- And( ?s[owl:sameAs->?s2] ?s[?p->?o] ))
(* <#eq-rep-p> *) Forall ?p ?o ?s ?p2 ( ?s[?p2->?o] :- And( ?p[owl:sameAs->?p2] ?s[?p->?o] ))
(* <#eq-rep-o> *) Forall ?p ?o ?s ?o2 ( ?s[?p->?o2] :- And( ?o[owl:sameAs->?o2] ?s[?p->?o] ))
(* <#eq-diff1> *) Forall ?x ?y ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] ?x[owl:differentFrom->?y] ))
(* <#prp-ap-label> *) rdfs:label[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-comment> *) rdfs:comment[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-seeAlso> *) rdfs:seeAlso[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-isDefinedBy> *) rdfs:isDefinedBy[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-deprecated> *) owl:deprecated[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-priorVersion> *) owl:priorVersion[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-backwardCompatibleWith> *) owl:backwardCompatibleWith[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-incompatibleWith> *) owl:incompatibleWith[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-dom> *) Forall ?p ?c ?x ?y ( ?x[rdf:type->?c] :- And( ?p[rdfs:domain->?c] ?x[?p->?y] ))
(* <#prp-rng> *) Forall ?p ?c ?x ?y ( ?y[rdf:type->?c] :- And( ?p[rdfs:range->?c] ?x[?p->?y] ))
(* <#prp-fp> *) Forall ?p ?y2 ?x ?y1 ( ?y1[owl:sameAs->?y2] :- And( ?p[rdf:type->owl:FunctionalProperty] ?x[?p->?y1] ?x[?p->?y2] ))
(* <#prp-ifp> *) Forall ?p ?x1 ?x2 ?y ( ?x1[owl:sameAs->?x2] :- And( ?p[rdf:type->owl:InverseFunctionalProperty] ?x1[?p->?y] ?x2[?p->?y] ))
(* <#prp-irp> *) Forall ?p ?x ( rif:error() :- And( ?p[rdf:type->owl:IrreflexiveProperty] ?x[?p->?x] ))
(* <#prp-symp> *) Forall ?p ?x ?y ( ?y[?p->?x] :- And( ?p[rdf:type->owl:SymmetricProperty] ?x[?p->?y] ))
(* <#prp-asyp> *) Forall ?p ?x ?y ( rif:error() :- And( ?p[rdf:type->owl:AsymmetricProperty] ?x[?p->?y] ?y[?p->?x] ))
(* <#prp-trp> *) Forall ?p ?x ?z ?y ( ?x[?p->?z] :- And( ?p[rdf:type->owl:TransitiveProperty] ?x[?p->?y] ?y[?p->?z] ))
(* <#prp-spo1> *) Forall ?x ?y ?p2 ?p1 ( ?x[?p2->?y] :- And( ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ?x[?p1->?y] ))
(* <#prp-eqp1> *) Forall ?x ?y ?p2 ?p1 ( ?x[?p2->?y] :- And( ?p1[owl:equivalentProperty->?p2] ?x[?p1->?y] ))
(* <#prp-eqp2> *) Forall ?x ?y ?p2 ?p1 ( ?x[?p1->?y] :- And( ?p1[owl:equivalentProperty->?p2] ?x[?p2->?y] ))
(* <#prp-pdw> *) Forall ?x ?y ?p2 ?p1 ( rif:error() :- And( ?p1[owl:propertyDisjointWith->?p2] ?x[?p1->?y] ?x[?p2->?y] ))
(* <#prp-inv1> *) Forall ?x ?y ?p2 ?p1 ( ?y[?p2->?x] :- And( ?p1[owl:inverseOf->?p2] ?x[?p1->?y] ))
(* <#prp-inv2> *) Forall ?x ?y ?p2 ?p1 ( ?y[?p1->?x] :- And( ?p1[owl:inverseOf->?p2] ?x[?p2->?y] ))
(* <#cls-thing> *) owl:Thing[rdf:type->owl:Class]
(* <#cls-nothing1> *) owl:Nothing[rdf:type->owl:Class]
(* <#cls-nothing2> *) Forall ?x ( rif:error() :- ?x[rdf:type->owl:Nothing])
(* <#cls-svf1> *) Forall ?p ?v ?u ?x ?y ( ?u[rdf:type->?x] :- And( ?x[owl:someValuesFrom->?y] ?x[owl:onProperty->?p] ?u[?p->?v] ?v[rdf:type->?y] ))
(* <#cls-svf2> *) Forall ?p ?v ?u ?x ( ?u[rdf:type->?x] :- And( ?x[owl:someValuesFrom->owl:Thing] ?x[owl:onProperty->?p] ?u[?p->?v] ))
(* <#cls-avf> *) Forall ?p ?v ?u ?x ?y ( ?v[rdf:type->?y] :- And( ?x[owl:allValuesFrom->?y] ?x[owl:onProperty->?p] ?u[rdf:type->?x] ?u[?p->?v] ))
(* <#cls-hv1> *) Forall ?p ?u ?x ?y ( ?u[?p->?y] :- And( ?x[owl:hasValue->?y] ?x[owl:onProperty->?p] ?u[rdf:type->?x] ))
(* <#cls-hv2> *) Forall ?p ?u ?x ?y ( ?u[rdf:type->?x] :- And( ?x[owl:hasValue->?y] ?x[owl:onProperty->?p] ?u[?p->?y] ))
(* <#cls-maxc1> *) Forall ?p ?u ?x ?y ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[owl:maxCardinality->0] ?x[owl:onProperty->?p] ?u[rdf:type->?x] ?u[?p->?y] ))
(* <#cls-maxc2> *) Forall ?p ?y2 ?u ?x ?y1 ( ?y1[owl:sameAs->?y2] :- And( ?x[owl:maxCardinality->1] ?x[owl:onProperty->?p] ?u[rdf:type->?x] ?u[?p->?y1] ?u[?p->?y2] ))
(* <#cls-maxqc1> *) Forall ?p ?c ?u ?x ?y ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[owl:maxQualifiedCardinality->0] ?x[owl:onProperty->?p] ?x[owl:onClass->?c] ?u[rdf:type->?x] ?u[?p->?y] ?y[rdf:type->?c] ))
(* <#cls-maxqc2> *) Forall ?p ?u ?x ?y ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[owl:maxQualifiedCardinality->0] ?x[owl:onProperty->?p] ?x[owl:onClass->owl:Thing] ?u[rdf:type->?x] ?u[?p->?y] ))
(* <#cls-maxqc3> *) Forall ?p ?y2 ?c ?u ?x ?y1 ( ?y1[owl:sameAs->?y2] :- And( ?x[owl:maxQualifiedCardinality->1] ?x[owl:onProperty->?p] ?x[owl:onClass->?c] ?u[rdf:type->?x] ?u[?p->?y1] ?y1[rdf:type->?c] ?u[?p->?y2] ?y2[rdf:type->?c] ))
(* <#cls-maxqc4> *) Forall ?p ?y2 ?u ?x ?y1 ( ?y1[owl:sameAs->?y2] :- And( ?x[owl:maxQualifiedCardinality->1] ?x[owl:onProperty->?p] ?x[owl:onClass->owl:Thing] ?u[rdf:type->?x] ?u[?p->?y1] ?u[?p->?y2] ))
(* <#cax-sco> *) Forall ?x ?c1 ?c2 ( ?x[rdf:type->?c2] :- And( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] ?x[rdf:type->?c1] ))
(* <#cax-eqc1> *) Forall ?x ?c1 ?c2 ( ?x[rdf:type->?c2] :- And( ?c1[owl:equivalentClass->?c2] ?x[rdf:type->?c1] ))
(* <#cax-eqc2> *) Forall ?x ?c1 ?c2 ( ?x[rdf:type->?c1] :- And( ?c1[owl:equivalentClass->?c2] ?x[rdf:type->?c2] ))
(* <#cax-dw> *) Forall ?x ?c1 ?c2 ( rif:error() :- And( ?c1[owl:disjointWith->?c2] ?x[rdf:type->?c1] ?x[rdf:type->?c2] ))
(* <#scm-cls> *) Forall ?c ( ?c[rdfs:subClassOf->?c] :- ?c[rdf:type->owl:Class])
(* <#scm-cls1> *) Forall ?c ( ?c[owl:equivalentClass->?c] :- ?c[rdf:type->owl:Class])
(* <#scm-cls2> *) Forall ?c ( ?c[rdfs:subClassOf->owl:Thing] :- ?c[rdf:type->owl:Class])
(* <#scm-cls3> *) Forall ?c ( owl:Nothing[rdfs:subClassOf->?c] :- ?c[rdf:type->owl:Class])
(* <#scm-sco> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ?c3 ( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c3] :- And( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] ?c2[rdfs:subClassOf->?c3] ))
(* <#scm-eqc1> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] :- ?c1[owl:equivalentClass->?c2])
(* <#scm-eqc11> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ( ?c2[rdfs:subClassOf->?c1] :- ?c1[owl:equivalentClass->?c2])
(* <#scm-eqc2> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ( ?c1[owl:equivalentClass->?c2] :- And( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] ?c2[rdfs:subClassOf->?c1] ))
(* <#scm-op> *) Forall ?p ( ?p[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p] :- ?p[rdf:type->owl:ObjectProperty])
(* <#scm-op1> *) Forall ?p ( ?p[owl:equivalentProperty->?p] :- ?p[rdf:type->owl:ObjectProperty])
(* <#scm-dp> *) Forall ?p ( ?p[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p] :- ?p[rdf:type->owl:DatatypeProperty])
(* <#scm-dp1> *) Forall ?p ( ?p[owl:equivalentProperty->?p] :- ?p[rdf:type->owl:DatatypeProperty])
