GPU for the Web Working Group

What we do

The goal of the GPU for the Web Working Group is to is to provide an interface between the Web Platform and modern 3D graphics and computation capabilities present on native system platforms. Learn more about the goals, scope, and deliverables.

The GPU for the Web Community Group developed the specifications adopted by this Working Group. The Community Group continues to drive the technical work on the specifications and incubate new features. This Working Group works with the Community Group on shaping the specifications for the Recommendation track.

Who we are

The chairs of the GPU for the Web Working Group are:

  • Kelsey Gilbert (Mozilla)
  • Corentin Wallez (Google)

The W3C Team Contact for the group is François Daoust <fd@w3.org>.


The group typically holds weekly calls. Calls and agendas are announced on the member-only mailing-list (internal-gpu@w3.org).

The group may organize physical face-to-face meetings on an as-needed basis.

Get involved

Technical discussions are conducted in public and recorded in public GitHub issues, emails on the group's public mailing-list (public-gpu@w3.org) or in minutes published after meetings. Comments and discussion from the Web community are welcome!

Admin information, such as logistics for calls and face-to-face meetings, are shared on the group's member-only mailing-list (internal-gpu@w3.org).

Community Group and Working Group participants are automatically subscribed to the group's mailing-lists.

The GPU for the Web Working Group shares GitHub repositories with the GPU for the Web Community Group. See the full list on the gpuweb GitHub organization's page. Main repositories are:

gpuweb/admin / issues
Admin documents and discussions for the group
gpuweb/gpuweb / issues
Working repository for the WebGPU and the WebGPU Shading Language specifications
gpuweb/cts / issues
WebGPU Conformance Test Suite