Interledger Payments Community Group - Participants
Interledger Payments Community Group currently has 404 participants representing 111 organizations. View former participants.

Participants on behalf of Organizations
Pascal Aerens
ACE Software
Tristan Blampied
ACE Software
Alright AdTech
Fernando Lunardelli
Alright AdTech
Amden Financial Technology Pty Ltd
Rj Carter
Amden Financial Technology Pty Ltd
AML Sanctions
Crispin Yuen
AML Sanctions
Analyse and Implement
Kunwar Raghava
Analyse and Implement

Arthrex Inc

Bank of America
Philip Eskelin
Bank of America

Russell Kendall
Bank of America
Pablo Alvaro Navidad
Besurance Corporation
Karen Slawinsky
Besurance Corporation
Sylvain Bellemare
Dimitri De Jonghe

Krish Iyer
Rodolphe Marques

Scott Sadler
Germán Lugo
Blockchain University
Jeff Flowers
Blockchain University

Robert Schwentker
Blockchain University

Danny Yang
Kiara Robles

Calypso Technology
Jean Safar
Calypso Technology

Capgemini India
Ramandeep Singh
Capgemini India
Capgemini USA
Bart Cant
Capgemini USA
Capital One
Peter Davey
Capital One
Dan Robinson
Darron Dickinson
Coil Technologies, Inc.
Desigan Chinniah
Coil Technologies, Inc.

Renjith Palamattom
Coil Technologies, Inc.
Uchi Uchibeke
Coil Technologies, Inc.
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Lilian Leung
Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Joanne Friedman
Gonen Tiberg
Crédit Agricole Payment Services
Harris Monteiro Da Silva
Crédit Agricole Payment Services
Payson Johnston
Jonathan Reiter
Mahesh Govind
Digital Asset Holdings
Shaul Kfir
Digital Asset Holdings
Digital Bazaar

Digital Escrow Services
Mark Batten-Carew
Digital Escrow Services
Jaime Echegaray
EarthBenign, P.B.C.
Tapan Bhargave
EarthBenign, P.B.C.

Joe Glaeser
EarthBenign, P.B.C.
eBank Ltd
Dennis Charter
eBank Ltd
John Mahon
Eamon McNamee
Lui Smyth
Daniel Kaminski de Souza

Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
Yoon Daegeun
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)

Morjan Alem
Josep Alvarez

Isaac Arruebarrena

Manuel Polo

Dominique Guinard

Laurence Kirk

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Patrick Adler
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Jason Moens
FUSION Foundation
Zhaojun He
FUSION Foundation

Gavigan Consulting
Jack Gavigan
Gavigan Consulting
George Barckley

Glenbrook Partners
Carol Coye Benson
Glenbrook Partners
Tengku Azman bin Tengku Abdullah

Nathalie Salami

Illyriad Games
Ben Adams
Illyriad Games

Infosys Limited
Pramod Kamath
Infosys Limited
Intelligent Partner

Interledger Foundation
Ioana Chiorean
Interledger Foundation

Alejandro Galindo
Isban Uk
Javier Romero
Isban Uk

Bhaves Shah
Kashori Corporation
John Black
Kashori Corporation

Kava Labs Inc
Brian Kerr
Kava Labs Inc

KB Kontrakt
Mikhail Chekanov
KB Kontrakt

KBC Group
Koen Vingerhoets
KBC Group
Kerala Blockchain Academy
Adarsh S
Kerala Blockchain Academy

Kwang Yul Seo
Kraken Developments Pty Ltd
Trevor Wistaff
Kraken Developments Pty Ltd

Jake Benson
Sergey Ukustov
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
William Lopez-Cordero
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Media IQ Ltd
Dennis Yurkevich
Media IQ Ltd

Michigan Bitcoiners
Tiffany Hayden
Michigan Bitcoiners

Thomas Slawnyk
Michigan Bitcoiners

Marc Wood
Michigan Bitcoiners
Markus Geiss
Moochain Technology Co.Ltd.
Bo Su
Moochain Technology Co.Ltd.
My Wallet Guru
Fernando Almiñana Salvatierra
My Wallet Guru

National Technical University of Athens
Michael Petychakis
National Technical University of Athens

Abhishek Raj

OpenJS Foundation
Kris Borchers
OpenJS Foundation
Outlier Ventures
Aron van Ammers
Outlier Ventures

Outplay Games
Paul Gadi
Outplay Games

P2P Cash
Morris Mwanga
P2P Cash

Mountie Lee

Pentandra Research Solutions, Inc.
Chris Chapman
Pentandra Research Solutions, Inc.

