
  • This event is part of TPAC 2024.
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Decentralized Identifier Working Group
  • Past
  • Confirmed
  • Group Meetings


Event details

Pacific Daylight Time
4 Concourse Level - Capistrano
Decentralized Identifier Working Group ( View calendar)
Zachary Cancio, Erica Connell, Sam Goto, Geunhyung Kim, Jay Kishigami, Mirja Kühlewind, Sandor Major, Ryuichi Matsukura, Koichi Moriyama, Gerhard Oosthuizen, Max Ostapenko, Shi Yu Phan, Iris Ren, Wendy Seltzer, Frank Somich, Rigo Wenning, Rupert Wiser, Rachel Yager
Big meeting:
TPAC 2024 (Calendar)


Start End Session Title
9:00 9:30 Welcome, Introductions, and Logistics
9:30 10:00 State of the Industry
10:00 10:30 A short history of DIDs
10:30 11:00 Break
11:00 11:30 DID Method Standardization
11:30 11:45 Self-Describing DID Methods
11:45 12:00 DID DHT
12:00 12:15 BTCR lessons learned and improvements
12:15 12:30 Work Item Inventory
12:30 13:30 Lunch
13:30 14:00 DID Registry Process
14:00 14:30 DID Methods
14:30 15:00 DID Extensions
15:00 15:30 DID Rubric
15:30 16:00 DID Traits (Feature Sets)
16:00 16:30 Break
16:30 17:30 Controller Document
17:30 18:00 What's Interoperability? How can we test/demonstrate it

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