(* <#scm-spo> *) Forall ?p3 ?p2 ?p1 ( ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p3] :- And( ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ?p2[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p3] ))
(* <#scm-eqp1> *) Forall ?p2 ?p1 ( ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] :- ?p1[owl:equivalentProperty->?p2])
(* <#scm-eqp11> *) Forall ?p2 ?p1 ( ?p2[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p1] :- ?p1[owl:equivalentProperty->?p2])
(* <#scm-eqp2> *) Forall ?p2 ?p1 ( ?p1[owl:equivalentProperty->?p2] :- And( ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ?p2[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p1] ))
(* <#scm-dom1> *) Forall ?p ?c1 ?c2 ( ?p[rdfs:domain->?c2] :- And( ?p[rdfs:domain->?c1] ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] ))
(* <#scm-dom2> *) Forall ?c ?p2 ?p1 ( ?p1[rdfs:domain->?c] :- And( ?p2[rdfs:domain->?c] ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ))
(* <#scm-rng1> *) Forall ?p ?c1 ?c2 ( ?p[rdfs:range->?c2] :- And( ?p[rdfs:range->?c1] ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] ))
(* <#scm-rng2> *) Forall ?c ?p2 ?p1 ( ?p1[rdfs:range->?c] :- And( ?p2[rdfs:range->?c] ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ))
(* <#scm-hv> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ?i ?p2 ?p1 ( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] :- And( ?c1[owl:hasValue->?i] ?c1[owl:onProperty->?p1] ?c2[owl:hasValue->?i] ?c2[owl:onProperty->?p2] ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ))
(* <#scm-svf1> *) Forall ?p ?y2 ?c1 ?c2 ?y1 ( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] :- And( ?c1[owl:someValuesFrom->?y1] ?c1[owl:onProperty->?p] ?c2[owl:someValuesFrom->?y2] ?c2[owl:onProperty->?p] ?y1[rdfs:subClassOf->?y2] ))
(* <#scm-svf2> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ?y ?p2 ?p1 ( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] :- And( ?c1[owl:someValuesFrom->?y] ?c1[owl:onProperty->?p1] ?c2[owl:someValuesFrom->?y] ?c2[owl:onProperty->?p2] ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ))
(* <#scm-avf1> *) Forall ?p ?y2 ?c1 ?c2 ?y1 ( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] :- And( ?c1[owl:allValuesFrom->?y1] ?c1[owl:onProperty->?p] ?c2[owl:allValuesFrom->?y2] ?c2[owl:onProperty->?p] ?y1[rdfs:subClassOf->?y2] ))
(* <#scm-avf2> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ?y ?p2 ?p1 ( ?c2[rdfs:subClassOf->?c1] :- And( ?c1[owl:allValuesFrom->?y] ?c1[owl:onProperty->?p1] ?c2[owl:allValuesFrom->?y] ?c2[owl:onProperty->?p2] ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ))
(* <#prp-npa1> *) Forall ?x ?i1 ?p ?i2 ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[owl:sourceIndividual->?i1] ?x[owl:assertionProperty->?p] ?x[owl:targetIndividual->?i2] ?i1[?p->?i2] ))
(* <#prp-npa2> *) Forall ?x ?i ?p ?lt ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[owl:sourceIndividual->?i] ?x[owl:assertionProperty->?p] ?x[owl:targetValue->?lt] ?i[?p->?lt] ))
(* <#cax-dw> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ?x ( rif:error() :- And( ?c1[owl:disjointWith->?c2] ?x[rdf:type->?c1] ?x[rdf:type->?c2] ))
(* <#cls-com> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ?x ( rif:error() :- And( ?c1[owl:complementOf->?c2] ?x[rdf:type->?c1] ?x[rdf:type->?c2] ))
List rules
Document ( Prefix(rdf <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>) Prefix(rdfs <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>) Prefix(owl <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>) Prefix(xsd <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>) Prefix(rif <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#>) Prefix(func <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-function#>) Prefix(pred <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-predicate#>) Prefix(dc <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>) Group (
(* <#eq-diff2> *) Forall ?x ?y ?z1 ?z2 ?iz1 ?iz2 ( rif:error() :- And ( ?x[rdf:type -> owl:AllDifferent] ?x[owl:members -> ?y] External(pred:list-contains(?y ?z1)) ?iz1 = External(func:index-of(?y ?z1)) External(pred:list-contains(?y ?z2)) ?iz2 = External(func:index-of(?y ?z2)) External( pred:numeric-not-equal ( ?iz1 ?iz2 ) ) ?z1[owl:sameAs->?z2] ) )
(* <#eq-diff3> *) Forall?x ?y ?z1 ?z2 ?iz1 ?iz2 ( rif:error() :- And ( ?x[rdf:type -> owl:AllDifferent] ?x[owl:distinctMembers -> ?y] External(pred:list-contains(?y ?z1)) ?iz1 = External(func:index-of(?y ?z1)) External(pred:list-contains(?y ?z2)) ?iz2 = External(func:index-of(?y ?z2)) External( pred:numeric-not-equal ( ?iz1 ?iz2 ) ) ?z1[owl:sameAs->?z2] ) )
(* <#prp-adp> *) Forall ?x ?y ?o ?v ?l ?ix ?iy ?r ( rif:error() :- And ( ?r[rdf:type -> owl:AllDisjointProperties] ?r[owl:members -> ?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?x)) ?ix = External(func:index-of(?l ?x)) External(pred:list-contains(?l ?y)) ?iy = External(func:index-of(?l ?y)) External( pred:numeric-not-equal ( ?ix ?iy ) ) ?o[?x->?v ?y->?v]) )
(* <#cax-adc> *) Forall ?x ?y ?o ?l ?ix ?iy ?r ( rif:error() :- And ( ?r[rdf:type -> owl:AllDisjointClasses] ?r[owl:members -> ?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?x)) ?ix = External(func:index-of(?l ?x)) External(pred:list-contains(?l ?y)) ?iy = External(func:index-of(?l ?y)) External( pred:numeric-not-equal ( ?ix ?iy ) ) ?o[rdf:type->?x rdf:type->?y]) ) (* <#prp-spo2> *) Forall ?p ?last ?pc ?start ( ?start[?p->?last] :- And ( ?p[owl:propertyChainAxiom->?pc] _checkChain(?start ?pc ?last) ))
Forall ?start ?pc ?last ?p ?tl ( _checkChain(?start ?pc ?last) :- And ( ?pc[rdf:first->?p rdf:rest->?tl] ?start[?p->?next] _checkChain(?next ?tl ?last) ))
Forall ?start ?pc ?last ?p ( _checkChain(?start ?pc ?last) :- And ( ?pc[rdf:first->?p rdf:rest->rdf:nil] ?start[?p->?last] )) Forall ?x ?y ?c ?u ?c ( ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] :- And ( ?c[owl:hasKey->?u] ?x[rdf:type->?c] ?y[rdf:type->?c] _sameKey(?u ?x ?y) ))
Forall ?u ?x ?y ( _sameKey(?u ?x ?y) :- And ( ?u[rdf:first->?key rdf:rest->?tl] ?x[?key->?v] ?y[?key->?v] _sameKey(?tl ?x ?y) ))
Forall ?u ?x ?y ( _sameKey(?u ?x ?y) :- And ( ?u[rdf:first->?key rdf:rest->rdf:nil] ?x[?key->?v] ?y[?key->?v] )) (* <#cls-int1> *) Forall ?y ?c ?l ( ?y[rdf:type->?c] :- And ( ?c[owl:intersectionOf->?l] _allTypes(?l ?y) ))
Forall ?l ?y ?ty ?tl ( _allTypes(?l ?y) :- And ( ?l[rdf:first->?ty rdf:rest->?tl] ?y[rdf:type->?ty] _allTypes(?tl ?y) ))
Forall ?l ?y ?ty ( _allTypes(?l ?y) :- And ( ?l[rdf:first->?ty rdf:rest->rdf:nil] ?y[rdf:type->?ty] )) (* <#prp-key> *) Forall ?x ?y ?c ?u ( ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] :- And ( ?c[owl:hasKey->?u] ?x[rdf:type->?c] ?y[rdf:type->?c] _sameKey(?u ?x ?y) ))
Forall ?u ?x ?y ( _sameKey(?u ?x ?y) :- And ( ?u[rdf:first->?key rdf:rest->?tl] ?x[?key->?v] ?y[?key->?v] _sameKey(?tl ?x ?y) ))
