Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group - Publications
- Deliverers
- Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group
This document provides best practices related to the publication and usage of data on the Web designed to help support a self-sustaining ecosystem. Data should be discoverable and understandable by humans and machines. Where data is used in some way, whether by the originator of the data or by an external party, such usage should also be discoverable and the efforts of the data publisher recognized. In short, following these best practices will facilitate interaction between publishers and consumers.
- Deliverers
- Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group
This document provides a framework in which the quality of a dataset can be described, whether by the dataset publisher or by a broader community of users. It does not provide a formal, complete definition of quality, rather, it sets out a consistent means by which information can be provided such that a potential user of a dataset can make his/her own judgment about its fitness for purpose.
- Deliverers
- Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group
Datasets published on the Web are accessed and experienced by consumers in a variety of ways, but little information about these experiences is typically conveyed. Dataset publishers many times lack feedback from consumers about how datasets are used. Consumers lack an effective way to discuss experiences with fellow collaborators and explore referencing material citing the dataset. Datasets as defined by DCAT are a collection of data, published or curated by a single agent, and available for access or download in one or more formats. The Dataset Usage Vocabulary (DUV) is used to describe consumer experiences, citations, and feedback about the dataset from the human perspective.
- Deliverers
- Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group
The Data on the Web Best Practices WG is faced with a substantial challenge in assessing the scope of its work, what problems it should prioritize and what level of advice is most appropriate for it to develop. A a significant amount of work therefore has gone in to collecting use cases from which requirements can be derived for all the WG's planned deliverables. The Use Case document is expected to evolve significantly in future but already today it provides a strong indication of the direction the WG is taking. Further use cases and comments are very welcome.