W3C's TPAC new public virtual exhibition creates exciting opportunity

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TPAC 2021

If you're a W3C Member, or someone who is familiar with our work, you've undoubtedly heard of our annual Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee Meeting also known as TPAC. If you have not, watch the short video introduction of TPAC, the W3C annual conference. This well-attended and popular event is an important means for W3C to coordinate solutions to technical issues while transcending work group borders. The celebrated Breakout sessions, and most of the meetings are public.

Our TPAC Sponsors help offset the cost of the event. This allows us to spend Membership Fees on our core work - Leading the Web to its Full Potential: 39 working groups and 10 interest groups enable us to pursue our mission through the creation of Web standards, guidelines, and supporting materials. In previous TPACs we've only allowed W3C Members to be Sponsors but one of the issues is that the audience is limited to the TPAC attendees and there wasn't an obvious marketing opportunity. THIS YEAR WE'RE CHANGING THAT!

We're addressing that concern by augmenting W3C's 21st TPAC with a Virtual Exhibition Hall that we will open to the public for the two weeks of TPAC (18-28 Oct 2021)! We have put this sponsorship presentation together to outline the opportunities and benefits at each level of Sponsorship. In addition, we can build any custom package if you're interested in having a unique Sponsorship (i.e., Japanese language translation).

Today, we're announcing that the TPAC sponsorship opportunity is now available to the general public with Web technologies interests, for promotion to W3C TPAC attendees and the public that will come to our exhibition hall. This gives you a unique opportunity to associate your brand with the key activities shaping the Web of today and tomorrow. To get an overview of our current work I recommend reading our most recent W3C Strategic Highlights.

Let's talk about what works for you! Drop me a line at alan.bird@w3.org or send a note of inquiry to sponsorship@w3.org. We look forward to having many of you engage with us and to make the W3C TPAC Exhibition someplace that the users and technologists of the Web --that's most of the world today-- visit during our event.

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