Forall ?u ?x ?y ( _sameKey(?u ?x ?y) :- And ( ?u[rdf:first->?key rdf:rest->rdf:nil] ?x[?key->?v] ?y[?key->?v] )) (* <#cls-uni> *) Forall ?y ?c ?l ?ci ( ?y[rdf:type->?c] :- And ( ?c[owl:unionOf->?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?ci)) ?y[rdf:type->?ci] ))
(* <#cls-oo> *) Forall ?yi ?c ?l ( ?yi[rdf:type->?c] :- And ( ?c[owl:oneOf->?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?yi)) ))
(* <#cls-int2> *) Forall ?y ?c ?ci ?l ( ?y[rdf:type->?ci] :- And ( ?c[owl:intersectionOf->?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?ci)) ?y[rdf:type->?c] ))
(* <#scm-int> *) Forall ?c ?ci ?l ( ?c[rdfs:subClassOf->?ci] :- And ( ?c[owl:intersectionOf->?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?ci)) ))
(* <#scm-uni> *) Forall ?c ?ci ?l ( ?ci[rdfs:subClassOf->?c] :- And ( ?c[owl:unionOf->?l] External(pred:list-contains(?l ?ci)) ))
Datatype rules
Document ( Prefix(rdf <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>) Prefix(rdfs <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>) Prefix(owl <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>) Prefix(xsd <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>) Prefix(rif <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#>) Prefix(func <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-function#>) Prefix(pred <http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-predicate#>) Prefix(dc <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>) Group (
(* <#dt-type2> *) Group ( Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->rdf:PlainLiteral rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-PlainLiteral( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->rdf:XMLLiteral rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-XMLLiteral( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:decimal rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-decimal( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:integer rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-integer( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:nonNegativeInteger rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-nonNegativeInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:nonPositiveInteger rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-nonPositiveInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:positiveInteger rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-positiveInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:negativeInteger rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-negativeInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:long rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-long( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:int rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-int( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:short rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-short( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:byte rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-byte( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedLong rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-unsignedLong( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedInt rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-unsignedInt( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedShort rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-unsignedShort( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedByte rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-unsignedByte( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:float rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-float( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:double rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-double( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:string rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-string( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:normalizedString rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-normalizedString( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:token rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-token( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:language rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-language( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:Name rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-Name( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:NCName rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-NCName( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:NMTOKEN rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-NMTOKEN( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:boolean rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-boolean( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:hexBinary rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-hexBinary( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:base64Binary rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-base64Binary( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:anyURI rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-anyURI( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:dateTime rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-dateTime( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:dateTimeStamp rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-dateTimeStamp ( ?lt )) )) )
(* <#dt-not-type> *) Group (
Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->rdf:PlainLiteral] External(pred:is-literal-not-PlainLiteral( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->rdf:XMLLiteral] External(pred:is-literal-not-XMLLiteral( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:decimal] External(pred:is-literal-not-decimal( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:integer] External(pred:is-literal-not-integer( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:nonNegativeInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-nonNegativeInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:nonPositiveInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-nonPositiveInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:positiveInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-positiveInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:negativeInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-negativeInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:long] External(pred:is-literal-not-long( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:int] External