Ponder Source

Adam Locklin

Razorthink Inc.
Basanth Verma
Razorthink Inc.
Rafael Pereira
Ayush Aggarwal
Ross Edwards
David Schwartz
Michael Warnock
Craig Weisenfluh
Sappenin Inc.
David Fuelling
Sappenin Inc.
Schibsted Products & Technology
Emil Vaagland
Schibsted Products & Technology
Shreyan Advisory Corporation
Pramod Attarde
Shreyan Advisory Corporation
Skuchain, Inc.
Srinivasan Sriram
Skuchain, Inc.

Sergey Nazarov
Solidi Ltd
Jamie McNaught
Solidi Ltd
SolidX Partners
Bob Mcelrath
SolidX Partners
Shane McCarron

Tapify Pty Limited
Dale Brett
Tapify Pty Limited
Teketkom Shalimov

Jae Kwon

Jim Yang

Luciano Tess
Craig Worrall
Roger Bass
John Haggard
University of Ljubljana
Vlado Stankovski
University of Ljubljana

USD Mint Inc
Richard OBryan
USD Mint Inc

Marc Blanchet
Vienna University of Technology
Stefan Schulte
Vienna University of Technology
Virtual Organization Management Institute
Pierre Coupet
Virtual Organization Management Institute
VRoom Technology LLC

WeFindX Foundation

Wells Fargo
Michael Dowling
Wells Fargo
Wipro Technologies
Yoan Tournade
Participants as Individuals
Participants who made Individual CLA Commitments:
Amarilys Abreu
Individual CLA commitment
Nick Addison
Individual CLA commitment
Dave Adsett
Individual CLA commitment
Elusio Alcalde
Individual CLA commitment

Fabrice Alomo
Individual CLA commitment

Nurazril Amirarif
Individual CLA commitment

Jermaine Anderson
Individual CLA commitment
Ken Anderson
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with LaunchBadge LLC

Samuel Andert
Individual CLA commitment

Neil Appalsamy
Individual CLA commitment

Anivar Aravind
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Swathanthra Malayalam Computing
Sam Azer
Individual CLA commitment

Nabil Babaci
Individual CLA commitment

Dushyant Balasubramani
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Infosys Limited
Deepak Banwait
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Maldeeban
Johann Barbie
Individual CLA commitment
Bruno Batavia
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Bateman
Individual CLA commitment
Aditya Bates
Individual CLA commitment
Mike Bennett
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with EDM Council

Dmitriy Berenzon
Individual CLA commitment
Paul Berg
Individual CLA commitment

Sabine Bertram
Individual CLA commitment
Roman Bischoff
Individual CLA commitment
Dmitriy Bogomolov
Individual CLA commitment
Van Bui
Individual CLA commitment

Mark Tristan Bustillo
Individual CLA commitment
Louis Buys
Individual CLA commitment
Youngsam Byun
Individual CLA commitment

Luiz Gustavo Caciatori
Individual CLA commitment

Felipph Calado
Individual CLA commitment
Raphael Carrier
Individual CLA commitment

Cyril Cassagnes
Individual CLA commitment
Roberto Catini
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with IMT Lucca
Jimmy Chang
Individual CLA commitment

Donovan Changfoot
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Chapman
Individual CLA commitment
Hall Charter
Individual CLA commitment
Bruce Chen
Individual CLA commitment
Timtor Chen
Individual CLA commitment

Wen Chen
Individual CLA commitment
Xiaming Chen
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Transwarp

Sai C Cherukumilli
Individual CLA commitment

Kok Yick Cho
Individual CLA commitment
Pierre Clisson
Individual CLA commitment
Lee Danny
Individual CLA commitment
Matthew de Haast
Individual CLA commitment
Tim Delhaes
Individual CLA commitment

Joel Dion
Individual CLA commitment
Juri Dmitrijev
Individual CLA commitment
Zhongli Dong
Individual CLA commitment
Pietro Donnini
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Regesta.exe
Alpesh Doshi
Individual CLA commitment
Jeremie Dubois-Lacoste
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with RISE Financial Technologies Ltd.
Michael Dupree
Individual CLA commitment

Veikko Eeva
Individual CLA commitment

Marko Eremija
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Academic Network of Serbia

David Escalante
Individual CLA commitment

Ben Fasa
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Fazio
Individual CLA commitment
Ayden Ferdeline
Individual CLA commitment
Robert Benjamin Finlay
Individual CLA commitment
Nathan Fischer
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Sipree Inc.
Sergij Foski
Individual CLA commitment
Christopher Franko
Individual CLA commitment

