Twelve RIF Specifications Published

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The Rule Interchange Format Working Group has published a set of twelve documents, advancing the Rule Interchange Format (RIF) to Proposed Edited Recommendation. The Working Group has made minor editorial improvements to its six Recommendations-track specification and its six Working Group Notes, including producing a new RIF Primer.

The Specifications are:

  1. RIF Overview
  2. RIF Core Dialect
  3. RIF Basic Logic Dialect
  4. RIF Production
  5. RIF Framework for Logic Dialects
  6. RIF Datatypes and Built-Ins 1.0
  7. RIF RDF and OWL Compatibility
  8. OWL 2 RL in RIF
  9. RIF Combination with XML data
  10. RIF In RDF
  11. RIF Test Cases
  12. RIF Primer

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