(pred:is-literal-not-int( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:short] External(pred:is-literal-not-short( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:byte] External(pred:is-literal-not-byte( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedLong] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedLong( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedInt] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedInt( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedShort] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedShort( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedByte] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedByte( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:float] External(pred:is-literal-not-float( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:double] External(pred:is-literal-not-double( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:string] External(pred:is-literal-not-string( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:normalizedString] External(pred:is-literal-not-normalizedString( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:token] External(pred:is-literal-not-token( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:language] External(pred:is-literal-not-language( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:Name] External(pred:is-literal-not-Name( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:NCName] External(pred:is-literal-not-NCName( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:NMTOKEN] External(pred:is-literal-not-NMTOKEN( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:boolean] External(pred:is-literal-not-boolean( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:hexBinary] External(pred:is-literal-not-hexBinary( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:base64Binary] External(pred:is-literal-not-base64Binary( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:anyURI] External(pred:is-literal-not-anyURI( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:dateTime] External(pred:is-literal-not-dateTime( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:dateTimeStamp ] External(pred:is-literal-not-dateTimeStamp ( ?lt )) )) )
(* <#eq-diff1-literal1> *) Forall ?x ?y ?s1 ?s2 ?p1 ?p2 ( rif:error() :- And( ?s1[?p1->?x] ?s2[?p2->?y] ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] External(pred:literal-not-identical(?x ?y)) ))
(* <#eq-diff1-literal2> *) Forall ?x ?y ?s1 ?s2 ?p1 ?p2 ( rif:error() :- And( ?s1[?p1->?x] ?s2[?p2->?y] ?x = ?y ?x[owl:differentFrom->?y] )) (* <#dt-type1-PlainLiteral> *) rdf:PlainLiteral[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-decimal> *) xsd:decimal[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-integer> *) xsd:integer[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-double> *) xsd:double[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-string> *) xsd:string[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-dateTime> *) xsd:dateTime[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-XMLLiteral> *) rdf:XMLLiteral[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-Literal> *) rdfs:Literal[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype]
(* <#dt-type1-nonNegativeInteger> *) xsd:nonNegativeInteger[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-nonPositiveInteger> *) xsd:nonPositiveInteger[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-positiveInteger> *) xsd:positiveInteger[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-negativeInteger> *) xsd:negativeInteger[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-long> *) xsd:long[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-int> *) xsd:int[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-short> *) xsd:short[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-byte> *) xsd:byte[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-unsignedLong> *) xsd:unsignedLong[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-unsignedInt> *) xsd:unsignedInt[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-unsignedShort> *) xsd:unsignedShort[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-unsignedByte> *) xsd:unsignedByte[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-normalizedString> *) xsd:normalizedString[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-token> *) xsd:token[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-language> *) xsd:language[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-Name> *) xsd:Name[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-NCName> *) xsd:NCName[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-NMTOKEN> *) xsd:NMTOKEN[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype]
(* <#dt-type1-float> *) xsd:float[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-boolean> *) xsd:boolean[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-hexBinary> *) xsd:hexBinary[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-base64Binary> *) xsd:base64Binary[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-anyURI> *) xsd:anyURI[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-dateTimeStamp> *) xsd:dateTimeStamp [rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype]
The static set of rules in the first appendix provides a complete translation of the OWL 2 RL rules into RIF. While that rule set is within the RIF Core dialect it is fairly inefficient, for example in its handling of lists rules.
In practice we would expect many OWL 2 RL implementations to instantiate the ruleset for a particular ontology. The instantiation process only depends upon OWL TBox axioms and the instantiated ruleset can be applied to other ontologies which only differ by virtue of the ABox assertions.
We here define an algorithm for instantiating a RIF Core rule set for a given OWL 2 RL ontology.
Input: An ontology O conforming to the OWL 2 RL profile and the corresponding translation of O into an RDF Graph RDF(O) as specified in the OWL 2 Mapping to RDF Graphs [OWL 2 RDF Mapping].
Output: A RIF Core rule set R(RDF(O)) such that the RIF-RDF combination of R(RDF(O)) and RDF(O) has the same entailments as the combination R and RDF(O) where R is the static OWL 2 RL rule set defined above.
Algorithm: R(RDF(O)) = FixedRules ∪ templateRules( RDF(O) )
Where the set of FixedRules and the two algorithms templateRules are defined below.
Editor's Note: These rules are believed to be correct. However, since the original version was developed various manual edits have been made to conform to changes in RIF and OWL 2 RL. Mechanical verification will be required before final publication.
