W3C Developer meetup in San Francisco, November 6
Part of Developers
We are just a week away from W3C annual Technical Plenary week in the outskirts of San Francisco, where this year again, we are organizing a developer meetup!
The event is free, open to anyone who registers for it.
We are biased, but we think we have a pretty exciting program lined up:
- We will start between 6pm and 7pm with a few demo tables of some of the exciting possibilities opened up by Web technologies - WebVR, Web Audio, Web Payments, and Web of Things.
- From 7pm till 8:45pm, we will get a series of seven 15 minutes talks, ranging from best practices in using accessible JavaScript, through evolutions of the fundamentals of the Web (CSS, JS, HTML), to new and exciting developments (WebVR, Web Payments),
- and last but not least, time for chatting with our great crowd of technologists and standardistas around drinks and food, until 10pm.
This event would not have been possible without the support from our sponsors, in particular Microsoft and Samsung: many thanks to them!
Don't miss the chance to attend, and make sure to register!
Please can you make it live on facebook or youtube for us
Thank you W3 Team.