Four XML Security Drafts Published
The XML Security Working Group published four Working Drafts today:
- XML Encryption Syntax and Processing Version 1.1, which specifies a process for encrypting data and representing the result in XML.
- XML Security RELAX NG Schemas, which serves to publish RELAX NG schemas for XML Security specifications, including XML Signature 1.1, and XML Signature Properties.
- XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers. This document augments XML Encryption Version 1.1 by defining algorithms, XML types and elements necessary to enable use of generic hybrid ciphers in XML Security applications. Generic hybrid ciphers allow for a consistent treatment of asymmetric ciphers when encrypting data and consist of a key encapsulation algorithm with associated parameters and a data encapsulation algorithm with associated parameters.
- XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference, which summarizes XML Security algorithm URI identifiers and the specifications associated with them.
Learn more about the Security Activity.