The FixedRule ruleset comprises the following rules:
(* <#eq-ref> *) Forall ?p ?o ?s ( ?s[owl:sameAs->?s] :- ?s[?p->?o])
(* <#eq-ref1> *) Forall ?p ?o ?s ( ?p[owl:sameAs->?p] :- ?s[?p->?o])
(* <#eq-ref2> *) Forall ?p ?o ?s ( ?o[owl:sameAs->?o] :- ?s[?p->?o])
(* <#eq-sym> *) Forall ?x ?y ( ?y[owl:sameAs->?x] :- ?x[owl:sameAs->?y])
(* <#eq-trans> *) Forall ?x ?z ?y ( ?x[owl:sameAs->?z] :- And( ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] ?y[owl:sameAs->?z] ))
(* <#eq-rep-s> *) Forall ?p ?o ?s ?s2 ( ?s2[?p->?o] :- And( ?s[owl:sameAs->?s2] ?s[?p->?o] ))
(* <#eq-rep-p> *) Forall ?p ?o ?s ?p2 ( ?s[?p2->?o] :- And( ?p[owl:sameAs->?p2] ?s[?p->?o] ))
(* <#eq-rep-o> *) Forall ?p ?o ?s ?o2 ( ?s[?p->?o2] :- And( ?o[owl:sameAs->?o2] ?s[?p->?o] ))
(* <#eq-diff1> *) Forall ?x ?y ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] ?x[owl:differentFrom->?y] ))
(* <#prp-ap-label> *) rdfs:label[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-comment> *) rdfs:comment[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-seeAlso> *) rdfs:seeAlso[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-isDefinedBy> *) rdfs:isDefinedBy[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-deprecated> *) owl:deprecated[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-priorVersion> *) owl:priorVersion[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-backwardCompatibleWith> *) owl:backwardCompatibleWith[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-ap-incompatibleWith> *) owl:incompatibleWith[rdf:type->owl:AnnotationProperty]
(* <#prp-dom> *) Forall ?p ?c ?x ?y ( ?x[rdf:type->?c] :- And( ?p[rdfs:domain->?c] ?x[?p->?y] ))
(* <#prp-rng> *) Forall ?p ?c ?x ?y ( ?y[rdf:type->?c] :- And( ?p[rdfs:range->?c] ?x[?p->?y] ))
(* <#cls-thing> *) owl:Thing[rdf:type->owl:Class]
(* <#cls-nothing1> *) owl:Nothing[rdf:type->owl:Class]
(* <#cls-nothing2> *) Forall ?x ( rif:error() :- ?x[rdf:type->owl:Nothing])
(* <#cax-sco> *) Forall ?x ?c1 ?c2 ( ?x[rdf:type->?c2] :- And( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] ?x[rdf:type->?c1] ))
(* <#cax-eqc1> *) Forall ?x ?c1 ?c2 ( ?x[rdf:type->?c2] :- And( ?c1[owl:equivalentClass->?c2] ?x[rdf:type->?c1] ))
(* <#cax-eqc2> *) Forall ?x ?c1 ?c2 ( ?x[rdf:type->?c1] :- And( ?c1[owl:equivalentClass->?c2] ?x[rdf:type->?c2] ))
(* <#cax-dw> *) Forall ?x ?c1 ?c2 ( rif:error() :- And( ?c1[owl:disjointWith->?c2] ?x[rdf:type->?c1] ?x[rdf:type->?c2] ))
(* <#scm-cls> *) Forall ?c ( ?c[rdfs:subClassOf->?c] :- ?c[rdf:type->owl:Class])
(* <#scm-cls1> *) Forall ?c ( ?c[owl:equivalentClass->?c] :- ?c[rdf:type->owl:Class])
(* <#scm-cls2> *) Forall ?c ( ?c[rdfs:subClassOf->owl:Thing] :- ?c[rdf:type->owl:Class])
(* <#scm-cls3> *) Forall ?c ( owl:Nothing[rdfs:subClassOf->?c] :- ?c[rdf:type->owl:Class])
(* <#scm-sco> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ?c3 ( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c3] :- And( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] ?c2[rdfs:subClassOf->?c3] ))
(* <#scm-eqc1> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] :- ?c1[owl:equivalentClass->?c2])
(* <#scm-eqc11> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ( ?c2[rdfs:subClassOf->?c1] :- ?c1[owl:equivalentClass->?c2])
(* <#scm-eqc2> *) Forall ?c1 ?c2 ( ?c1[owl:equivalentClass->?c2] :- And( ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] ?c2[rdfs:subClassOf->?c1] ))
(* <#scm-op> *) Forall ?p ( ?p[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p] :- ?p[rdf:type->owl:ObjectProperty])
(* <#scm-op1> *) Forall ?p ( ?p[owl:equivalentProperty->?p] :- ?p[rdf:type->owl:ObjectProperty])
(* <#scm-dp> *) Forall ?p ( ?p[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p] :- ?p[rdf:type->owl:DatatypeProperty])
(* <#scm-dp1> *) Forall ?p ( ?p[owl:equivalentProperty->?p] :- ?p[rdf:type->owl:DatatypeProperty])
(* <#scm-spo> *) Forall ?p3 ?p2 ?p1 ( ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p3] :- And( ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ?p2[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p3] ))
(* <#scm-eqp1> *) Forall ?p2 ?p1 ( ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] :- ?p1[owl:equivalentProperty->?p2])
(* <#scm-eqp11> *) Forall ?p2 ?p1 ( ?p2[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p1] :- ?p1[owl:equivalentProperty->?p2])
(* <#scm-eqp2> *) Forall ?p2 ?p1 ( ?p1[owl:equivalentProperty->?p2] :- And( ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ?p2[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p1] ))
(* <#scm-dom1> *) Forall ?p ?c1 ?c2 ( ?p[rdfs:domain->?c2] :- And( ?p[rdfs:domain->?c1] ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] ))
(* <#scm-dom2> *) Forall ?c ?p2 ?p1 ( ?p1[rdfs:domain->?c] :- And( ?p2[rdfs:domain->?c] ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ))
(* <#scm-rng1> *) Forall ?p ?c1 ?c2 ( ?p[rdfs:range->?c2] :- And( ?p[rdfs:range->?c1] ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] ))
(* <#scm-rng2> *) Forall ?c ?p2 ?p1 ( ?p1[rdfs:range->?c] :- And( ?p2[rdfs:range->?c] ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ))
(* <#dt-type2> *) Group ( Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->rdf:PlainLiteral rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-PlainLiteral( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->rdf:XMLLiteral rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-XMLLiteral( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:decimal rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-decimal( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:integer rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-integer( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:nonNegativeInteger rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-nonNegativeInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:nonPositiveInteger rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-nonPositiveInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:positiveInteger rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-positiveInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:negativeInteger rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-negativeInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:long rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-long( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:int rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-int( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:short rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-short( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:byte rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-byte( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedLong rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-unsignedLong( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedInt rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-unsignedInt( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedShort rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-unsignedShort( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedByte rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-unsignedByte( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:float rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-float( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:double rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-double( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:string rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-string( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:normalizedString rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-normalizedString( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:token rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-token( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:language rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-language( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:Name rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-Name( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:NCName rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-NCName( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:NMTOKEN rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-NMTOKEN( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:boolean rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-boolean( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:hexBinary rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-hexBinary( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:base64Binary rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-base64Binary( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:anyURI rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-anyURI( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:dateTime rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-dateTime( ?lt )) )) Forall ?s ?p ?lt ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:dateTimeStamp rdf:type->rdfs:Literal] :- And( ?s[?p->?lt] External( pred:is-literal-dateTimeStamp ( ?lt )) )) )