Malachai Frazier
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Friedman
Individual CLA commitment
Ryan Fugger
Individual CLA commitment
Jonathan Fulton
Individual CLA commitment
Michele Furci
Individual CLA commitment
Abhijit Gaikwad
Individual CLA commitment
Ryan Gaiss
Individual CLA commitment
Olivier Galaud
Individual CLA commitment
Fu Gao
Individual CLA commitment
Mark Germain
Individual CLA commitment
Andreas Gmuender
Individual CLA commitment

Bennett Gordon
Individual CLA commitment
Karl Grant
Individual CLA commitment
Jason Green
Individual CLA commitment

Piyush Gupta
Individual CLA commitment

Thomas Haas
Individual CLA commitment
Babatunde Hammed
Individual CLA commitment
Mike Han
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Splend Ltd

Loïc Hänggeli
Individual CLA commitment
Thomas Hardjono
Individual CLA commitment
Khizer Hayat
Individual CLA commitment
Matthias Hehn
Individual CLA commitment
Kosuke Hirano
Individual CLA commitment
Evan Hubinger
Individual CLA commitment

Eamonn Hynes
Individual CLA commitment

Adnan Iqbal
Individual CLA commitment

Stephen Jack
Individual CLA commitment
Vettri Jagannathan
Individual CLA commitment
Jeff Jeff
Individual CLA commitment

Daniela Jindra
Individual CLA commitment

Jean-Francois Jobidon
Individual CLA commitment
Karol Karpinski
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with World Bank Group
Shinichi Kasahara
Individual CLA commitment
Aniket Kate
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Purdue University

Jaka Kejzar
Individual CLA commitment
Kyle Kemper
Individual CLA commitment
Ahmed Khaleel
Individual CLA commitment

Kihyung Kim
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Ajou University
Yoshihiro Kimura
Individual CLA commitment

John Kosmetos
Individual CLA commitment

Igor Kostyuchenok
Individual CLA commitment

Sanjiv Kumar Krishnamurthy
Individual CLA commitment
Subash Krishnan
Individual CLA commitment
Casey Kuhlman
Individual CLA commitment
George Kurdin
Individual CLA commitment
Hyug Bin Kwon
Individual CLA commitment
Colin Lacina
Individual CLA commitment
Tim Lackey
Individual CLA commitment
Dave Lampton
Individual CLA commitment

Aj Langley
Individual CLA commitment
Jorge Laranjo
Individual CLA commitment
Francis Leclerc
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Societe Generale
Chang Hwan Lee
Individual CLA commitment

Jorge Lesmes
Individual CLA commitment

Oliver Leung
Individual CLA commitment
Arie Y. Levy Cohen
Individual CLA commitment

Andrew Li
Individual CLA commitment
Qiyang Li
Individual CLA commitment
Brad Liebmann
Individual CLA commitment
Romero Lijkwan
Individual CLA commitment

Per Lind
Individual CLA commitment

Tony Liu
Individual CLA commitment

Otto Liuhtonen
Individual CLA commitment

Vuong Luu tri
Individual CLA commitment
Koji Machi
Individual CLA commitment
Max Main
Individual CLA commitment
Reem Mandil
Individual CLA commitment
Patrick Manhardt
Individual CLA commitment
Didier Martin
Individual CLA commitment

Michael McClure
Individual CLA commitment

Robert McLeod
Individual CLA commitment
Jacinto Mendez
Individual CLA commitment

Koushik Meneni
Individual CLA commitment
Dan Miller
Individual CLA commitment
Alexa Miner
Individual CLA commitment
Yassin Mobarak
Individual CLA commitment

Marco Montes
Individual CLA commitment

John Muzza
Individual CLA commitment
Christopher Mylonas
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Komodo Platform

Michael Nagy Teodoro
Individual CLA commitment
Pivendren Naik
Individual CLA commitment
Kei Nakajima
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Honda Motor Co., Ltd
Taiga Nakayama
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with DeNA Co.,Ltd.

