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This: 26 January 2012
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Agenda of 26 January 2012 TAG Teleconference
Nearby: TAG work plan - Teleconference
details - issues list - open actions - pending review actions - www-tag
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- Convene
- Chair: Noah Mendelsohn, Scribe: Yves Lafon (confirmed)
- Roll call -- Regrets: Larry Masinter, Dan Appelquist, Robin Berjon (at risk)
- Future regrets:
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Next Meeting: 2 February 2012, Chair: Noah Mendelsohn
- Future scribes: Larry Masinter - > Jeni Tennison - > Ashok Malhotra
- Approve minutes of prior meeting(s)
- Administrative items
- HTML/XML Unification report is in the process of being published as a W3C note
- Waiting on input from Dan Appelquist on Web Apps vs. native, then will be ready to
assemble note for Jeff Jaffe
- ISSUE-50 (URNsAndRegistries-50): Persistent references
- Goals:
- Revew and update draft product page from Henry Thompson — agree on goals,
schedules, and deliverables for TAG work on persistence of references
- Background:
- F2F discussion of persistence on 4 January 2012
- During brief discussion on 19 January 2012, Henry Thompson asked for a bit of extra time to prepare for this discussion — in later private communication
with the chair, Henry indicated that he is now ready.
- ACTION-528: on - Henry Thompson - Create and get consensus on a product page and tracker product page for persistence of names - Due: 2012-01-24 - PENDING REVIEW
- ACTION-653: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Schedule telcon discussion of Persistence product page (which was drafted for but not reviewed at F2F - Due: 2012-01-17 - PENDING REVIEW
- Discussion at the Sept. 2011 F2F in Edinburgh
- Earlier background:
- ISSUE-58 (namespaceDocument-8): XML Schema Namespace Document
- Goals:
- Hear progress report from Henry Thompson on long standing(!) ACTION-23
- Background:
- Possible late addition to the agenda: ACTION-560: Polyglot document review
- Henry Thompson has informed the chair that he may have progress to report on: ACTION-560: on - Henry Thompson - Review HTML polyglot last call Due 2011-06-06 - Due: 2012-01-24 - OPEN
- Web Application Storage
- Goals:
- Background:
- ACTION-632: on - Ashok Malhotra - Frame issues around client-side storage work - Due: 2012-02-07 - OPEN
- ACTION-647: on - Ashok Malhotra - Draft product page on client-side storage focusing on specific goals and success criteria Due: 2012-01-17 - Due: 2012-02-07 - OPEN
- ACTION-572: on - Yves Lafon - Look at appcache in HTML5 - Due: 2011-11-29 - OPEN
- ACTION-475: on - Ashok Malhotra - Write finding on client-side storage, DanA to review - Due: 2011-08-24 - CLOSED
- ACTION-523: on - Ashok Malhotra - (with help from Noah) build good product page for client storage finding, identifying top questions to be answered on client side storage - Due: 2012-01-17 - CLOSED
- ACTION-354: on - Ashok Malhotra - Review client side storage apis (web simple storage etc.), looking for architectural issues or other critical problems... or interesting design features the TAG should know about - Due: 2010-03-08 - CLOSED
- ACTION-392: on - NON-CURRENT-MEMBER - Look into using new client side storage APIs as an RDFa or tabulator data store - Due: 2010-03-17 - CLOSED
- ACTION-435: on - Jonathan Rees - Consult Tyler Close regarding UMP-informed web storage vulnerability analysis - Due: 2010-06-22 - CLOSED
- ACTION-438: on - Ashok Malhotra - Comment to web storage guys: basically all of this is origin-based, but section 6.1 has a 'may' -- is this a door being held open for CORS? - Due: 2010-06-15 - CLOSED
- ACTION-586: on - Ashok Malhotra - Add text covering advice equivalent to "Use of AJAX implementation technology is not a sufficient excuse for failing to provide first class URI identification for documents on the Web" - Due: 2011-08-11 - CLOSED
- Pending Review Items:
- Overdue Action Items:
- Any other business
Noah Mendelsohn for the TAG
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