(* <#dt-not-type> *) Group (
Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->rdf:PlainLiteral] External(pred:is-literal-not-PlainLiteral( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->rdf:XMLLiteral] External(pred:is-literal-not-XMLLiteral( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:decimal] External(pred:is-literal-not-decimal( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:integer] External(pred:is-literal-not-integer( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:nonNegativeInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-nonNegativeInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:nonPositiveInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-nonPositiveInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:positiveInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-positiveInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:negativeInteger] External(pred:is-literal-not-negativeInteger( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:long] External(pred:is-literal-not-long( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:int] External(pred:is-literal-not-int( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:short] External(pred:is-literal-not-short( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:byte] External(pred:is-literal-not-byte( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedLong] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedLong( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedInt] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedInt( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedShort] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedShort( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:unsignedByte] External(pred:is-literal-not-unsignedByte( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:float] External(pred:is-literal-not-float( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:double] External(pred:is-literal-not-double( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:string] External(pred:is-literal-not-string( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:normalizedString] External(pred:is-literal-not-normalizedString( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:token] External(pred:is-literal-not-token( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:language] External(pred:is-literal-not-language( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:Name] External(pred:is-literal-not-Name( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:NCName] External(pred:is-literal-not-NCName( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:NMTOKEN] External(pred:is-literal-not-NMTOKEN( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:boolean] External(pred:is-literal-not-boolean( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:hexBinary] External(pred:is-literal-not-hexBinary( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:base64Binary] External(pred:is-literal-not-base64Binary( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:anyURI] External(pred:is-literal-not-anyURI( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:dateTime] External(pred:is-literal-not-dateTime( ?lt )) )) Forall ?lt ( rif:error() :- And ( ?lt[rdf:type->xsd:dateTimeStamp ] External(pred:is-literal-not-dateTimeStamp ( ?lt )) )) )
(* <#eq-diff1-literal1> *) Forall ?x ?y ?s1 ?s2 ?p1 ?p2 ( rif:error() :- And( ?s1[?p1->?x] ?s2[?p2->?y] ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] External(pred:literal-not-identical(?x ?y)) ))
(* <#eq-diff1-literal2> *) Forall ?x ?y ?s1 ?s2 ?p1 ?p2 ( rif:error() :- And( ?s1[?p1->?x] ?s2[?p2->?y] ?x = ?y ?x[owl:differentFrom->?y] )) (* <#dt-type1-PlainLiteral> *) rdf:PlainLiteral[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-decimal> *) xsd:decimal[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-integer> *) xsd:integer[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-double> *) xsd:double[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-string> *) xsd:string[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-dateTime> *) xsd:dateTime[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-XMLLiteral> *) rdf:XMLLiteral[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-Literal> *) rdfs:Literal[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype]
(* <#dt-type1-nonNegativeInteger> *) xsd:nonNegativeInteger[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-nonPositiveInteger> *) xsd:nonPositiveInteger[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-positiveInteger> *) xsd:positiveInteger[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-negativeInteger> *) xsd:negativeInteger[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-long> *) xsd:long[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-int> *) xsd:int[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-short> *) xsd:short[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-byte> *) xsd:byte[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-unsignedLong> *) xsd:unsignedLong[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-unsignedInt> *) xsd:unsignedInt[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-unsignedShort> *) xsd:unsignedShort[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-unsignedByte> *) xsd:unsignedByte[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-normalizedString> *) xsd:normalizedString[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-token> *) xsd:token[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-language> *) xsd:language[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-Name> *) xsd:Name[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-NCName> *) xsd:NCName[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-NMTOKEN> *) xsd:NMTOKEN[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype]
(* <#dt-type1-float> *) xsd:float[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-boolean> *) xsd:boolean[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-hexBinary> *) xsd:hexBinary[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-base64Binary> *) xsd:base64Binary[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-anyURI> *) xsd:anyURI[rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype] (* <#dt-type1-dateTimeStamp> *) xsd:dateTimeStamp [rdf:type -> rdfs:Datatype]
We specify the algorithm for instantiating the template rules by means of a translation table.
The first column gives a set of RDF triple patterns (s p o) where any of the elements can be a variable (indicated with a '?') prefix.
The second column gives a template to be instantiated. For each match of the triple patterns in RDF(O) we generate a binding map which maps each variable in the triple pattern to a corresponding RDF Node in RDF(O). The template should be processed with this binding map, replacing the corresponding variables by their mapped values.
For example the pair:
Pattern | Template |
(?p rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty) |
Forall ?x ?y ( ?y[?p->?x] :- And( ?x[?p->?y] )) |
Applied to an ontology containing the following RDF triples:
eg:p rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty . eg:q rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty .
Would emit the follow RIF rules:
Forall ?x ?y ( ?y[eg:p->?x] :- And( ?x[eg:p->?y] )) Forall ?x ?y ( ?y[eg:q->?x] :- And( ?x[eg:q->?y] ))
In order to specify the list related rules we need to define some addition notation for templates.
Notation | Interpretation |
{$ rule text $} | Emit the rule text substituting any occurrence of variables from the binding map. The outer {$ $} can be omitted in cases where there is no ambiguity. |
for(?elt in ?list) { template } | ?list is a variable in the pattern which is bound to an RDF List. The for operator iterates over each element of the ?list in turn replacing the binding map for the ?elt variable with the next list entry and processes the enclosed template in the context of that new binding map. |
for(?elt in ?list, != ?other) { template } | ?list is a variable in the pattern which is bound to an RDF List. The for operator iterates over each element of the ?list in turn, skipping any element identical to ?other, replacing the binding map for the ?elt variable with the next list entry and processes the enclosed template in the context of that new binding map. |
$length(?list)$ | Used within a template this will be replaced by the length the RDFList bound to ?list. |
$i$ | Used within a for(?elt in ?list){ template } this will be replaced by the index of the current ?elt. |
$i+1$ | Used within a for(?elt in ?list){ template } this will be replaced by the index of the current ?elt, plus 1. |
The templateRule algorithm is defined using this notation by the following set of pattern/template pairs.
