RDF JavaScript Libraries Community Group - Participants
RDF JavaScript Libraries Community Group currently has 79 participants representing 28 organizations. View former participants.

Hakan Angın
Individual CLA commitment

Kartik Arora
Individual CLA commitment
Danny Ayers
Individual CLA commitment

Andrew Berezovskyi
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Royal Institute of Technology

Jibé Bhn
Individual CLA commitment
Volkan Bozkurt
Individual CLA commitment
Julião Braga
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Mackenzie Presbiterian University

Peter Bruhn Andersen
Agency for Digitisation

Chris Chapman
Pentandra Research Solutions, Inc.

Matteo Collina
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Bologna

Jesse Greer
Individual CLA commitment

Michael Haschke
Individual CLA commitment

Benedikt Heinrichs
RWTH Aachen University
Kingsley Idehen
OpenLink Software Inc.

Nick Jennings
Individual CLA commitment

Brad Jones
Individual CLA commitment
Simon Jones
Individual CLA commitment
Martynas Jusevicius
Linked Data, UAB
Rene Kapusta
Individual CLA commitment

James G. Boram Kim
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with LiST Inc.

Tomáš Klapka
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Česká pirátská strana (Czech Pirate Party)

Semih Korkmaz
Individual CLA commitment
Alex Kreidler
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Decipher Technology Studios
Markus Lanthaler
Google LLC

Michael Luggen
Individual CLA commitment
Erik Mannens

Lionel Médini
Université de Lyon
Alex Miłowski
Individual CLA commitment

Shawn Murphy
Nooron Collaboratory Inc
Daniel O
Individual CLA commitment
Adrian Ogletree
Individual CLA commitment
Benn Pearson
Individual CLA commitment

Gustavo Publio
Individual CLA commitment

Kaspar Püüding
Catapult Labs OÜ
Blake Regalia
Individual CLA commitment

Christopher Regan
Thematix Partners, LLC

João Rocha
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with INESC TEC

Frank Rousseau
Individual CLA commitment
Piero Savastano
Individual CLA commitment

Teketkom Shalimov

Jonas Smedegaard
Individual CLA commitment

Herbert Snorrason
Individual CLA commitment
Claus Stadler
Universität Leipzig

James Tauber

Dominik Tomaszuk
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Bialystok

D Trees
Individual CLA commitment
Wes Turner
Individual CLA commitment
Mark van Berkel
Hunch Manifest Inc

Thom van Kalkeren

Srinivasan Vembuli
Ogilvy & Mather
Michael Williams
Individual CLA commitment
Kuno Woudt
Individual CLA commitment

Austin Wright
Individual CLA commitment

Jeff Young
OCLC (Online Computer Library Center, Inc.)

Alexey Zakhlestin
Individual CLA commitment