W3C Team interim travel policy and guidance for continuity of operations
2022-03-24: Update reflecting that W3C Management relaxed previous guidance until further notice: in-person meetings are allowed again, with recommendation that interactions be on an equal basis with other participants in remote locations; W3C staff travel is permitted but remains an individual decision.
2021-03-31: Update reflecting that this is effective until further notice.
2020-03-25: Update reflecting that W3C Management extended until July 15, 2020 the interim W3C Team travel policy and guidance to not hold in-person meetings. Effective immediately and until further notice, W3C Management is relaxing previous guidance. W3C groups may hold in-person meetings. However, W3C Management strongly recommends that all W3C groups considering holding in-person face-to-face meetings take into account the needs of all group participants, by seeking for everyone to interact on an equal basis with other participants in remote locations.
Group Chairs should not have or set the expectation that group participants will travel. In support of the new guidance to groups, the following W3C Team travel policy is now in effect: International travel is no long suspended for staff which is permitted to travel again. Nevertheless, groups should be aware that travel remains an individual decision; managers and groups should not have or set the expectation that W3C staff will travel.
Remote teleconferencing in place of travel may still be preferred, or be the only possible option for an individual. More information can be found in continuity of operations under travel restrictions. With travel restrictions, the world relies even more on online interaction and the World Wide Web is a crucial part of society. Our primary concern is individual and community health. While the spread of the coronavirus has slowed down in the world, the global COVID-19 pandemic is not yet behind us. The following key considerations apply:
- Individual and community health: take care of yourselves and those around you. Even if an individual is not personally at-risk, COVID-19 may be contagious before symptoms appear.
- Unpredictability of border measures and quarantines: international travelers risk getting caught far from home or facing quarantine. In addition, many locations may not allow travel into or out of their country.
- Unpredictability of meeting plans: many conferences are being canceled, and many localities are canceling large gatherings. Many organizations are restricting their employees' travel and events, so in-person meetings are less likely to have critical mass. We must support those who are not permitted to come to in-person meetings.
Previous guidance for historical purpose:
Effective 11 March 2020 and through 15 May (extended till July 15, 2020, extended until further notice) 23 March 2022:
- The W3C Team travel policy prescribes that all international travel is suspended and staff are urged to consider the importance of any domestic travel before agreeing to domestic travel other than commuting. Remote teleconferencing is recommended in place of travel.
- W3C Management also recommends that all W3C groups not hold physical face-to-face meetings and should instead plan virtual equivalents.
- W3M plans on updating the guidance as conditions continue to evolve.