Pattern | Template |
(?p rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty) |
(* <#prp-fp> *) Forall ?y2 ?x ?y1 ( ?y1[owl:sameAs->?y2] :- And( ?x[?p->?y1] ?x[?p->?y2] )) |
(?p rdf:type owl:InverseFunctionalProperty]) |
(* <#prp-ifp> *) Forall ?x1 ?x2 ?y ( ?x1[owl:sameAs->?x2] :- And( ?x1[?p->?y] ?x2[?p->?y] )) |
(?p rdf:type owl:IrreflexiveProperty) |
(* <#prp-irp> *) Forall ?x ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[?p->?x] )) |
(?p rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty) |
(* <#prp-symp> *) Forall ?x ?y ( ?y[?p->?x] :- And( ?x[?p->?y] )) |
(?p rdf:type owl:AsymmetricProperty) |
(* <#prp-asyp> *) Forall ?x ?y ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[?p->?y] ?y[?p->?x] )) |
(?p rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty) |
(* <#prp-trp> *) Forall ?x ?z ?y ( ?x[?p->?z] :- And( ?x[?p->?y] ?y[?p->?z] )) |
(?p1 rdfs:subPropertyOf ?p2) |
(* <#prp-spo1> *) Forall ?x ?y ( ?x[?p2->?y] :- And( ?x[?p1->?y] )) |
(?p1 owl:equivalentProperty ?p2) |
(* <#prp-eqp1> *) Forall ?x ?y ( ?x[?p2->?y] :- And( ?x[?p1->?y] )) (* <#prp-eqp2> *) Forall ?x ?y ( ?x[?p1->?y] :- And( ?x[?p2->?y] )) |
(?p1 owl:propertyDisjointWith ?p2) |
(* <#prp-pdw> *) Forall ?x ?y ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[?p1->?y] ?x[?p2->?y] )) |
(?p1 owl:inverseOf ?p2) |
(* <#prp-inv1> *) Forall ?x ?y ( ?y[?p2->?x] :- And( ?x[?p1->?y] )) (* <#prp-inv2> *) Forall ?x ?y ( ?y[?p1->?x] :- And( ?x[?p2->?y] )) |
(?x owl:someValuesFrom ?y) (?x owl:onProperty ?p) |
(* <#cls-svf1> *) Forall ?v ?u ( ?u[rdf:type->?x] :- And( ?u[?p->?v] ?v[rdf:type->?y] )) |
(?x owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing) (?x owl:onProperty ?p) |
(* <#cls-svf2> *) Forall ?v ?u ( ?u[rdf:type->?x] :- And( ?u[?p->?v] )) |
(?x owl:allValuesFrom ?y) (?x owl:onProperty ?p) |
(* <#cls-avf> *) Forall ?v ?u ( ?v[rdf:type->?y] :- And( ?u[rdf:type->?x] ?u[?p->?v] )) |
(?x owl:hasValue ?y) (?x owl:onProperty ?p) |
(* <#cls-hv1> *) Forall ?u ( ?u[?p->?y] :- And( ?u[rdf:type->?x] )) (* <#cls-hv2> *) Forall ?u ( ?u[rdf:type->?x] :- And( ?u[?p->?y] )) |
(?x owl:maxCardinality 0) (?x owl:onProperty ?p) |
(* <#cls-maxc1> *) Forall ?u ?y ( rif:error() :- And( ?u[?p->?y] ?u[rdf:type->?x] )) |
(?x owl:maxCardinality 1) (?x owl:onProperty ?p) |
(* <#cls-maxc2> *) Forall ?y2 ?u ?y1 ( ?y1[owl:sameAs->?y2] :- And( ?u[?p->?y1] ?u[?p->?y2] ?u[rdf:type->?x] )) |
(?x owl:maxQualifiedCardinality 0) (?x owl:onProperty ?p) (?x owl:onClass ?c) |
(* <#cls-maxqc1> *) Forall ?u ?y ( rif:error() :- And( ?u[rdf:type->?x] ?u[?p->?y] ?y[rdf:type->?c] )) |
(?x owl:maxQualifiedCardinality 0) (?x owl:onProperty ?p) (?x owl:onClass owl:Thing) |
(* <#cls-maxqc2> *) Forall ?y ?u ( rif:error() :- And( ?u[rdf:type->?x] ?u[?p->?y] )) |
(?x owl:maxQualifiedCardinality 1) (?x owl:onProperty ?p) (?x owl:onClass ?c) |
(* <#cls-maxqc3> *) Forall ?y2 ?u ?y1 ( ?y1[owl:sameAs->?y2] :- And( ?u[rdf:type->?x] ?u[?p->?y1] ?y1[rdf:type->?c] ?u[?p->?y2] ?y2[rdf:type->?c] )) |
(?x owl:maxQualifiedCardinality 1) (?x owl:onProperty ?p) (?x owl:onClass owl:Thing) |
(* <#cls-maxqc4> *) Forall ?y2 ?u ?y1 ( ?y1[owl:sameAs->?y2] :- And( ?u[rdf:type->?x] ?u[?p->?y1] ?u[?p->?y2] )) |
(?c1 owl:hasValue ?i) (?c1 owl:onProperty ?p1) (?c2 owl:hasValue ?i) (?c2 owl:onProperty ?p2) |
(* <#scm-hv> *) ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] :- And( ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ) |
(?c1 owl:someValuesFrom ?y1) (?c1 owl:onProperty ?p) (?c2 owl:someValuesFrom ?y2) (?c2 owl:onProperty ?p) |
(* <#scm-svf1> *) ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] :- And( ?y1[rdfs:subClassOf->?y2] ) |
(?c1 owl:someValuesFrom ?y) (?c1 owl:onProperty ?p1) (?c2 owl:someValuesFrom ?y) (?c2 owl:onProperty ?p2) |
(* <#scm-svf2> *) ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] :- And( ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ) |
(?c1 owl:allValuesFrom ?y1) (?c1 owl:onProperty ?p) (?c2 owl:allValuesFrom ?y2) (?c2 owl:onProperty ?p) |
(* <#scm-avf1> *) ?c1[rdfs:subClassOf->?c2] :- And( ?y1[rdfs:subClassOf->?y2] ) |
(?c1 owl:allValuesFrom ?y) (?c1 owl:onProperty ?p1) (?c2 owl:allValuesFrom ?y) (?c2 owl:onProperty ?p2) |
(* <#scm-avf2> *) ?c2[rdfs:subClassOf->?c1] :- And( ?p1[rdfs:subPropertyOf->?p2] ) |
(?a rdf:type owl:AllDifferent) (?a owl:members ?l) |
(* <#eq-diff2> *) for(?x in ?l) { for(?y in ?l, != x) { {$ rif:error() :- And ( ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] ) $} } } |
(?a rdf:type owl:AllDifferent) (?a owl:distinctMembers ?l) |
(* <#eq-diff3> *) for(?x in ?l) { for(?y in ?l, != ?X) { {$ rif:error() :- And ( ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] ) $} } } |
(?l rdf:type owl:AllDisjointProperties) |
(* <#prp-adp> *) for(?x in ?l) { for(?y in ?l, != ?x) { {$ Forall ?o ?v ( rif:error() :- And ( ?o[?x->?v ?y->?v]) ) $} } } |
(?l rdf:type owl:AllDisjointClasses) |
(* <#cax-adc> *) for(?x in ?l) { for(?y in ?l, != ?x) { {$ Forall ?something ( rif:error() :- And ( ?something[rdf:type->?x rdf:type->?y]) ) $} } } |
(?p owl:propertyChainAxiom ?pc) |
(* <#prp-spo2> *) {$ Forall $} for(?next in ?pc) { {$ ?u$i$ $} } {$ ?u$length(?pc)$ ( ?u$0$[?p->?u$length(?pc)$] :- And ( $} for(?next in ?pc) { {$ ?u$i$[?next->?u$i+1$] $} } {$ )) $} |
(?c owl:hasKey ?u) |
(* <#prp-key> *) {$ Forall ?x ?y ?v ( ?x[owl:sameAs->?y] :- And ( ?x[rdf:type->?c] ?y[rdf:type->?c] $} for(?key in ?u) { {$ ?x[?key->?v] ?y[?key->?v] $} } {$ )) $} |
(?c owl:intersectionOf ?l) |
(* <#cls-int2> *) {$ Forall ?y ( ?y[rdf:type->?c] :- And ( $} for(?ty in ?l) { {$ ?y[rdf:type->?ty] $} } {$ )) $} |
(?c owl:unionOf ?l) |
(* <#cls-uni> *) for(?ci in ?l) { {$ Forall ?y ( ?y[rdf:type->?c] :- And ( ?y[rdf:type->?ci] )) $} } |
(?c owl:oneOf ?l) |
(* <#cls-oo> *) for(?yi in ?l) { {$ ?yi[rdf:type->?c] $} } |
(?c owl:intersectionOf ?l) |
(* <#scm-int> *) for(?ci in ?l) { {$ Forall ?y ( ?y[rdf:type->?ci] :- And ( ?y[rdf:type->?c] )) ?c[rdfs:subClassOf->?ci] $} } |
(?c owl:unionOf ?l) |
(* <#scm-uni> *) for(?ci in ?l) { {$ ?ci[rdfs:subClassOf->?c] $} } |
(?x owl:sourceIndividual ?i1) (?x owl:assertionProperty ?p) (?x owl:targetIndividual ?i2) |
(* <#prp-npa1> *) rif:error() :- And( ?i1[?p->?i2] ) |
(?x owl:sourceIndividual ?i1) (?x owl:assertionProperty ?p) (?x owl:targetValue ?i2) |
(* <#prp-npa2> *) rif:error() :- And( ?i1[?p->?i2] ) |
(?c1 owl:disjointWith ?c2) |
(* <#cax-dw> *) Forall ?x ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[rdf:type->?c1] ?x[rdf:type->?c2] )) |
(?c1 owl:complementOf ?c2) |
(* <#cls-com> *) Forall ?x ( rif:error() :- And( ?x[rdf:type->?c1] ?x[rdf:type->?c2] )) |
We provide the fixed ruleset in XML syntax below, split into three groups.
