Sustainability Community Group - Participants
Sustainability Community Group currently has 77 participants representing 43 organizations. View former participants.

Signe Ahm
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Organic Denmark
Syed Nabil Ahmed
Individual CLA commitment
Hamza Alhaj
janat albasaten for import

Allen Ann
Individual CLA commitment

Hrach Avagyan
Individual CLA commitment

Nikolas Becker
German Informatics Society
Xiaol Bi
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with erhvervsakademi midtvest
Hannah Binfield
Tim Blass
Six Agency
Danny Bluestone
Individual CLA commitment

David Bruchmann
Individual CLA commitment

Chris Butterworth

Ioana Chiorean
Interledger Foundation

Pablo Coca
Fundacion CTIC

Andres Correa Casablanca
KindSpells Labs

Laurent Devernay Satyagraha
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Greenspector

Philip Duplisey

J. Carl Ganter
Individual CLA commitment

Antonio Ganzerli
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Individual

Daniel Grigsby

Andrew Hayward-Wright
IAB Europe

Sardana Ivanova
Individual CLA commitment
Maria Kaffa
University of East London

Gregory Louw
Individual CLA commitment
Christopher Murray
Oomph, Inc.

Meghana Nyayapati
Individual CLA commitment

Nicholas Oliveira
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with TELUS Corporation

Edgar Post-Buijs
Individual CLA commitment

Dom Robinson

Claire Thornewill
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Cognizant Netcentric

Maja Trajanoska
Philip Vandenberg
Dimension 85 ltd

Derek Welski
Individual CLA commitment

Teresa Anna Zeck
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
Allan Zhang
Individual CLA commitment