Automotive Industry Launches W3C Group for Bringing Web to Cars

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Today, stakeholders in the automotive industry launched the Automotive and Web Platform Business Group to accelerate the adoption of Web technologies in the automotive industry. The group convenes developers, automotive manufacturers and suppliers, browser vendors, operators and others to discuss how to enhance driving, safety, and passenger entertainment with the Open Web Platform. The group will first focus on defining a Vehicle Data API that will create new opportunities for automotive services via the Web.

W3C first explored the impact of the Open Web Platform on the automotive industry at the November 2012 Web and Automotive Workshop (summary). Participants discussed how location-based services, enhanced safety, entertainment, and integration of social networking will benefit drivers and passengers. In addition, they looked at business drivers for Web technology adoption such as the ability to attract customers with convenient and innovative services, maintain ongoing customer relations, address regulatory requirements, manage mobile payments, and lower development costs.

W3C invites organizations and individuals to join the Automotive and Web Platform Business Group to help ensure that the Open Web Platform meets the unique needs of the automotive industry. Read the press release and testimonials.

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