The Web Is Not A Glorified USB Stick


W3C's data strategist, Phil Archer is calling for a revolution. Not a political one, and certainly not a violent one, but a revolution [...]

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Central European Summer Time
Coordinated Universal Time
University of Geneva - Boulevard du Pont-d'Arve 40 - Geneva, CH-1211 - Switzerland
Phil Archer (W3C)

W3C's data strategist, Phil Archer, is calling for a revolution. Not a political one, and certainly not a violent one, but a revolution nonetheless. A revolution in the way people think about the way data is shared on the Web, whether openly or not; an end to using the Web to do no more than transfer data from A to B in a way that could be just as easily achieved by putting it on a USB stick and sending it through the post.

The Web is so much more than that. To quote from the Architecture of the World Wide Web, it’s: “… a remarkable information space of interrelated resources, growing across languages, cultures, and media.” It’s the connectivity of ideas and facts between people who are unknown to each other that is so exciting and that has such profound implications.

That's what the Data on the Web Best Practices and its associated W3C standards are about as Phil Archer will explain.