Neha Narula
Individual CLA commitment

Manfred Neustifter
Individual CLA commitment

Chaki Ng
Individual CLA commitment

Tien Nguyen
Individual CLA commitment
David Nicol
Individual CLA commitment
Takeo Nishikata
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Yutaka Ohtake
Individual CLA commitment
Patrick Opie
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Accenture

Rotimi Orimoloye
Individual CLA commitment

Anatoly Ostrovsky
Individual CLA commitment
Akshay Padinjarethadathil
Individual CLA commitment
Ankit Parashar
Individual CLA commitment

Minsung Park
Individual CLA commitment
Prateek Parmar
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Tata Consultancy Services
Giovanni Parra
Individual CLA commitment
Ondrej Paulovic
Individual CLA commitment
Robert Pickup
Individual CLA commitment
Chuck Pierson
Individual CLA commitment
Roger Price
Individual CLA commitment
Warren Puckett
Individual CLA commitment
Nasser Rahal
Individual CLA commitment
Austin Raj
Individual CLA commitment
Rajkannan Rajan
Individual CLA commitment
Ajay Rambocus
Individual CLA commitment
Audrius Ramoska
Individual CLA commitment

Vikram Ranganathan
Individual CLA commitment
Kevin Reddy
Individual CLA commitment

David Remy
Individual CLA commitment
Jeff Richardson
Individual CLA commitment
Matej Rizman
Individual CLA commitment
Steven Roose
Individual CLA commitment
Roy Hodge Roy Hodge
Individual CLA commitment
Volker Rudolph
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with p8box

Antonio Ruiz Martínez
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Murcia
Chidananda Sahoo
Individual CLA commitment
H Sakidin
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with 3nity
Patrick Salami
Individual CLA commitment

Sambhav Sambhav
Individual CLA commitment
Lamine Sano
Individual CLA commitment
William Santiago
Individual CLA commitment

Javi Santos
Individual CLA commitment
Redouane Sassioui
Individual CLA commitment
Saatvika Sathi
Individual CLA commitment
Apoorv Raj Saxena
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Jokanomy
Giulia Scaffino
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Vienna University of Technology
Türker Şentürk
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Glokal Dijital Hizmetler Pazarlama ve Ticaret A.Ş. - Hepsiemlak

Aakash Shah
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Veeva Systems
Abdi Shakur
Individual CLA commitment
Drew Shepard
Individual CLA commitment
Ben Shi
Individual CLA commitment
David Simmons
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Oxford University
Sudheesh Singanamalla
Individual CLA commitment

Aman Singh
Individual CLA commitment
Adam Smith
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Smolenski
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Midasium

Julio Soares
Individual CLA commitment

Samuel Staniec
Individual CLA commitment
Julian Steinwachs
Individual CLA commitment
Rosalind Stengle
Individual CLA commitment
Wayne Steppe
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Ecentric Payment Systems
Nobuo Sudo
Individual CLA commitment
Wojtek Swiderski
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Oscar Health
Daniel Szego
Individual CLA commitment
Masakazu Tanami
Individual CLA commitment
Evan Tedesco
Individual CLA commitment
Niccolò Travia
Individual CLA commitment

Jehan Tremback
Individual CLA commitment
Duc Trinh
Individual CLA commitment
Steven Truong
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of California, Berkeley

Kunio Tsubonuma
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with SCSK Corporation
Steve Tuenkam
Individual CLA commitment

Yanesh Tyagi
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with PayCommerce Inc.

Asbjørn Ulsberg
Individual CLA commitment

Damian Valdez
Individual CLA commitment
Xavier Vasavarlibodensky
Individual CLA commitment
Adam Vaziri
Individual CLA commitment
Eliezer Vieira
Individual CLA commitment
Pushpendra Vikram
Individual CLA commitment

Hans Christian von Stockhausen
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Ernst & Young LLP
Ann Vroom
Individual CLA commitment
Brian Walden
Individual CLA commitment
Eric Wall
Individual CLA commitment
Francis Walugembe
Individual CLA commitment
Valery Wandji
Individual CLA commitment
Jing Wang
Individual CLA commitment
Alex Waters
Individual CLA commitment
Jeroen Werkhoven
Individual CLA commitment
John Whelan
Individual CLA commitment
Will White
Individual CLA commitment
Throop Wilder
Individual CLA commitment
Terry Wilkinson
Individual CLA commitment
Phil Wilson
Individual CLA commitment
Aung Winthan
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with USADATA
André Wolke
Individual CLA commitment
Pindar Wong
Individual CLA commitment

Jeff Wood
Individual CLA commitment
Jonathan Woolsey
Individual CLA commitment
John R. Wylie
Individual CLA commitment
Kabel Yang
Individual CLA commitment

Pedro Yelamo
Individual CLA commitment
Metin Yentur
Individual CLA commitment
Evan Yonathan
Individual CLA commitment

Junsic Youn
Individual CLA commitment
Steven Zeiler
Individual CLA commitment
Allan Zhang
Individual CLA commitment
Chen Zhiliang
Individual CLA commitment
Joe Zou
Individual CLA commitment
Firdaus Zuraka
Individual CLA commitment
阿伟 毛
Individual CLA commitment