Simple triple rules
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Document [ <!ENTITY rif "http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#"> <!ENTITY xs "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"> <!ENTITY rdf "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"> ]> <Document xmlns="&rif;"> <payload> <Group> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>o</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>s</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <Frame> <object> <Var>s</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>o</Var> </slot> </Frame> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>s</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>s</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>o</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>s</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <Frame> <object> <Var>s</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>o</Var> </slot> </Frame> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>p</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>p</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>o</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>s</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <Frame> <object> <Var>s</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>o</Var> </slot> </Frame> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>o</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>o</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>y</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>x</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>z</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>y</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>z</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>z</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>o</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>s</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>s2</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>s</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>s2</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>s</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>o</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>s2</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>o</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>o</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>s</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>p2</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>p2</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>s</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>o</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>s</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p2</Var> <Var>o</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>o</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>s</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>o2</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>o</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>o2</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>s</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>o</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>s</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>o2</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#differentFrom</Const> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Atom> <op> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#error</Const> </op> </Atom> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Frame> <object> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label</Const> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#AnnotationProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </sentence> <sentence> <Frame> <object> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#comment</Const> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#AnnotationProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </sentence> <sentence> <Frame> <object> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#seeAlso</Const> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#AnnotationProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </sentence> <sentence> <Frame> <object> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#isDefinedBy</Const> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#AnnotationProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </sentence> <sentence> <Frame> <object> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#deprecated</Const> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#AnnotationProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </sentence> <sentence> <Frame> <object> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#priorVersion</Const> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#AnnotationProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </sentence> <sentence> <Frame> <object> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#backwardCompatibleWith</Const> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#AnnotationProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </sentence> <sentence> <Frame> <object> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#incompatibleWith</Const> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#AnnotationProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>c</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#domain</Const> <Var>c</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Var>c</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>c</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#range</Const> <Var>c</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>y</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Var>c</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y2</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y1</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#FunctionalProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>y1</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>y2</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>y1</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>y2</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>x1</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>x2</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#InverseFunctionalProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x1</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x2</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>x1</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs</Const> <Var>x2</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#IrreflexiveProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>x</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Atom> <op> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#error</Const> </op> </Atom> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#SymmetricProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>y</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>x</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#AsymmetricProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>y</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>x</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Atom> <op> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#error</Const> </op> </Atom> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>p</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>z</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#TransitiveProperty</Const> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>y</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>z</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p</Var> <Var>z</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>p2</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>p1</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p1</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subPropertyOf</Const> <Var>p2</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p1</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p2</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>p2</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>p1</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p1</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#equivalentProperty</Const> <Var>p2</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p1</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p2</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>p2</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>p1</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p1</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#equivalentProperty</Const> <Var>p2</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p2</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p1</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>p2</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>p1</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p1</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#propertyDisjointWith</Const> <Var>p2</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p1</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>x</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Var>p2</Var> <Var>y</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Atom> <op> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2007/rif#error</Const> </op> </Atom> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>x</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>p2</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>p1</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>p1</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const 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type="&rif;local">sameKey</Const> </op> <args ordered="yes"> <Var>u</Var> <Var>x</Var> <Var>y</Var> </args> </Atom> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>c</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>l</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>ci</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>c</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#unionOf</Const> <Var>l</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <External> <content> <Atom> <op> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-predicate#list-contains</Const> </op> <args ordered="yes"> <Var>l</Var> <Var>ci</Var> </args> </Atom> </content> </External> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>y</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Var>ci</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> 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</formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>y</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>c</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>ci</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>l</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>c</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#intersectionOf</Const> <Var>l</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <External> <content> <Atom> <op> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-predicate#list-contains</Const> </op> <args ordered="yes"> <Var>l</Var> <Var>ci</Var> </args> </Atom> </content> </External> </formula> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>y</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Var>c</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>y</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</Const> <Var>ci</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>c</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>ci</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>l</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>c</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#intersectionOf</Const> <Var>l</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <External> <content> <Atom> <op> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-predicate#list-contains</Const> </op> <args ordered="yes"> <Var>l</Var> <Var>ci</Var> </args> </Atom> </content> </External> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>c</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subClassOf</Const> <Var>ci</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> <sentence> <Forall> <declare> <Var>c</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>ci</Var> </declare> <declare> <Var>l</Var> </declare> <formula> <Implies> <if> <And> <formula> <Frame> <object> <Var>c</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#unionOf</Const> <Var>l</Var> </slot> </Frame> </formula> <formula> <External> <content> <Atom> <op> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2007/rif-builtin-predicate#list-contains</Const> </op> <args ordered="yes"> <Var>l</Var> <Var>ci</Var> </args> </Atom> </content> </External> </formula> </And> </if> <then> <Frame> <object> <Var>ci</Var> </object> <slot ordered="yes"> <Const type="&rif;iri">http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subClassOf</Const> <Var>c</Var> </slot> </Frame> </then> </Implies> </formula> </Forall> </sentence> </Group> </payload> </Document>
Changes from first Note publication http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/NOTE-rif-owl-rl-20100622/
Changes from the first Working Draft of 1st October 2009.